Reputation: 408
I'm trying to get The Folder Info and Security Info for all the folders on our server. But I'm not to familiar with Powershell here. Mind helping a newbie?
How to do I get the Security acl piped into the Text file? Along with just the member objects of Folder Name, Size, sub folder count?
# Step 1 Get Folder Path
function Select-Folder($message='Select a folder', $path = 0) {
$object = New-Object -comObject Shell.Application
$folder = $object.BrowseForFolder(0, $message, 0, $path)
if ($folder -ne $null) {
#Step 2:Search For Directories
$dirToAudit = Get-ChildItem -Path (Select-Folder 'Select some folder!') -recurse | Where {$_.psIsContainer -eq $true}
foreach ($dir in $dirToAudit)
#Step 3: Output: [Folder Path, Name, Security Owner, Size, Folder Count]
#Pipe To CSV Text File
Get-Acl -Path $dir.FullName | Select-Object PSPath, Path,Owner | export-csv C:\temp\SecurityData.csv
#I also want the Folder path, Size and SubFolder Count
#Step 4: Open in Excel
invoke-item -path C:\temp\SecurityData.csv
Here's some sites that I found useful on the subject:
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Views: 4820
Reputation: 201592
This task isn't particularly easy. First you will want to create a custom object that contains the properties you want. These properties will be added via different commands e.g.:
$objs = Get-ChildItem . -r |
Where {$_.PSIsContainer} |
Foreach {new-object psobject -prop @{Path=$_.FullName;Name=$_.Name;FolderCount=$_.GetDirectories().Length}}
$objs = $objs | Foreach { Add-Member NoteProperty Owner ((Get-Acl $_.Path).Owner) -Inp $_ -PassThru}
$objs | Export-Csv C:\temp\data.csv
Getting the folder size will take some extra work to compute.
Upvotes: 2