Reputation: 57373
I want a function to test that a string is formatted like an email address.
What comes built-in with the .NET framework to do this?
This works:
Function IsValidEmailFormat(ByVal s As String) As Boolean
Dim a As New System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(s)
Return False
End Try
Return True
End Function
But, is there a more elegant way?
Upvotes: 34
Views: 102673
Reputation: 11
I think by avoiding running into the exception as often as you can, and relying on it as a fallback could be a good low effort, high trust happy place. Im not very experienced with regex and I dont trust it very much so I wanted to offer a solution that is improved from yours... I added a check that looks for a min length of 5, and that it contains "@" because it is one of the only consistent things in emails and should catch anything very obviously not an email. while catching the exception is "bad" and can cause the method to run slow if your application seems to run into more complex exceptions and you have to care about resource usage this should either help you get close to your solution, while also being robust up to the library standard of microsoft. Note that the The real minimum for emails is 3 i think "a@b" but looking at practical data i used 5 in my code
Function IsValidEmailFormat(ByVal pMaybeEmail As String) As Boolean
If pMaybeEmail.Contains("@") andAlso pMaybeEmail.Length() > 5 Then
' most likely an email, but just in case
Dim validEmail As New System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(pMaybeEmail)
return True
return False
End Try
End If
Return False
End Function
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 11
Public Function ValidEmail(ByVal strCheck As String) As Boolean
Dim bCK As Boolean
Dim strDomainType As String
Const sInvalidChars As String = "!#$%^&*()=+{}[]|\;:'/?>,< "
Dim i As Integer
'Check to see if there is a double quote
bCK = Not InStr(1, strCheck, Chr(34)) > 0
If Not bCK Then GoTo ExitFunction
'Check to see if there are consecutive dots
bCK = Not InStr(1, strCheck, "..") > 0
If Not bCK Then GoTo ExitFunction
' Check for invalid characters.
If Len(strCheck) > Len(sInvalidChars) Then
For i = 1 To Len(sInvalidChars)
If InStr(strCheck, Mid(sInvalidChars, i, 1)) > 0 Then
bCK = False
GoTo ExitFunction
End If
For i = 1 To Len(strCheck)
If InStr(sInvalidChars, Mid(strCheck, i, 1)) > 0 Then
bCK = False
GoTo ExitFunction
End If
End If
If InStr(1, strCheck, "@") > 1 Then 'Check for an @ symbol
bCK = Len(Left(strCheck, InStr(1, strCheck, "@") - 1)) > 0
bCK = False
End If
If Not bCK Then GoTo ExitFunction
strCheck = Right(strCheck, Len(strCheck) - InStr(1, strCheck, "@"))
bCK = Not InStr(1, strCheck, "@") > 0 'Check to see if there are too many @'s
If Not bCK Then GoTo ExitFunction
strDomainType = Right(strCheck, Len(strCheck) - InStr(1, strCheck, "."))
bCK = Len(strDomainType) > 0 And InStr(1, strCheck, ".") < Len(strCheck)
If Not bCK Then GoTo ExitFunction
strCheck = Left(strCheck, Len(strCheck) - Len(strDomainType) - 1)
Do Until InStr(1, strCheck, ".") <= 1
If Len(strCheck) >= InStr(1, strCheck, ".") Then
strCheck = Left(strCheck, Len(strCheck) - (InStr(1, strCheck, ".") - 1))
bCK = False
GoTo ExitFunction
End If
If strCheck = "." Or Len(strCheck) = 0 Then bCK = False
ValidEmail = bCK
Catch ex As ArgumentException
Return False
End Try
Return ValidEmail
End Function
Private Sub TextBox2_KeyDown(sender As Object, e As KeyEventArgs) Handles TextBox2.KeyDown
If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter Then
If TextBox2.Text = "" Then
MsgBox("Write Down Your email and Press Enter") : TextBox2.Select()
If ValidEmail(TextBox2.Text) Then ' to check if the email is valid or not
'do whatever
MsgBox("Please Write Valid Email")
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 71
EMails like "address@localhost" and "[email protected]" are actually valid addresses and you can test these by running your own email server (usually done by modifying the host file as well). For a complete solution, however:
''' <summary>
''' </summary>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Public Class email
''' <summary>
''' check if email format is valid
''' </summary>
''' <param name="emailAddress">[required] Email address.</param>
''' <param name="disallowLocalDomain">[optional] Allow headers like "@localhost"?</param>
''' <param name="allowAlerts">[optional] Enable error messages?</param>
''' <returns>Returns true if email is valid and false otherwise.</returns>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Public Shared Function isValid(ByVal emailAddress As String,
Optional ByVal disallowLocalDomain As Boolean = True,
Optional ByVal allowAlerts As Boolean = True
) As Boolean
Dim mailParts() As String = emailAddress.Split("@")
If mailParts.Length <> 2 Then
If allowAlerts Then
MsgBox("Valid email addresses are formatted [[email protected]]. " &
"Your address is missing a header [i.e. ""@domain.tld""].",
MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "No Header Specified")
End If
Return False
End If
If mailParts(mailParts.GetLowerBound(0)) = "" Then
If allowAlerts Then
MsgBox("Valid email addresses are formatted [[email protected]]. " &
"The username portion of the e-mail address you provided (before the @ symbol) is empty.",
MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "Invalid Email User")
End If
Return False
End If
Dim headerParts() As String = mailParts(mailParts.GetUpperBound(0)).Split(".")
