Nick Delben
Nick Delben

Reputation: 95

Java recursive sudoku solver, recursive function does not return correct value

I am working a sudoku solver and am having trouble returning / ending the solver function correctly. The show() in the moveOn() function gets called and it displays the compleated sudoku fine, however solve returns false. I am trying to have solve return true when the problem is solved and null when it is unsolveable however do not know how to accomplish this.

L is the length of the board (a 9 x 9 sudoku would have L = 9)

getSquare(r,c) returns the value in a 2 dimensional array representing the sudoku board

the different check functions check to see if a value can fit in a specific location. They are not the issue.

the show() function prints out the array in console so it looks like a proper sudoku board.

I also have an isSolved() function that checks the 2D array and if it is a valid solved sudoku returns true, otherweise returns false. I have attempted to implement this as well into the solve() method hoping to use that to return true, though have had no success

//This method's only purpose it to call the findNum function on the next location in the sudoku
public void moveOn(int row, int column) {
    //if the previous location was not the last in the row move to ne next cell in said row.
    //if it was the last location in the row, move to the first column of the next row
    if (column + 1 != L) {solve(row, column + 1);}
    else if (row + 1 != L) {solve(row + 1, 0);}
    else {show();}

//This method finds a valid number for a specific location on the sudoku grid\
public boolean solve(int row, int column) {
    if (row >= L) {return true;}
    //pass over any numbers that are not empty
    if (getSquare(row, column) != 0) {moveOn(row, column);}
    else {
        //attempt to find a valid number for the location
        for (int n = 1; n <= L; n++) {
            if (checkRow(row, n) && checkCol(column, n) && checkSquare(row, column, n)) {
                // If a number is allowed at a specific location set that location to the number
                setSquare(row, column, n);
                //Begin checking for a solution based on previous numbers changed           
                moveOn(row, column);
        //If no number is allowed in this space backtrack to the last successful number 
        //changed and reset all locations that have been changed recursively
        setSquare(row, column, 0);          
    //If the puzzle is unsolveable
    return false;

Many thanks to anybody that can help shed some light on the situation. If more of my code / information is needed I will gladly provide

Sample input file:

Edit: complete code removed

Upvotes: 1

Views: 1925

Answers (2)


Reputation: 19

This code works...

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class Sudoku {

    public static int suRows=9;
    public static int suColumns=9;
    public static int [][] suArray = new int[suRows][suColumns];
    public static int [] dummyRowArray = new int[suRows];
    public static int [] dummyColArray = new int[suColumns];
    public static int [][] dummy3x3Array = new int[3][3];
    public static int [] dummyArray = new int[9];

    //read the contents of the file into a 2 dimensional array
    public static void readSudoku() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException
        System.out.print("Please enter the full file name containing the Sudoku Puzzle (e.g:X:/sudoku_case1.txt):");
        Scanner scan = new Scanner (;
        String filename = scan.nextLine();
        File file = new File( filename );

       if ( file.exists() )  
           Scanner inFile = new Scanner( file );
           for(int i=0; i<suRows; i++)
                for(int j=0; j<suColumns; j++)
                    if(inFile.hasNextInt())   suArray[i][j] = inFile.nextInt();

    public static boolean inOrder(int [] a, int i, int j)
        return a[i]<=a[j];

    public static void swap(int [] a, int i, int j)
        int tmp = a[i];
        a[i] = a[j];
        a[j] = tmp;

    public static void exchangeSort(int [] a)
        for(int i=0;i<a.length;i++)
            for(int j=1;j<a.length-i;j++)
                if(!inOrder(a,j-1,j))    swap(a,j-1,j);

    public static void displaySudoku(int [][] suArray)
        for(int i=0; i<suArray.length;i++)
            for(int j=0; j<suArray[i].length;j++)
                System.out.print(" ");

    //Check if there are any more zeros
    public static boolean isComplete(int [][]suArray)
        boolean result=true;

        //Check every element for 0
        for(int i=0; i<suArray[0].length; i++)
            for(int j=0 ; j<suRows ; j++)
                if(suArray[i][j]==0) return false;
        System.out.println("There are no zeros in this Sudoku");
        return result;

