Reputation: 17043
I know this is subjective, but I'd like to know peoples opinions and hopefully some best practices that I can apply when designing sql server table structures.
I personally feel that keying a table on a fixed (max) length varchar is a no-no, because it means having to also propogate the same fixed length across any other tables that use this as a foreign key. Using an int
, would avoid having to apply the same length across the board, which is bound to lead to human error, i.e. 1 table has varchar (10)
, and the other varchar (20)
This sounds like a nightmare to initially setup, plus means future maintaining of the tables is cumbersome too. For example, say the keyed varchar column suddenly becomes 12 chars instead of 10. You now have to go and update all the other tables, which could be a huge task years down the line.
Am I wrong? Have I missed something here? I'd like to know what others think of this and if sticking with int for primary keys is the best way to avoid maintainace nightmares.
Upvotes: 23
Views: 17669
Reputation: 294487
When choosing the primary key usualy you also choose the clustered key. Them two are often confused, but you have to understand the difference.
Primary keys are logical business elements. The primary key is used by your application to identify an entity, and the discussion about primary keys is largely wether to use natural keys or surrogate key. The links go into much more detail, but the basic idea is that natural keys are derived from an existing entity property like ssn
or phone number
, while surrogate keys have no meaning whatsoever with regard to the business entity, like id
or rowid
and they are usually of type IDENTITY
or some sort of uuid. My personal opinion is that surrogate keys are superior to natural keys, and the choice should be always identity values for local only applicaitons, guids for any sort of distributed data. A primary key never changes during the lifetime of the entity.
Clustered keys are the key that defines the physical storage of rows in the table. Most times they overlap with the primary key (the logical entity identifier), but that is not actually enforced nor required. When the two are different it means there is a non-clustered unique index on the table that implements the primary key. Clustered key values can actualy change during the lifetime of the row, resulting in the row being physically moved in the table to a new location. If you have to separate the primary key from the clustered key (and sometimes you do), choosing a good clustered key is significantly harder than choosing a primary key. There are two primary factors that drive your clustered key design:
Data Access Pattern. By this I understand the way the table is queried and updated. Remember that clustered keys determine the actual order of the rows in the table. For certain access patterns, some layouts make all the difference in the world in regard to query speed or to update concurency:
current vs. archive data. In many applications the data belonging to the current month is frequently accessed, while the one in the past is seldom accessed. In such cases the table design uses table partitioning by transaction date, often times using a sliding window algorithm. The current month partition is kept on filegroup located a hot fast disk, the archived old data is moved to filegroups hosted on cheaper but slower storage. Obviously in this case the clustered key (date) is not the primary key (transaction id). The separation of the two is driven by the scale requirements, as the query optimizer will be able to detect that the queries are only interested in the current partition and not even look at the historic ones.
FIFO queue style processing. In this case the table has two hot spots: the tail where inserts occur (enqueue), and the head where deletes occur (dequeue). The clustered key has to take this into account and organize the table as to physically separate the tail and head location on disk, in order to allow for concurency between enqueue and dequeue, eg. by using an enqueue order key. In pure queues this clustered key is the only key, since there is no primary key on the table (it contains messages, not entities). But most times the queue is not pure, it also acts as the storage for the entities, and the line between the queue and the table is blured. In this case there is also a primary key, which cannot be the clustered key: entities may be re-enqueued, thus changing the enqueue order clustered key value, but they cannot change the primary key value. Failure to see the separation is the primary reason why user table backed queues are so notoriously hard to get right and riddled with deadlocks: because the enqueue and dequeue occur interleaved trought the table, instead of localized at the tail and the head of the queue.
Correlated processing. When the application is well designed it will partition processing of correlated items between its worker threads. For instance a processor is designed to have 8 worker thread (say to match the 8 CPUs on the server) so the processors partition the data amongst themselves, eg. worker 1 picks up only accounts named A to E, worker 2 F to J etc. In such cases the table should be actually clustered by the account name (or by a composite key that has the leftmost position the first letter of account name), so that workers localize their queries and updates in the table. Such a table would have 8 distinct hot spots, around the area each worker concentrates at the moment, but the important thing is that they don't overlap (no blocking). This kind of design is prevalent on high throughput OLTP designs and in TPCC benchmark loads, where this kind of partitioning also reflects in the memory location of the pages loaded in the buffer pool (NUMA locality), but I digress.
Storage Considerations. The clustered key width has huge repercursions in the storage of the table. For one the key occupies space in every non-leaf page of the b-tree, so a large key will occupy more space. Second, and often more important, is that the clustered key is used as the lookup key by every non-clustred key, so every non-clustered key will have to store the full width of the clustered key for each row. This is what makes large clustered keys like varchar(256) and guids poor choices for clustered index keys.
Also the choice of the key has impact on the clustered index fragmentation, sometimes drastically affecting performance.
These two forces can sometimes be antagonistic, the data access pattern requiring a certain large clustered key which will cause storage problems. In such cases of course a balance is needed, but there is no magic formula. You measure and you test to get to the sweet spot.
So what do we make from all this? Always start with considering clustered key that is also the primary key of the form entity_id IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL
. Separate the two and organize the table accordingly (eg. partition by date) when appropiate.