If disallowLocalDomain AndAlso headerParts.Length < 2 Then
If allowAlerts Then
MsgBox("Valid email addresses are formatted [[email protected]]. " &
"Although addresses formatted like [sample@domain] are valid, " &
"only addresses with headers like """", """", and etc. " &
"[i.e.] are accepted.",
MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "Invalid Header")
End If
Return False
ElseIf headerParts(headerParts.GetLowerBound(0)) = "" Or
headerParts(headerParts.GetUpperBound(0)) = "" Then
If allowAlerts Then
MsgBox("Valid email addresses are formatted [[email protected]]. " &
"Your header """ & mailParts(mailParts.GetUpperBound(0)) & """ is invalid.",
MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "Invalid Header")
End If
Return False
End If
Dim address As MailAddress = New MailAddress(emailAddress)
Catch ex As Exception
If allowAlerts Then
MsgBox(ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "Invalid Email Address")
End If
Return False
End Try
Return True
End Function
End Class 'email'
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1
Public Shared Function ValidEmailAddress(ByVal emailAddress As String, ByRef errorMessage As String) As Boolean
If emailAddress.Length = 0 Then
errorMessage = "E-mail address is required."
Return False
End If
If emailAddress.IndexOf("@") > -1 Then
If (emailAddress.IndexOf(".", emailAddress.IndexOf("@")) > emailAddress.IndexOf("@")) AndAlso emailAddress.Split(".").Length > 0 AndAlso emailAddress.Split(".")(1) <> "" Then
errorMessage = ""
Return True
End If
End If
errorMessage = "E-mail address must be valid e-mail address format."
Return False
End Function
Upvotes: -1
Reputation: 320
I have tested the approved 'answer' in this case and it does not seem to adhere to the specifications of what actually is a valid email address. After many headaches I found this regex which does a much better job than Microsoft does.
