Andrei Golubev
Andrei Golubev

Reputation: 283

delphi 2007 display unicode U+1F48B in UTF-8 string or any other way

I have a sqlite database (UTF-8 encoding). And inside the database i have such record (hex bytes):

D0 9E D0 BA 29 F0 9F 92 8B F0 9F 92 8B

Thus the bytes are not alligned, that is:

$D09E = O
$D0BA = к
$29 = )
$F09F928B = U+1F48b (KISS MARK)
$F09F928B = U+1F48b (KISS MARK)

This is how it looks like in the SQLite manager:

enter image description here

But whatever i do (UTF8Decode and some custom transformations) i cannot make it to be displayed in my Unicode enabled TNTStringGrid.

Yes, i can get the Ok)?? displayed but then goes either Ок)рџ’‹рџ’‹ or this is how it looks like real (UTF8Encoded): РћРє)рџ’‹рџ’‹

I know it's a hard question, but there must be a solution because the SQLite manager displays it absolutely correct.

So how to display those U+ characters along with normal text?

Please help! 3 days and nights fighting with this task.

Upvotes: 0

Views: 2118

Answers (2)

Remy Lebeau
Remy Lebeau

Reputation: 598279

Ok)?? means the UTF-8 data was correctly decoded to UTF-16, but then the UTF-16 data was converted to an Ansi codepage that does not support those Unicode characters.

Ок)рџ’‹рџ’‹ means you have raw 8-bit UTF-8 octets being stored as-is, extended into 16-bit values, not being decoded from UTF-8 to UTF-16 at all.

Upvotes: 0

Jan Doggen
Jan Doggen

Reputation: 9106

You are dealing with UTF "Surrogate pairs":

Using UTF-16, the value ranges from $D800-DBFF and $DC00-DCFF are used to specify so-called surrogate pairs.
Using these surrogate pairs, we can map Unicode code points of $10000 and higher (in the range $10000 to $10FFFD).
This is done by subtracting $10000 from the value, leaving a value in the range 0 to $FFFFD, which can be represented in 20 bits. These 20 bits are split in two pairs of 10 bits each, added to the $D800 resp. $DC00 pairs.
So for the Unicode code point $1D11E the UTF-16 surrogate pair is calculated as follows: first subtract $10000, which leaves $D11E, which is 00001101000100011110 in 20 bits, split in $34 and $11E. $34 is added to $D800, and $11E is added to $DC00 resulting in $D834 for the most significant surrogate, and $DD1E for the least significant surrogate.

[Note that the Unicode code points $D800 to $DFFD will not be assigned a valid character by the Unicode standard (to avoid problems with UTF-16), so the individual surrogate characters are never mapped to actual characters themselves (but should always be used as a pair).]

See also

To properly display surrogate pair characters you need a font that contains them. E.g. the musical symbols in the range U+1D100 – U+1D1FF (119040–119295) are supported by the Windows fonts Code2001, Euterpe, Free Serif, Musica, Quivira, Symbola (
You need to download and install the Musica font (formerly called Musical Symbols) on your system in order for this example to work. Download location e.g.
[Install under Win7: Right-click on the ttf file and choose 'install']
[Test page:]

Here is my sample Delphi XE2 test code that uses the above (You have D2007, but this may get you on your way).

unit uSurrogatePairs;                                                                                                                    


  Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics,                                       
  Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.StdCtrls;                                                                                    

  TFrmSurrogatePairs = class(TForm)                                                                                                      
    MmoCharacter: TMemo;                                                                                                                 
    Mmo: TMemo;                                                                                                                          
    procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);                                                                                                 
    procedure Log(S: String);                                                                                                            
    { Public declarations }                                                                                                              

  FrmSurrogatePairs: TFrmSurrogatePairs;                                                                                                 


{$R *.dfm}                                                                                                                               

  TDanishString = type ansistring(1252);                                                                                                 

procedure TFrmSurrogatePairs.FormShow(Sender: TObject);                                                                                  
// Code adapted from                                       
  UTF16Str : string;                                                                                                                     
  UTF8Str  : utf8string;                                                                                                                 
  DanishStr: TDanishString;                                                                                                              
  L        : Integer;                                                                                                                    
{ TODO -oJan -cShouldHave : Test if Musica font is installed }                                                                           
  MmoCharacter.Text := UTF16Str;                                                                                                         
  L := length(UTF16Str);                                                                                                                 
  Assert (L=2);                                                                                                                          
  Log('Assigned: UTF16Str := #$1D160');                                                                                                  
  Log('  This is a musical note (000011101000101100000),');                                                                              
  log('  see');                                                                                 
  Log('  This character occupies 2 positions in UTF-16');                                                                                
  Assert (UTF16Str[1]=#$D834);  // 110110 0000110100 First half of the symbol                                                            
  Assert (UTF16Str[2]=#$DD60);  // 110111 0101100000 Second half of the symbol                                                           

  UTF8Str := utf8string(UTF16Str);                                                                                                       
  Log('Assigned: UTF8Str := UTF16Str');                                                                                                  
  Log('  This is the second line (char) in the left memo');                                                                              
  L := Length(UTF8Str);                                                                                                                  
  Assert (L=4);                                                                                                                          
  Log('  This character occupies 4 positions in UTF-8, each 1 byte');                                                                    
  Assert (UTF8Str[1]=#$F0);   // 11110 000                                                                                               
  Assert (UTF8Str[2]=#$9D);   // 10 011101                                                                                               
  Assert (UTF8Str[3]=#$85);   // 10 000101                                                                                               
  Assert (UTF8Str[4]=#$A0);   // 10 100000                                                                                               

  Assert (DanishStr='??');    // Note how Windows incorrectly converts to two letters!                                                   
  Assert (length(DanishStr)=2);                                                                                                          
  Assert (DanishStr='??');    // Note how Windows incorrectly converts to two letters!                                                   
  Assert (length(DanishStr)=2);                                                                                                          

procedure TFrmSurrogatePairs.Log(S: String);                                                                                             


and the DFM:

object FrmSurrogatePairs: TFrmSurrogatePairs
  Left = 0
  Top = 0
  Caption = 'Surrogate pairs'
  ClientHeight = 273
  ClientWidth = 600
  Color = clBtnFace
  Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
  Font.Color = clWindowText
  Font.Height = -11
  Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
  Font.Style = []
  OldCreateOrder = False
  OnShow = FormShow
  PixelsPerInch = 96
  TextHeight = 13
  object MmoCharacter: TMemo
    AlignWithMargins = True
    Left = 3
    Top = 3
    Width = 134
    Height = 267
    Align = alLeft
    Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Font.Color = clWindowText
    Font.Height = -107
    Font.Name = 'Musica'
    Font.Style = []
    ParentFont = False
    ReadOnly = True
    TabOrder = 0
  object Mmo: TMemo
    AlignWithMargins = True
    Left = 143
    Top = 3
    Width = 454
    Height = 267
    Align = alClient
    Lines.Strings = (
    ReadOnly = True
    TabOrder = 1

Upvotes: 2

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