Reputation: 1
I am trying to send data from one html page to another. I am using cookies to save info that will be retrieve by the another wabpage. However, when the next page wants to get the value of the cookie, it is empty. I think the cookie is being lost when I'm going from one page to another.
Thank You!!!! (Is there better alternative?)
This is how I tried to accomplish this task in JavaScript:
For saving data inside cookies (only for 1 day)
//HTML page 1
setCookie("myCookie", myData, 1);
function setCookie(c_name, value, exdays)
var exdate=new Date();
exdate.setDate(exdate.getDate() + exdays);
var c_value=escape(value) + ((exdays==null) ? "" : "; expires="+exdate.toUTCString());
document.cookie=c_name + "=" + c_value;
For getting cookie
//HTML page 2
var cookieValue = getCookie("myCookie");
function getCookie(c_name)
var i,x,y,ARRcookies=document.cookie.split(";");
for (i=0;i<ARRcookies.length;i++)
if (x==c_name)
return unescape(y);
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Views: 1573
Reputation: 3047
While writing your own cookies library is good practice, it can be a little frustrating. I would recommend the use of (and/or reviewing) an existing library such as cookie.js -
As an alternative to cookies, you might find that the HTML5 features localStorage and sessionStorage are helpful, depending on your use case. For more information, see and/or
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