"(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:(?:(?:[^()<>@,;:\\"".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t]" +
")+|\Z|(?=[\[""()<>@,;:\\"".\[\]]))|""(?:[^\""\r\\]|\\.|(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t]))*""(?:(?:" +
"\r\n)?[ \t])*)(?:\.(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\"".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(" +
"?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\[""()<>@,;:\\"".\[\]]))|""(?:[^\""\r\\]|\\.|(?:(?:\r\n)?[ " +
"\t]))*""(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*))*@(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\"".\[\] \000-\0" +
"31]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\[""()<>@,;:\\"".\[\]]))|\[([^\[\]\r\\]|\\.)*\" +
"](?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*)(?:\.(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\"".\[\] \000-\031]+" +
"(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\[""()<>@,;:\\"".\[\]]))|\[([^\[\]\r\\]|\\.)*\](?:" +
"(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*))*|(?:[^()<>@,;:\\"".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z" +
"|(?=[\[""()<>@,;:\\"".\[\]]))|""(?:[^\""\r\\]|\\.|(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t]))*""(?:(?:\r\n)" +
"?[ \t])*)*\<(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:@(?:[^()<>@,;:\\"".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\" +
"r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\[""()<>@,;:\\"".\[\]]))|\[([^\[\]\r\\]|\\.)*\](?:(?:\r\n)?[" +
" \t])*)(?:\.(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\"".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)" +
"?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\[""()<>@,;:\\"".\[\]]))|\[([^\[\]\r\\]|\\.)*\](?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t]" +
")*))*(?:,@(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\"".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[" +
" \t])+|\Z|(?=[\[""()<>@,;:\\"".\[\]]))|\[([^\[\]\r\\]|\\.)*\](?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*" +
")(?:\.(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\"".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t]" +
")+|\Z|(?=[\[""()<>@,;:\\"".\[\]]))|\[([^\[\]\r\\]|\\.)*\](?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*))*)" +
"*:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*)?(?:[^()<>@,;:\\"".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])+" +
"|\Z|(?=[\[""()<>@,;:\\"".\[\]]))|""(?:[^\""\r\\]|\\.|(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t]))*""(?:(?:\r" +
"\n)?[ \t])*)(?:\.(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\"".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:" +
"\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\[""()<>@,;:\\"".\[\]]))|""(?:[^\""\r\\]|\\.|(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t" +
"]))*""(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*))*@(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\"".\[\] \000-\031" +
"]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\[""()<>@,;:\\"".\[\]]))|\[([^\[\]\r\\]|\\.)*\](" +
"?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*)(?:\.(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\"".\[\] \000-\031]+(?" +
":(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\[""()<>@,;:\\"".\[\]]))|\[([^\[\]\r\\]|\\.)*\](?:(?" +
":\r\n)?[ \t])*))*\>(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*)|(?:[^()<>@,;:\\"".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?" +
":(?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\[""()<>@,;:\\"".\[\]]))|""(?:[^\""\r\\]|\\.|(?:(?:\r\n)?" +
"[ \t]))*""(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*)*:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:(?:(?:[^()<>@,;:\\"".\[\] " +
"\000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\[""()<>@,;:\\"".\[\]]))|""(?:[^\""\r\\]|" +
"\\.|(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t]))*""(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*)(?:\.(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>" +
"@,;:\\"".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\[""()<>@,;:\\"".\[\]]))|""" +
"(?:[^\""\r\\]|\\.|(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t]))*""(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*))*@(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t]" +
")*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\"".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\[""()<>@,;:\\" +
""".\[\]]))|\[([^\[\]\r\\]|\\.)*\](?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*)(?:\.(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?" +
":[^()<>@,;:\\"".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\[""()<>@,;:\\"".\[" +
"\]]))|\[([^\[\]\r\\]|\\.)*\](?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*))*|(?:[^()<>@,;:\\"".\[\] \000-" +
"\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\[""()<>@,;:\\"".\[\]]))|""(?:[^\""\r\\]|\\.|(" +
"?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t]))*""(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*)*\<(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:@(?:[^()<>@,;" +
":\\"".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\[""()<>@,;:\\"".\[\]]))|\[([" +
"^\[\]\r\\]|\\.)*\](?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*)(?:\.(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\""" +
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"]\r\\]|\\.)*\](?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*))*(?:,@(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\"".\" +
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"\000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\[""()<>@,;:\\"".\[\]]))|\[([^\[\]\r\\]" +
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"00-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\[""()<>@,;:\\"".\[\]]))|""(?:[^\""\r\\]|\\" +
