Reputation: 23295
What would be the easiest way to code a function in .NET to generate a GUID based on a seed so that I can have greater confidence about its uniqueness?
string GenerateSeededGuid(int seed) { /* code here */ }
Ideally, the seed would come from CryptGenRandom which describes its random number generation as follows:
The data produced by this function is cryptographically random. It is far more random than the data generated by the typical random number generator such as the one shipped with your C compiler.
This function is often used to generate random initialization vectors and salt values.
Software random number generators work in fundamentally the same way. They start with a random number, known as the seed, and then use an algorithm to generate a pseudo-random sequence of bits based on it. The most difficult part of this process is to get a seed that is truly random. This is usually based on user input latency, or the jitter from one or more hardware components.
With Microsoft CSPs, CryptGenRandom uses the same random number generator used by other security components. This allows numerous processes to contribute to a system-wide seed. CryptoAPI stores an intermediate random seed with every user. To form the seed for the random number generator, a calling application supplies bits it might have—for instance, mouse or keyboard timing input—that are then combined with both the stored seed and various system data and user data such as the process ID and thread ID, the system clock, the system time, the system counter, memory status, free disk clusters, the hashed user environment block. This result is used to seed the pseudorandom number generator (PRNG). [...] If an application has access to a good random source, it can fill the pbBuffer buffer with some random data before calling CryptGenRandom. The CSP then uses this data to further randomize its internal seed. It is acceptable to omit the step of initializing the pbBuffer buffer before calling CryptGenRandom.
Upvotes: 12
Views: 28536
Reputation: 538
public static Guid SeededGuid(int seed, Random random = null)
random ??= new Random(seed);
return Guid.Parse(string.Format("{0:X4}{1:X4}-{2:X4}-{3:X4}-{4:X4}-{5:X4}{6:X4}{7:X4}",
random.Next(0, 0xffff), random.Next(0, 0xffff),
random.Next(0, 0xffff),
random.Next(0, 0xffff) | 0x4000,
random.Next(0, 0x3fff) | 0x8000,
random.Next(0, 0xffff), random.Next(0, 0xffff), random.Next(0, 0xffff)));
//Example 1
//Example 2
var random = new Random("Test".GetHashCode());
SeededGuid("Test".GetHashCode(), random);
SeededGuid("Test".GetHashCode(), random);
This method is based on php v4 uui
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 852
This is a bit old, but no need for a random generator. But yes this is usefull for testing purpose, but not for general uses
public static Guid GenerateSeededGuid<T>(T value)
byte[] bytes = new byte[16];
BitConverter.GetBytes(value.GetHashCode()).CopyTo(bytes, 0);
return new Guid(bytes);
Upvotes: 2
tldr; use Guid.NewGuid
instead of trying to invent another "more random" approach. (The only reason I can think of to create a UUIDvX from a seed is when a predictable, resettable, sequence is desired. However, a GUID might also not be the best approach2.)
By very definition of being a finite range - 128bits minus 6 versioning bits, so 122 bits of uniqueness for v4 - there are only so many (albeit supremely huge number! astronomically big!) "unique" identifiers.
Due to the Pigeonhole Principle there are only so many Pigeonholes. If Pigeons keep reproducing eventually there will not be enough Holes for each Pigeon. Due to the Birthday Paradox, assuming complete randomness, two Pigeons will try to fight for the same Pigeonholes before they are all filled up. Because there is no Master Pigeonhole List1 this cannot be prevented. Also, not all animals are Pigeons3.
While there are no guarantees as to which GUID generator will be used, .NET uses the underlying OS call, which is a GUIDv4 (aka Random UUID) generator since Windows 2k. As far as I know - or care, really - this is as good a random as it gets for such a purpose. It has been well vetted for over a decade and has not been replaced.
From Wikipedia:
.. only after generating 1 billion UUIDs every second for the next 100 years, the probability of creating just one duplicate would be about 50%. The probability of one duplicate would be about 50% if every person on earth owns 600 million UUIDs.
1 While there are still a finite set of Pigeonholes, UUIDv1 (aka MAC UUID) - assuming unique time-space - is guaranteed to generate deterministically unique numbers (with some "relatively small" theoretical maximum number of UUIDs generated per second on a given machine). Different broods of Pigeons living in different parallel dimensions - awesome!
2 Twitter uses Snowflakes in parallel dimensions in its own distributed Unique-ID scheme.
3 Rabbits like to live in Burrows, not Pigeonholes. The use of a GUID also acts as an implicit parallel partition. It is only when a duplicate GUID is used for the same purpose that collision-related problems can arise. Just think of how many duplicate auto-increment database primary keys there are!
Upvotes: 22
Reputation: 24395
All you really need to do in your GenerateSeededGuid
method is to create a 128-bit random number and the convert it to a Guid. Something like:
public Guid GenerateSeededGuid(int seed)
var r = new Random(seed);
var guid = new byte[16];
return new Guid(guid);
Upvotes: 23