I am looking at the official documentation on the Apple site, and I see that there is a quickstart about how to use OpenCL on Xcode.
Maybe it is just me, but I had no luck building the code that is mentioned on the "hello world OCL" section.
I've started Xcode and created an empty project; created a main.c and a .cl kernel file, pasting what is on the Apple developer site, and I am not able to get anything to build, even after adding a target.
The AD site does not have a project to download, so I have no clue about the cause of the failure (it may be me most likely, or the site assume steps and does not mention them).
I've also tried the sample project from, but they are quite ancient, and the test project in the 3rd lesson is not running at all.
Now, I am pretty sure that others are using Xcode to run OCL code, but I cannot find any single page (except the aforementioned that gives a clear setup about how to run an Xcode project with OCL. Is there anyone aware of a tutorial that shows how to work with OCL and Xcode?
I have purchased 3 books on OCL (Gaster's Heterogeneous computing with OpenCL, Scarpino's OpenCL in action and Munshi's OpenCL programming guide), and neither mention how to set up Xcode, while they go in detail for the visual studio setup and even for the eclipse setup.
On the side; is there any application that is able to validate kernel code before running it in the OCL application?
Thanks in advance for any suggestion that you may have.
Upvotes: 14
Views: 14226
So seems that I was able to partially resolve the issue in this way:
Create an empty project, create a main.c file and a kernel file
create a target as console application
in the build settings, add the OpenCL framework (you will see it appearing on the file browser in the left pane, if it will be added correctly).
specify the location where the kernel file is located, hardcoding the path (it is not enough to just say "my"; Xcode for some reasons don't get that the cl file is in the same dir as the main, so you gotta specify the path when loading the kernel file)
I was successful using these steps, while using the example code on the Apple developer site.
I am pretty sure that there are other ways to do this, but at least this may help whom, like me, had no clue about how to start.
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Reputation: 131
Long answer for command liners:
With a recent Xcode (and Lion or higher), you don't even need to call clCreateProgramWithSource
, just write your kernel and call it from your app, there are some additional compiling steps needed though.
I'm taking the OpenCL Hello World example from Apple here using default compiler flags (see and showing the steps Xcode would do in the background.
To get you started, do a:
/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenCL.framework/Libraries/openclc -x cl -cl-std=CL1.1 -cl-auto-vectorize-enable -emit-gcl
This will create 2 files, and (and does all the magic of loading your kernel into the app). Next you'll need to compile the kernel:
/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenCL.framework/Libraries/openclc -x cl -cl-std=CL1.1 -Os -triple i386-applecl-darwin -emit-llvm-bc -o
/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenCL.framework/Libraries/openclc -x cl -cl-std=CL1.1 -Os -triple x86_64-applecl-darwin -emit-llvm-bc -o
/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenCL.framework/Libraries/openclc -x cl -cl-std=CL1.1 -Os -triple gpu_32-applecl-darwin -emit-llvm-bc -o
And last but not least, build the app itself:
clang -c -Os -Wall -arch x86_64 -o
clang -c -Os -Wall -arch x86_64 -o square.o square.c
clang -framework OpenCL -o square square.o
And that's it. You won't see any clCreateProgramWithBinary
or clCreateProgramWithSource
in Apple's sample code. Everything is done via generated by openclc
Upvotes: 13
Reputation: 9906
To answer the second part of your question, on Mountain Lion you can run the OpenCL compiler on
like this:
/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenCL.framework/Libraries/openclc \
-c -Wall -emit-llvm -arch gpu_32 -o foo.bc
It will compile
to LLVM bit-code foo.bc
. This binary file can be used with clCreateProgramWithBinary
, which is faster than clCreateProgramWithSource
. Valid values for -arch
are i386 x86_64 gpu_32
Upvotes: 1