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":[^\""\r\\]|\\.|(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t]))*""(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*))*@(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*" +
"(?:[^()<>@,;:\\"".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\[""()<>@,;:\\""." +
"\[\]]))|\[([^\[\]\r\\]|\\.)*\](?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*)(?:\.(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[" +
"^()<>@,;:\\"".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\[""()<>@,;:\\"".\[\]" +
"]))|\[([^\[\]\r\\]|\\.)*\](?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*))*\>(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*)(?:,\s*(" +
"?:(?:[^()<>@,;:\\"".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\[""()<>@,;:\\" +
""".\[\]]))|""(?:[^\""\r\\]|\\.|(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t]))*""(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*)(?:\.(?:(" +
"?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\"".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[" +
"\[""()<>@,;:\\"".\[\]]))|""(?:[^\""\r\\]|\\.|(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t]))*""(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t" +
"])*))*@(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\"".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t" +
"])+|\Z|(?=[\[""()<>@,;:\\"".\[\]]))|\[([^\[\]\r\\]|\\.)*\](?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*)(?" +
":\.(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\"".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|" +
"\Z|(?=[\[""()<>@,;:\\"".\[\]]))|\[([^\[\]\r\\]|\\.)*\](?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*))*|(?:" +
"[^()<>@,;:\\"".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\[""()<>@,;:\\"".\[\" +
"]]))|""(?:[^\""\r\\]|\\.|(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t]))*""(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*)*\<(?:(?:\r\n)" +
"?[ \t])*(?:@(?:[^()<>@,;:\\"".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\[""" +
"()<>@,;:\\"".\[\]]))|\[([^\[\]\r\\]|\\.)*\](?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*)(?:\.(?:(?:\r\n)" +
"?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\"".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\[""()<>" +
"@,;:\\"".\[\]]))|\[([^\[\]\r\\]|\\.)*\](?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*))*(?:,@(?:(?:\r\n)?[" +
" \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\"".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\[""()<>@," +
";:\\"".\[\]]))|\[([^\[\]\r\\]|\\.)*\](?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*)(?:\.(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t]" +
")*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\"".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\[""()<>@,;:\\" +
""".\[\]]))|\[([^\[\]\r\\]|\\.)*\](?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*))*)*:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*)?" +
"(?:[^()<>@,;:\\"".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\[""()<>@,;:\\""." +
"\[\]]))|""(?:[^\""\r\\]|\\.|(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t]))*""(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*)(?:\.(?:(?:" +
"\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\"".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z|(?=[\[" +
"""()<>@,;:\\"".\[\]]))|""(?:[^\""\r\\]|\\.|(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t]))*""(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])" +
"*))*@(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\"".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])" +
"+|\Z|(?=[\[""()<>@,;:\\"".\[\]]))|\[([^\[\]\r\\]|\\.)*\](?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*)(?:\" +
".(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\"".\[\] \000-\031]+(?:(?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])+|\Z" +
"|(?=[\[""()<>@,;:\\"".\[\]]))|\[([^\[\]\r\\]|\\.)*\](?:(?:\r\n)?[ \t])*))*\>(?:(" +
"?:\r\n)?[ \t])*))*)?;\s*)"
I have already formatted it as a vb string using a simple application. Too bad stack overflow is more interested in being a 'coding repository' than having the complete answer for the problem.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 61
Public Function ValidateEmail(ByVal strCheck As String) As Boolean
Dim vEmailAddress As New System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(strCheck)
Catch ex As Exception
Return False
End Try
Return True
End Function
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 56944
You could use a Regex to do this.
There have been written a lot of articles about it; this came up when I searched google for 'regex to validate email address': Find or Validate an Email Address.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 35
'Creater : Rachitha Madusanka
'[email protected]
'[email protected]
'Web Designer and Software Developer
Function ValidEmail(ByVal strCheck As String) As Boolean
Dim bCK As Boolean
Dim strDomainType As String
Const sInvalidChars As String = "!#$%^&*()=+{}[]|\;:'/?>,< "
Dim i As Integer
'Check to see if there is a double quote
bCK = Not InStr(1, strCheck, Chr(34)) > 0
If Not bCK Then GoTo ExitFunction
'Check to see if there are consecutive dots
bCK = Not InStr(1, strCheck, "..") > 0
If Not bCK Then GoTo ExitFunction
' Check for invalid characters.
If Len(strCheck) > Len(sInvalidChars) Then
For i = 1 To Len(sInvalidChars)
If InStr(strCheck, Mid(sInvalidChars, i, 1)) > 0 Then
bCK = False
GoTo ExitFunction
End If
For i = 1 To Len(strCheck)
If InStr(sInvalidChars, Mid(strCheck, i, 1)) > 0 Then
bCK = False
GoTo ExitFunction
End If
End If
If InStr(1, strCheck, "@") > 1 Then 'Check for an @ symbol
bCK = Len(Left(strCheck, InStr(1, strCheck, "@") - 1)) > 0
bCK = False
End If
If Not bCK Then GoTo ExitFunction
strCheck = Right(strCheck, Len(strCheck) - InStr(1, strCheck, "@"))
bCK = Not InStr(1, strCheck, "@") > 0 'Check to see if there are too many @'s
If Not bCK Then GoTo ExitFunction
strDomainType = Right(strCheck, Len(strCheck) - InStr(1, strCheck, "."))