    //Check for adjacent duplicates
    public static boolean isAdjacentDup(int [] a)
        for(int i=1; i<a.length; i++)
            if((a[i-1]!=0 || a[i]!=0))
                     if(a[i-1]==a[i]) return true;
        return false;    

    //Check for 1 through 9
    public static boolean is1to9(int [] a)
        int j=1;
        for(int i=0; i<a.length; i++)
            if(a[i]==j) j++;
            else return false;
        return true;    

    public static boolean isDuplicate(int [][]suArray)
        boolean result=false;

        //Check every row for duplicates
        for(int i=0; i<suArray[0].length; i++)
            for(int j=0 ; j<suRows ; j++)

            //Sort dummyArray so that duplicates can be checked

            //Now check Adjacent elements for duplicates
                System.out.println("Duplicates are found in row");
                return true;



        //Check every column for duplicates 
        for(int j=0; j<suArray[0].length; j++)
            for(int i=0 ; i<suColumns ; i++)

            //Sort dummyArray so that duplicates can be checked

            //Now check Adjacent elements for duplicates
                System.out.println("Duplicates are found in columns");
                return true;




        //Check every 3X3 matrix for duplicates
        // 1st block 
            System.out.println("1st Block has a duplicate");
            return true;
        else System.out.println("1st Block has no duplicate");
        // 2nd block 
            System.out.println("2nd Block has a duplicate");
            return true;
        // 3rd block 
            System.out.println("3rd Block has a duplicate");
            return true;
        // 4th block 
            System.out.println("4th Block has a duplicate");
            return true;
        // 5th block 
            System.out.println("5th Block has a duplicate");
            return true;
        // 6th block 
            System.out.println("6th Block has a duplicate");
            return true;
        // 7th block 
            System.out.println("7th Block has a duplicate");
            return true;
        // 8th block 
            System.out.println("8th Block has a duplicate");
            return true;
        // 9th block 
            System.out.println("9th Block has a duplicate");
            return true;

        return result;

    //Check every3X3 grid for duplicates
    public static boolean is3x3Duplicate(int [][]suArray, int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2)
        boolean result=false;
        int k=0, l=0;

        for(int i=x1; i<x2;i++)
            for(int j=y1;j<y2;j++)


        for(int i=0; i<dummy3x3Array.length; i++)
            for(int j=0; j<dummy3x3Array.length; j++)
                dummyArray[(i*dummy3x3Array.length) + j] = dummy3x3Array[i][j];


        //Sort dummyArray so that duplicates can be checked

        //Now check Adjacent elements for duplicates
            System.out.println("Duplicates are found in blocks");
            return true;

        return result;

     //Check every3X3 grid for 1 trough 9
    public static boolean is3x3have1to9(int [][]suArray, int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2)
        boolean result=false;
        int k=0, l=0;

        for(int i=x1; i<x2;i++)

            for(int j=y1;j<y2;j++)


        for(int i=0; i<dummy3x3Array.length; i++)
            for(int j=0; j<dummy3x3Array.length; j++)
                dummyArray[(i*dummy3x3Array.length) + j] = dummy3x3Array[i][j];

        //Sort dummyArray so that duplicates can be checked

        //Now check Adjacent elements for duplicates
            System.out.println("Block doe snot have 1 through 9");
            return false;

        return result;

    public static boolean isValidSudoku(int [][] suArray)
      //  boolean result=true;

        //All nos should be between 0 and 9 
        for(int i=0; i<suArray.length; i++)
            for(int j=0; j<suArray[i].length; j++)
                    if(suArray[i][j]<0 || suArray[i][j]>9){
                        System.out.println("Nos in the puzzle are out of range");
                        return false;

        //Call teh isDuplicate function to check for duplicates in the rows
        if( isDuplicate(suArray)==true) return false;

        return true;


    public static boolean isSolvedSudoku(int [][] suArray)
         //Check every row for 1 to 9
        for(int i=0; i<suArray[0].length; i++)

            for(int j=0 ; j<suRows ; j++)

            //Sort dummyArray so that duplicates can be checked

                System.out.println("1 through 9 not present in rows");
                return false;

        //Check every column for 1 to 9
        for(int j=0; j<suArray[0].length; j++)

            for(int i=0 ; i<suColumns ; i++)