Upvotes: 50
Reputation: 598
Keeping in mind that this is quite old a question, I still want to make the case for using varchar with surrogate keys fur future readers:
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1057
Based on going through this exercise countless times and then supporting the system with the results, there are some caveats to the blanket statement that INT is always better. In general, unless there is a reason, I would go along with that. However, in the trenches, here are some pros and cons.
Hard to Use - Even an experienced programmer cannot remember a guid. When troubleshooting, it is often frustrating to have to copy and paste identifiers for queries, especially if the support is being done with a remote access tool. It is much easier to constantly refer to SELECT * FROM Xxx WHERE ID = 7 than SELECT * FROM Xxx WHERE ID = 'DF63F4BD-7DC1-4DEB-959B-4D19012A6306'
Indexing - using a clustered index for a guid field requires constant rearrangement of the data pages and is not as efficient to index as INTs or even short strings. It can kill performance - don't do it.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 1841
If Joe Celko was on here, he would have some harsh words... ;-)
I want to point out that INTs as a hard and fast rule aren't always appropriate. Say you have a vehicle table with all types of cars trucks, etc. Now say you had a VehicleType table. If you wanted to get all trucks you might do this (with an INT identity seed):
SELECT V.Make, V.Model
FROM Vehicle as V
INNER JOIN VehicleType as VT
ON V.VehicleTypeID = VT.VehicleTypeID
WHERE VT.VehicleTypeName = 'Truck'
Now, with a Varchar PK on VehicleType:
SELECT Make, Model
FROM Vehicle
WHERE VehicleTypeName = 'Truck'
The code is a little cleaner and you avoid a join. Perhaps the join isn't the end of the world, but if you only have one tool in your toolbox, you're missing some opportunities for performance gains and cleaner schemas.
Just a thought. :-)
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 548
We have to keep in mind that the primary key of a table should not have "business logic" and it should be only an identity of the record it belongs. Following this simple rule an int and especially an identity int is a very good solution. By asking about varchar I guess that you mean using for example the "Full Name" as a key to the "people" table. But what if we want to change the name from "George Something" to "George A. Something" ? And what size will the field be ? If we change the size we have to change the size on all foreign tables too. So we should avoid logic on keys. Sometimes we can use the social ID (integer value) as key but I avoid that too. Now if a project has the prospects to scale up you should consider using Guids too (uniqueidentifier SQL type).
Upvotes: 0
One should think hard about whether 32-bit range is enough for what you're doing. Twitter's status IDs were 32-bit INTs and they had trouble when they ran out.
Whether to use a BIGINT or a UUID/GUID in that situation is debatable and I'm not a hardcore database guy, but UUIDs can be stored in a fixed-length VARCHAR without worrying that you'll need to change the field size.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 8053
Use INT. Your points are all valid; I would prioritize as:
1 & 2 require the developer's time/energy/effort. 3 & 4 you can throw hardware at.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 8042
For best performance, 99.999% of the time the primary key should be a single integer field.
Unless you require the primary key to be unique across multiple tables in a database or across multiple databases. I am assuming that you are asking about MS SQL-Server because that is how your question was tagged. In which case, consider using the GUID field instead. Though better than a varchar, the GUID field performance is not as good as an integer.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 3917
With PostgreSQL I generally use the "Serial" or "BigSerial" 'data type' for generating primary keys. The values are auto incremented and I always find integers to be easy to work with. They are essentially equivalent to a MySQL integer field that is set to "auto_increment".
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 3143
I'd agree that in general an INT (or identity) field type is the best choice in most "normal" database designs:
That said, you also need to know your data. If you're going to blow through a signed 32-bit int, you need to think about unsigned. If you're going to blow through that, maybe 64-bit ints are what you want. Or maybe you need a UUID/hash to make syncing between database instances/shards easier.
Unfortunately, it depends and YMMV but I'd definitely use an int/identity unless you have a good reason not to.
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 10776
While INT
is generally recommended, it really depends on your situation.
If you're concerned with maintainability, then other types are just as feasible. For example, you could use a Guid very effectively as a primary key. There's reasons for not doing this, but consistency is not one of them.
But yes, unless you have a good reason not to, an int is the simplest to use, and the least likely to cause you any problems.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 23138
Like you said, consistency is key. I personally use unsigned ints. You're not going to run out of them unless you are working with ludicrous amounts of data, and you can always know any key column needs to be that type and you never have to go looking for the right value for individual columns.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 755521
I would definitely recommend using an INT NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1)
field in each table as the
primary key.
With an IDENTITY field, you can let the database handle all the details of making sure it's really unique and all, and the INT datatype is just 4 bytes, and fixed, so it's easier and more suited to be used for the primary (and clustering) key in your table.
And you're right - INT is an INT is an INT - it will not change its size of anything, so you won't have to ever go recreate and/or update your foreign key relations.
Using a VARCHAR(10) or (20) just uses up too much space - 10 or 20 bytes instead of 4, and what a lot of folks don't know - the clustering key value will be repeated on every single index entry on every single non-clustered index on the table, so potentially, you're wasting a lot of space (not just on disk - that's cheap - but also in SQL Server's main memory). Also, since it's variable (might be 4, might be 20 chars) it's harder to SQL server to properly maintain a good index structure.
Upvotes: 18