Reputation: 597
I currently run Xcode 4.3.3 and developing an app which is currently deployed to iOS > 5.0. Xcode 4.3.3 cannot install to iOS 6.0 and I want to upgrade. I would like to learn about your experiences and what issues that came up when you upgraded to the new Xcode 4.5.2 and to iOS 6. Will this upgrade break or cause any issues installing to iOS 5.1 as I do not want to upgrade my phone to iOS 6 yet?
Can two versions of Xcode exist together so in case there's a problem, I can go back to the previous one that works?
Upvotes: 2
Views: 2850
Reputation: 56129
If I recall correctly:
// new dictionary literals:
NSDictionary *dict = @{
key1 : val1,
key2 : val2,
// new dictionary accessors, assignment on mutables only
id var = dict[key];
mutableDict[key] = val;
//new array literals and accessors
NSArray *arr = @[a, b, c];
id var = arr[i];
mutableArr[i] = j;
// NSNumber boxing
NSNumber x = @1;
NSNumber y = @(EnumName);
NSNumber z = @YES;
NSNumber w = @(localIntOrDouble);
// Boxing makes dicts even more convenient:
id var = dictionary[@(EnumName)]; //vs:
id var2 = [dictionary objectForKey:[NSNumber numberWithInt:EnumName]];
And there is a refactoring tool to convert for you.
Upvotes: 2