I'm working on the I/O aspect of my json server, and there's a method I just can't get right. First, I'll give the error, then the code and datatypes involved and some commentary about the problem afterwards.
("X-Response-Body-Start","<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html><head><title>Invalid Arguments</title></head><body><h1>Invalid Arguments</h1><ul><li>when expecting a unit constructor (U1), encountered String instead</li></ul></body></html>")
Expecting unit contructor?
Okay here's some relevant code. Let's see if we can see where I go wrong
from Datatypes.hs
data JobID = JobID Project Int deriving Generic
data Project = BNAP deriving (Show,Generic) -- one day to be an ADT
instance ToJSON Project where
toJSON = toJSON . show
instance FromJSON Project
instance FromJSON JobID
instance ToJSON JobID
The test code
testReadR :: IO Value
testReadR = do
req <- parseUrl readURI
manager <- newManager def
pBody <- runResourceT $ do
reqBody <- readObject
liftIO $ print reqBody
Response _ _ _ body <- http (buildReq req reqBody) manager
pBody <- body $$+- sinkParser json
return pBody -- (return wraps it up)
closeManager manager
return pBody
buildReq :: forall a (m :: * -> *) (t :: * -> *).
ToJSON a =>
Request t -> a -> Request m
buildReq req reqBody =
let reqBodyBS = Data.Aeson.encode reqBody
rHeaders = [(hContentType,pack "application/json")]
in req {method = fromString "POST"
, requestBody = RequestBodyLBS reqBodyBS
readObject :: ResourceT IO Value
readObject = do -- I took a bunch out because I thought simplifiying would help me
-- solve this
return $ Data.Aeson.toJSON $ JobID BNAP 306
The Handler
postReadR :: Handler RepJson
postReadR = do
conf <- parseJsonBody_ :: Handler JobID
liftIO $ print conf
testJ <- jsonToRepJson $ toJSON $ JobID BNAP 305
jValue <- jsonToRepJson conf -- to be replaced with
-- Either ErrorReport Response
-- (or something like that)
return jValue
when I change the line to
conf <- parseJsonBody_ :: Handler Value
print conf
Array (fromList [String "BNAP",Number 306])
So it seems the problem lies with String "BNAP" but I don't know why. Any ideas on how I can suss this out? Is there an obvious answer I'm not seeing?
Update : I have a new error. I'm sure I borked the FromJSON
test: ResponseTimeout
instance FromJSON Project where
parseJSON (String p) = parseJSON $ toJSON p
parseJSON _ = mzero
The challenge here was that Project
is a unary type. None of the examples I studied seemed to address that. But I know p is a Text
, and toJSON
can make a Value
out of that, and parseJSON
makes a Parser
out of the Value
. So it's all good right? Well, I still get the above error which is not informative at all. Any ideas?
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instance ToJSON Project where
toJSON = toJSON . show
instance FromJSON Project
The instances don't work together. The generic FromJSON
instance expects the generic unit constructor U1
, but the ToJSON
instance produces a String "BNAP"
If you have a hand-written ToJSON
instance, you also need a hand-written FromJSON
instance FromJSON Project where
parseJSON (String p) = parseJSON $ toJSON p
parseJSON _ = mzero
is a Text
, and we have
instance ToJSON Text where
toJSON = String
so the above instance for Project
loops, since it expands parseJSON (String p) = parseJSON (String p)
For the type as it stands now,
instance FromJSON Project where
parseJSON (String "BNAP") = return BNAP
parseJSON _ = mzero
should work if you have OverloadedStrings
enabled, if not,
instance FromJSON Project where
parseJSON (String p)
| p == pack "BNAP" = return BNAP
parseJSON _ = mzero
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