
Reputation: 3520

MATLAB image transformation

The following code descripes the affine transformation of an image, I,

T = [sx, 0, 0;...
      0, sy, 0;...
      0, 0, 1];
tform = maketform('affine', T);
[J,cdata,rdata] = imtransform(I,tform);

After obtaining the transformed image, J, I want to find the appropriate pixel value of I(5,5) on image J.

What should I do?

Enter image description here

Enter image description here

My code is

function test()
    sx = 0.5; sy = 1;
    theta = pi/4;
    Ts = [sx, 0, 0;...
    0, sy, 0;...
    0, 0, 1];
    Tr = [cos(theta) -sin(theta) 0;...
          sin(theta) cos(theta), 0; ...
          0, 0, 1];
    T = Ts*Tr;

    I = imread('image_0002.jpg');
    tform = maketform('affine', T);
    [J,xdata,ydata] = imtransform(I,tform);
    h = ydata(2) - ydata(1);
    w = xdata(2) - xdata(1);

    gridOx = meshgrid(1:50:size(I,2), 1:50:size(I,1));
    gridOy = meshgrid(1:50:size(I,1), 1:50:size(I,2))';
    go = [gridOy(:), gridOx(:), ones(length(gridOx(:)),1)];

    for i=1:size(go,1)
        I = makept(I, go(i,1), go(i,2));

    gt = T*go';

    TL = T*[1,1,1]';
    BL = T*[size(I,1), 1, 1]';
    TR = T*[1, size(I,2), 1]';
    BR = T*[size(I,1), size(I,2), 1]';
    minr = min([TL(1), TR(1), BL(1), BR(1)]);
    minc = min([TL(2), TR(2), BL(2), BR(2)]);

    gt = int32(round(gt));
    r = gt(1,:) - minr+1;
    c = gt(2,:) - minc+1;

    figure,hold on;
    for i=1:length(r)
        J = makept(J, r(i), c(i));
        plot(gt(1, i), gt(2, i));
    figure, imshow(J);

    close all;

function I = makept(I, r, c)
    mr = max(r-2,1);
    mc = max(c-2,1);
    maxr = min(r+2,size(I,1));
    maxc = min(c+2,size(I,2));

    I(mr:maxr, mc:maxc,:) = 0;
    I(mr:maxr, mc:maxc,1) = 255;

Upvotes: 6

Views: 11205

Answers (2)


Reputation: 3520

I found another way.. use 'tformfwd'.. we need to apply a scaling as well as explained in

         function [new_im, grn, gcn] = transformImage(I, gr, gc, TM)
              [new_im xdata ydata] = imtransform(I, TM);
              w = xdata(2)-xdata(1) +1;
              h = ydata(2)-ydata(1)+1;
              scalex = size(new_im,2)/w;
              scaley = size(new_im,1)/h;

              % cartesian coordinates
              go = [gc(:), gr(:)];

              %% cartesian coordinates
              NPt = tformfwd(TM, go);

              % convert to image coordinates
              NPtImage(:,1) = NPt(:,1) - xdata(1) + 1;
              NPtImage(:,2) = NPt(:,2) - ydata(1) + 1;
              NPtImage(:,1) = NPtImage(:,1)*scalex;
              NPtImage(:,2) = NPtImage(:,2)*scaley;
              NPtImage = round(NPtImage);

              grn = NPtImage(:,2);
              gcn = NPtImage(:,1);
              grn = reshape(grn, size(gr,1), size(gr,2));
              gcn = reshape(gcn, size(gc,1), size(gc,2));

              showimgs = false;
              if showimgs
                  I = uint8(I);
                  new_im = uint8(new_im);

                  figure, imshow(I), hold on;
                  for i=1:size(go,1)
                      plot(go(i,1), go(i,2), 'r*');

                  figure, imshow(new_im, 'XData', xdata, 'YData', ydata);
                  hold on
                  axis on
                  for i=1:size(go,1)
                      plot(NPt(i,1), NPt(i,2), 'r*')

                  tmpim = new_im;
                  for i=1:size(NPtImage,1)
                      tmpim = makept(tmpim, NPtImage(i,2), NPtImage(i,1), 'b');
                  figure, imshow(tmpim);


              function I = makept(I, r, c, color)
              mr = max(r-2,1);
              mc = max(c-2,1);
              maxr = min(r+2,size(I,1));
              maxc = min(c+2,size(I,2));

              I(mr:maxr, mc:maxc,:) = 0;

              if strcmp(color, 'r')
                  I(mr:maxr, mc:maxc,1) = 255;
                  I(mr:maxr, mc:maxc,3) = 255;

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 14281

You transform the pixel coordinates just like you transformed the image.

appropriatePixel = J(T*[5;5;1]);


The code you posted was already quite close. Always remember that with images, the origin for images is in the top left and that the order of image dimensions is columns-rows, unlike with matrices. You took this into account in some places, but not everywhere.

The code below should fix the problem. gt = T*go was changed to use the transpose of T, and minc and minr were swapped.

function airplane()
       close all
       sx = 0.5; sy = 1;
       theta = pi/4;
       Ts = [sx, 0, 0;...
       0, sy, 0;...
       0, 0, 1];
       Tr = [cos(theta) -sin(theta) 0;...
           sin(theta) cos(theta), 0; ...
           0, 0, 1];
       T = Ts*Tr;

       I = imread('airplane2.png');
       tform = maketform('affine', T);
       [J,xdata,ydata] = imtransform(I,tform);

       gridOx = meshgrid(1:50:size(I,2), 1:50:size(I,1));
       gridOy = meshgrid(1:50:size(I,1), 1:50:size(I,2))';
       go = [gridOx(:), gridOy(:), ones(length(gridOx(:)),1)];

       figure; imshow(I); hold on;
       scatter(go(:,1), go(:,2), 25, 'rs', 'filled');

       gt = T'*go'; 

       TL = T*[1,1,1]';
       BL = T*[size(I,1), 1, 1]';
       TR = T*[1, size(I,2), 1]';
       BR = T*[size(I,1), size(I,2), 1]';
       minc = min([TL(1), TR(1), BL(1), BR(1)]);
       minr = min([TL(2), TR(2), BL(2), BR(2)]);

       gt = int32(round(gt));
       r = gt(1,:) - minr+1;
       c = gt(2,:) - minc+1;

       figure; imshow(J);hold on;
       scatter(c, r, 25, 'rs', 'filled');



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