Reputation: 103
Currently I am writing an online login for my iOS app, I did some research about what library I should use for handeling the HTTP-Request and the XML-Parsing. I ended up with AFNetworking and KissXML. I also use the KissXML addition for AFNetworking. The request to the website is successfully, but I am kinda stuck at the parsing of the recieved XML.
The response looks like this:
<response status="success" result="correct"/>
In my code I do a HTTPRequest to the website recieve the XML and then try to check if the userdatas are valid or not. If they were valid I want to recieve the elements like username and country. But if an error occured I want to give it back. My code sofar:
__block BOOL success = NO;
__block NSError *localerror = nil;
__block NSString *domain = @"de.FranzBusch.Searchlight.ErrorDomain";
//HTTP Request
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];
AFHTTPClient *client = [[AFHTTPClient alloc] initWithBaseURL:url];
NSDictionary *params = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
email, @"email",
password, @"password", nil];
NSMutableURLRequest *request = [client requestWithMethod:@"POST" path:@"" parameters:params];
//Parse XML-Response
AFKissXMLRequestOperation *operation = [AFKissXMLRequestOperation XMLDocumentRequestOperationWithRequest:request success:^(NSURLRequest *request, NSHTTPURLResponse *response, DDXMLDocument *XMLDocument)
NSArray *resultNodes = nil;
NSError *responseError = nil;
resultNodes = [XMLDocument nodesForXPath:@"//response" error:&responseError];
if (responseError || ([resultNodes count] != 1))
localerror = [NSError errorWithDomain:domain code:-101 userInfo:[self generateErrorDictionary:@"XMLError"]];
success = NO;
for (DDXMLElement *element in resultNodes)
DDXMLNode *node = [element attributeForName:@"status"];
NSString *status = [node stringValue];
if ([status isEqualToString:@"fail"])
success = NO;
localerror = [NSError errorWithDomain:domain code:-101 userInfo:[self generateErrorDictionary:[[element attributeForName:@"result"] stringValue]]];
NSError *usernameError = nil;
NSArray *dataNodes = [XMLDocument nodesForXPath:@"//data//username" error:&usernameError];
if (usernameError || ([dataNodes count] != 1))
localerror = [NSError errorWithDomain:domain code:-101 userInfo:[self generateErrorDictionary:@"XMLError"]];
success = NO;
for (DDXMLELement *dataElement in dataNodes)
}failure:^(NSURLRequest *request, NSHTTPURLResponse *response, NSError *error, DDXMLDocument *XMLDocument)
[operation start];
return success;
Can anybody give me a hint on how to improve the code and how to do it right. Because if i want to assign the localerror to the error I always get an error :(
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Views: 1544
Reputation: 1983
If I'm understanding you correctly, you're having problems parsing the XML response. I usually just use Apple's stream XML parser, NSXMLParser. It's simple, fast and easy to use.
I did a small example project for you (using ARC), parsing the XML response you describe, with NSXMLParser:
You can play with it and run the project, but the important part is the NSXMLParser delegate:
@interface ETLoginInfoXMLParser ()
@property (strong,nonatomic) NSMutableString *currentElementValue;
@property (strong,nonatomic) ETLoginInfo *loginInfo;
@implementation ETLoginInfoXMLParser
#pragma mark - NSXMLParserDelegate
- (void)parser:(NSXMLParser *)parser didStartElement:(NSString *)elementName namespaceURI:(NSString *)namespaceURI qualifiedName:(NSString *)qName attributes:(NSDictionary *)attributeDict
if ([elementName isEqualToString:@"login"]) {
if (!self.loginInfo) {
self.loginInfo = [[ETLoginInfo alloc] init];
if ([elementName isEqualToString:@"response"]) {
self.loginInfo.responseStatus = [attributeDict objectForKey:@"status"];
self.loginInfo.responseResult = [attributeDict objectForKey:@"result"];
- (void) parser:(NSXMLParser *)parser foundCharacters:(NSString *)string {
if (!self.currentElementValue) {
self.currentElementValue = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithString:string];
} else {
[self.currentElementValue appendString:string];
- (void)parser:(NSXMLParser *)parser didEndElement:(NSString *)elementName namespaceURI:(NSString *)namespaceURI qualifiedName:(NSString *)qName
if ([elementName isEqualToString:@"username"]) {
NSString *trimmedValue = [self.currentElementValue stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:
[NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]];
self.loginInfo.username = trimmedValue;
if ([elementName isEqualToString:@"country"]) {
NSString *trimmedValue = [self.currentElementValue stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:
[NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]]; = trimmedValue;
self.currentElementValue = nil;
/** Parse XML login response */
+(ETLoginInfo *)parseXMLLoginResponse:(NSString *)xml {
ETLoginInfoXMLParser *loginInfoParser = [[ETLoginInfoXMLParser alloc] init];
NSXMLParser *xmlParser = [[NSXMLParser alloc] initWithData:[xml dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
[xmlParser setDelegate:loginInfoParser];
BOOL success = [xmlParser parse];
if (success) {
return loginInfoParser.loginInfo;
} else {
NSLog(@"Error parsing login information");
return nil;
I wired it up to a silly iOS app to show the parsing of this XML response:
<response status="success" result="correct"/>
<username>Willy Wonka</username>
You would want a more interesting model hierarchy as I—for simplicity's sake—just put everything in the same entity
Upvotes: 2