Reputation: 904
Simple PL/SQL question from a beginner: What is the proper PL/SQL syntax for creating a new variable in an existing dataset?
I'd like to extract the year from a date field (svcdat) in an insurance claims dataset (rpt_claim). The date field is numerical and follows the format YYYYMMDD, for example 20120704 for July 4, 2012.
My first pass at creating a "year" variable was unsuccessful:
year number(4);
select svcdat into year
from rpt_claim
where year=floor(svcdat/10000);
Any help is much appreciated!
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1069
Reputation: 27261
To extract year from a date you probably will use extract function, but before that, as you store your dates as numbers, you have to convert them to date datatype using to_date function. Here is an example(oracle 11g is used):
-- For the sake of simplicity this table contains only one column.
SQL> create table rpt_claim(
2 date_col number(8)
3 )
4 /
Table created
SQL> insert into rpt_claim(date_col) values(20120704);
1 row inserted
SQL> commit;
Commit complete
SQL> declare
2 l_year number(4);
3 begin
4 select extract(year from to_date(date_col, 'yyyymmdd'))
5 into l_year
6 from rpt_claim
7 where rownum = 1;
8 dbms_output.put_line(to_char(l_year));
9 exception
10 when no_data_found
11 then dbms_output.put_line('No data has been selected');
12 end;
13 /
2012 --<-- result
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed
Note, in the example above the query returns 1 (first selected) row, because it was specifically asked (where rownum = 1
) to do that. In your case will probably more than one record be returned by the query and to handle that you have to use cursors and cursor FOR loop(for example) to process returned data or collections.
Here is an example of using collections:
-- add more records
SQL> insert into rpt_claim(date_col)
2 select 20120704 + level
3 from dual
4 connect by level < = 5;
5 rows inserted
SQL> commit;
Commit complete
SQL> select * from rpt_claim;
6 rows selected
SQL> declare
2 type t_years is table of number(4);
3 l_year t_years;
4 begin
5 select extract(year from to_date(date_col, 'yyyymmdd'))
6 bulk collect into l_year
7 from rpt_claim;
9 if l_year is not empty
10 then
11 for i in l_year.first..l_year.last
12 loop
13 dbms_output.put_line(to_char(l_year(i)));
14 end loop;
15 else
16 dbms_output.put_line('No data has been selected');
17 end if;
18 end;
19 /
2012 --<-- our result
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed
Upvotes: 1