Reputation: 1087
these are my first steps in Erlang so sorry for this newbie question :) I'm spawning a new Erlang process for every Redis request which is not what I want to ("Too many processes" at 32k Erlang processes) but how to throttle the amount of the processes to e.g. max. 16?
-export([add_ids/0, add_id/2]).
add_ids() ->
{ok, Client} = eredis:start_link(),
do_spawn(Client, lists:seq(1,100000)).
do_spawn(Client, [H|T]) ->
Pid = spawn(?MODULE, add_id, [Client, H]),
do_spawn(Client, T);
do_spawn(_, []) -> none.
add_id(C, Id) ->
{ok, _} = eredis:q(C, ["SADD", "todo_queue", Id]).
Upvotes: 3
Views: 2869
Reputation: 2175
Try using the Erlang pg2
module. It allows you to easliy create process groups and provides an API to get the 'closest' (or a random) PID in the group.
Here is an example of a process group for the eredis
create(Count) ->
% create process group using the module name as the reference
% recursive helper for adding +Count+ connections
add_connections(Count) when Count > 0 ->
ok = add_connection(),
add_connections(Count - 1);
add_connections(_Count) ->
add_connection() ->
% start redis client connection
{ok, RedisPid} = eredis:start_link(),
% join the redis connection PID to the process group
pg2:join(?MODULE, RedisPid).
connection() ->
% get a random redis connection PID
connections() ->
% get all redis connection PIDs in the group
q(Argv) ->
% execute redis command +Argv+ using random connection
eredis:q(connection(), Argv).
Here is an example of the above module in action:
1> redis_pg:create(16).
2> redis_pg:connection().
3> redis_pg:connection().
4> redis_pg:connections().
5> redis_pg:q(["PING"]).
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 18879
You are basically "on your own" when you implement limits. There are certain tools which will help you, but I think the general question "how do I avoid spawning too many processes?" still holds. The trick is to keep track of the process count somewhere.
An Erlang-idiomatic way would be to have a process which contains a counter. Whenever you want to spawn a new process, you ask it if you are allowed to do so by registering a need for tokens against it. You then wait for the counting process to respond back to you.
The counting process is then a nice modular guy maintaining a limit for you.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 14042
You can use a supervisor to launch each new process (for your example it seems that you should use a simple_one_for_one strategy):
supervisor:start_child(SupRef, ChildSpec) -> startchild_ret()
You can access then to the process count using the function
supervisor:count_children(SupRef) -> PropListOfCounts
The result is a proplist of the form
(the order is not guaranteed!)
If you want more information about active processes, you can also use
supervisor:which_children(SupRef) -> [{Id, Child, Type, Modules}]
but this is not recommended when a supervisor manage a "large" amount of children.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 2005
You could use a connection pool, e.g., eredis_pool. This is a similar question which might be interesting for you.
Upvotes: 2