Reputation: 7932
I found here a very good example of what I want:
Basically to be able to execute a String as a groovy script with an expression, but if the condition is false, I want to show detailed information about why it was evaluated as false.
I want an utility method that work like this:
def expression = " == \"The Shining\""
def output = magicMethod(expression)
// output.result: the exact result of executing expression
// output.detail: could be a string telling me why this expression returns true or false, similar to de image
I think it may be a combination of
+ assert
and to catch the exception in order to get details
Upvotes: 1
Views: 155
Reputation: 7932
Yeah, it works with assert, thanks for the idea @Justin Piper
here is the snippet:
def model = [model:[book:[title:"The Shinning"]]]
def magicMethod= { String exp ->
def out = [:]
out.result = Eval.x(model,"x.with{${exp}}")
Eval.x(model,"x.with{!assert ${exp}}")
Eval.x(model,"x.with{assert ${exp}}")
}catch(Throwable e){
out.detail = e.getMessage()
return out
def expression = " == \"The Shining\""
def output = magicMethod(expression)
println "result: ${output.result}"
println "detail: ${output.detail}"
Upvotes: 1