            //Sort dummyArray so that duplicates can be checked

            //Now check Adjacent elements for duplicates
                System.out.println("1 through 9 not present in columns");
                return false;


         //Check every 3X3 matrix for 1 through 9
        // 1st block 
            System.out.println("1st Block does not contain 1 through 9");
            return false;
        // 2nd block 
            System.out.println("2nd Block does not contain 1 through 9");
            return false;
        // 3rd block 
            System.out.println("3rd Block does not contain 1 through 9");
            return false;
        // 4th block 
            System.out.println("4th Block does not contain 1 through 9");
            return false;
        // 5th block 
            System.out.println("5th Block does not contain 1 through 9");
            return false;
        // 6th block 
            System.out.println("6th Block does not contain 1 through 9");
            return false;
        // 7th block 
            System.out.println("7th Block does not contain 1 through 9");
            return false;
        // 8th block 
            System.out.println("8th Block does not contain 1 through 9");
            return false;
        // 9th block 
            System.out.println("9th Block does not contain 1 through 9");
            return false;

        return true;

    public static boolean solveSudoku(int [][] s)
        //Check if Valid
        if(isValidSudoku(suArray)==true) System.out.println("Sudoku is valid");
            System.out.println("Not valid!");
            return false;
        //Check if Complete - No 0's in any place
            System.out.println("Sudoku is Complete");
            return true;
        else System.out.println("Sudoku is not Complete");

        //Check if solved - 1-9 present in every row, column and 3x3
        if(isSolvedSudoku(suArray)==true) System.out.println("Sudoku is Solved!");
        else System.out.println("Not Solved");   

        //Locate the first 0 in the Sudoko puzzle
        for(int i=0; i<suArray.length; i++)
            for(int j=0 ; j<suArray[i].length ; j++)
                    System.out.println("0 found in location: " + i +"   " + j );
                    for(int k=1;k<10;k++)
                        System.out.println("New value assigned to Sudoku: " + k);
                        if(solveSudoku(suArray))// isValidSudoku(suArray))
                            System.out.println("New value assigned to Sudoku");
                            return true;

                    return false;  // remove this

        return true;

    public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {


        if( (isValidSudoku(suArray)!=true))
            System.out.println("The given Sudoku Puzzle is not Valid!. Exiting....");

                System.out.println("Sudoku is Completely Solved!");


                System.out.println("Sudoku is now solved");

            else System.out.println("Not Complete");  


        System.out.println("Sudoku is now completely solved:");


Upvotes: -1

Daniel Fischer
Daniel Fischer

Reputation: 183978

You have only one return statement in the solve function, and that is

return false;

and since that is the last statement in the function, and unconditionally executed, solve will, unless an exception is thrown, always return false.

To get a return value that actually tells you whether you found a solution, you need to make the return value depend on a condition. Also, once you have found a solution, for well-posed puzzles, there is no point in continuing to search.

So you should add a conditional return true; in the searching loop. For that, you need to know when you have found a solution. You wrap the recursion in an intermediate call to moveOn, so the simplest change would be to add a return value to moveOn:

public boolean moveOn(int row, int column) {
    //if the previous location was not the last in the row move to ne next cell in said row.
    //if it was the last location in the row, move to the first column of the next row
    if (column + 1 != L) {return solve(row, column + 1);}
    else if (row + 1 != L) {return solve(row + 1, 0);}
    else {show(); return true;}  // reached end of grid, solved

and use that in `solve':

public boolean solve(int row, int column) {
    //pass over any numbers that are not empty
    if (getSquare(row, column) != 0) {return moveOn(row, column);}
    else {
        //attempt to find a valid number for the location
        for (int n = 1; n <= L; n++) {
            if (checkRow(row, n) && checkCol(column, n) && checkSquare(row, column, n)) {
                // If a number is allowed at a specific location set that location to the number
                setSquare(row, column, n);
                //Begin checking for a solution based on previous numbers changed           
                if (moveOn(row, column)) {
                    return true;       // solved, yay!
        //If no number is allowed in this space backtrack to the last successful number 
        //changed and reset all locations that have been changed recursively
        setSquare(row, column, 0);          
    //If the puzzle is unsolveable
    return false;

Upvotes: 2

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