bCK = Len(strDomainType) > 0 And InStr(1, strCheck, ".") < Len(strCheck)
If Not bCK Then GoTo ExitFunction
strCheck = Left(strCheck, Len(strCheck) - Len(strDomainType) - 1)
Do Until InStr(1, strCheck, ".") <= 1
If Len(strCheck) >= InStr(1, strCheck, ".") Then
strCheck = Left(strCheck, Len(strCheck) - (InStr(1, strCheck, ".") - 1))
bCK = False
GoTo ExitFunction
End If
If strCheck = "." Or Len(strCheck) = 0 Then bCK = False
ValidEmail = bCK
Catch ex As ArgumentException
Return False
End Try
Return ValidEmail
End Function
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 21
you first have to restrict user by entering wrong symbols, you can do this by using textbox KeyPress event
Private Sub txtemailid_KeyPress(ByVal sender As System.Object,
ByVal e As System.Windows.FormsKeyPressEventArgs) Handles txtemailid.KeyPress
Dim ac As String = "@"
If e.KeyChar <> ChrW(Keys.Back) Then
If Asc(e.KeyChar) < 97 Or Asc(e.KeyChar) > 122 Then
If Asc(e.KeyChar) <> 46 And Asc(e.KeyChar) <> 95 Then
If Asc(e.KeyChar) < 48 Or Asc(e.KeyChar) > 57 Then
If ac.IndexOf(e.KeyChar) = -1 Then
e.Handled = True
If txtemailid.Text.Contains("@") And e.KeyChar = "@" Then
e.Handled = True
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
the above code will only allow user to input a-z(small), 0 to 9(digits), @,., _
and after using validating event of textbox control to validate the email id using regular expression
Private Sub txtemailid_Validating(ByVal sender As System.Object,
ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs)
Handles txtemailid.Validating
Dim pattern As String = "^[a-z][a-z|0-9|]*([_][a-z|0-9]+)*([.][a-z|0-9]+([_][a-z|0-9]+)*)?@[a-z][a-z|0-9|]*\.([a-z][a-z|0-9]*(\.[a-z][a-z|0-9]*)?)$"
Dim match As System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match = Regex.Match(txtemailid.Text.Trim(), pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
If (match.Success) Then
MessageBox.Show("Success", "Checking")
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a valid email id", "Checking")
End If
End Sub
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 3427
Don't bother with your own validation. .NET 4.0 has significantly improved validation via the MailAddress
class. Just use MailAddress address = new MailAddress(input)
and if it throws, it's not valid. If there is any possible interpretation of your input as an RFC 2822 compliant email address spec, it will parse it as such. The regexes above, even the MSDN article one, are wrong because they fail to take into account a display name, a quoted local part, a domain literal value for the domain, correct dot-atom specifications for the local part, the possibility that a mail address could be in angle brackets, multiple quoted-string values for the display name, escaped characters, unicode in the display name, comments, and maximum valid mail address length. I spent three weeks re-writing the mail address parser in .NET 4.0 for System.Net.Mail and trust me, it was way harder than just coming up with some regular expression since there are lots of edge-cases. The MailAddress
class in .NET 4.0 beta 2 will have this improved functionality.
One more thing, the only thing you can validate is the format of the mail address. You can't ever validate that an email address is actually valid for receiving email without sending an email to that address and seeing if the server accepts it for delivery. It is impossible and while there are SMTP commands you can give to the mail server to attempt to validate it, many times these will be disabled or will return incorrect results since this is a common way for spammers to find email addresses.
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Reputation: 183
MSDN Article: How to: Verify That Strings are in Valid E-Mail Format
This example method calls the Regex.IsMatch(String, String) method to verify that the string conforms to a regular expression pattern.
Function IsValidEmailFormat(ByVal s As String) As Boolean
Return Regex.IsMatch(s, "^([0-9a-zA-Z]([-\.\w]*[0-9a-zA-Z])*@([0-9a-zA-Z][-\w]*[0-9a-zA-Z]\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,9})$")
End Function
Upvotes: 11