Reputation: 369
How do I achieve this in a WinForms container control when the scroll bars are visible?
Highlighted here (Google Chrome browser):
EDIT: This cursor is the only one that is visible on a screenshot. I hope it's clear what i mean.
EDIT: Tried this on my control. Does not work.
const int WM_MBUTTONDOWN = 0x207;
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
if (m.Msg == WM_MBUTTONDOWN)
DefWndProc(ref m);
base.WndProc(ref m);
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1466
Reputation: 1561
Here's what I have so far. It exits "reader mode" if I release the middle button, and I haven't implemented scrolling within the control (I used a textbox), but it may give you something to start with.
[DllImport("comctl32.dll", SetLastError=true, EntryPoint="#383")]
static extern void DoReaderMode(ref READERMODEINFO prmi);
public delegate bool TranslateDispatchCallbackDelegate(ref MSG lpmsg);
public delegate bool ReaderScrollCallbackDelegate(ref READERMODEINFO prmi, int dx, int dy);
public struct READERMODEINFO
public int cbSize;
public IntPtr hwnd;
public int fFlags;
public IntPtr prc;
public ReaderScrollCallbackDelegate pfnScroll;
public TranslateDispatchCallbackDelegate fFlags2;
public IntPtr lParam;
public struct MSG
public IntPtr hwnd;
public UInt32 message;
public IntPtr wParam;
public IntPtr lParam;
public UInt32 time;
public POINT pt;
public struct POINT
public int x;
public int y;
struct RECT
public int left, top, right, bottom;
private bool TranslateDispatchCallback(ref MSG lpMsg)
return false;
private bool ReaderScrollCallback(ref READERMODEINFO prmi, int dx, int dy)
// TODO: Scroll around within your control here
return false;
private void EnterReaderMode()
hwnd = this.textBox1.Handle,
fFlags = 0x00,
prc = IntPtr.Zero,
lParam = IntPtr.Zero,
fFlags2 = new TranslateDispatchCallbackDelegate(this.TranslateDispatchCallback),
pfnScroll = new ReaderScrollCallbackDelegate(this.ReaderScrollCallback)
readerInfo.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(readerInfo);
DoReaderMode(ref readerInfo);
private void textBox1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (e.Button == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Middle)
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 1561
The RichTextBox control does it by default when you press the mouse wheel button.
Edit: Sorry I misunderstood and thought you were asking about doing it within a textbox not a container control
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