Reputation: 17
I have some csv files, I need to open csv file, read first line of csv and convert it into temporary sql table, and then load data into the sql table as follows:
Read the lines of the CSV and for each line:
Break it into fields create one temporary sql table
Insert those fields into a row of the database table
I tried something like this
This script is now divided in 4 parts,file initialization; file creation, process and copy data, everything is working fine except,on fil.sql I am getting output as
firstcolumn character varying (255),
secondcolumn character varying (255),
lastcolumn character varying (255),
\COPY temtab from bio.csv WITH DELIMITER ; csv HEADER
While I want without comma for last col
firstcolumn character varying (255),
secondcolumn character varying (255),
lastcolumn character varying (255)
\COPY temtab from bio.csv WITH DELIMITER ; csv HEADER
@echo off
::setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
REM Assiging dir to current directory
SET dir=%CD%
REM Defining database name
SET dbname=****
REM Defining Host name
SET host=****
REM Defining user
SET user=****
REM Defining Port
SET port=****
REM SQL file where query is to be executed
SET sqfile=fil.sql
SET fi=bio.csv
REM Assigning name of temporary table
SET tabnam=temtab
REM Setting delimiter to variable delim
SET delim=;
REM Declaring variable numfields to store index of variable names array
set numFields=0
echo para setted
set fi=bio.csv
SET tex=text
SET com=,
REM Setting create temporary table command with table name tabnam
SET creat=CREATE TEMP TABLE %tabnam%
echo %creat%
REM Executing loop for each file in current directory
echo %creat%>fil.sql
REM Read the lines of the CSV file
For /F "eol==" %%A in (bio.csv) Do ( set "line=%%A"
REM check if index of array is 0
if !numFields! equ 0 (
REM Fisrt line, Store in array name
for %%B in (!line: ^=!) do (
echo %%B character varying (255^),>>fil.sql
set /A numFields+=1
set name[!numFields!]=%%B
) ) )
echo \COPY %tabnam% from %fi% WITH DELIMITER %delim% csv HEADER
echo \COPY %tabnam% from %fi% WITH DELIMITER %delim% csv HEADER;>>fil.sql
Upvotes: 1
Views: 3534
Reputation: 67216
Although I don't know the format of SQL tables, I can show you how to read a CSV file. The Batch file below read all lines from the file; it first take field names from first line (CSV header) and create an array of variable names (eliminating possible spaces in field names); then it read the rest of lines and assign each field value to its corresponding Batch variable.
@echo off
rem General-purpose CSV file reader program
rem Antonio Perez Ayala
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set numFields=0
rem Read the lines of the CSV file
for /F "delims=" %%a in (CSVfile.csv) do (
set "line=%%a"
if !numFields! equ 0 (
rem It is the first line: break it into an array of field names (removing spaces)
for %%b in (!line: ^=!) do (
set /A numFields+=1
set name[!numFields!]=%%b
) else (
rem Replace spaces by Ascii-128 (to avoid split values that may have spaces)
set "line=!line: =Ç!"
rem Insert any char. at beginning of each field, and separate fields with spaces
set i=0
for %%b in (X!line:^,^= X!) do (
set "field=%%b"
rem Recover spaces in this field, if any
set "field=!field:Ç= !"
rem And assign it to corresponding variable (removing first character)
set /A i+=1
for %%i in (!i!) do set "!name[%%i]!=!field:~1!"
rem At this point all variables have the values of current record.
rem They may be accessed explicitly (ie, from example CSVfile.csv):
echo Record of !FirstName! !LastName!
rem ... or implicilty via the NAME array:
for /L %%i in (3,1,!numFields!) do (
for %%b in (!name[%%i]!) do echo %%b: !%%b!
First Name,Last Name,Address,Postal Code,Company,Departament,Floor,Phone,Mobile
John,Smith,123 Fake Street,45612,SomeCo,Accounting,4,123-555-5555,123-555-5556
Jane,Doe,123 Fake Street,,SomeCo,,4,123-555-5555,123-555-5556
Record of John Smith
Address: 123 Fake Street
PostalCode: 45612
Company: SomeCo
Departament: Accounting
Floor: 4
Phone: 123-555-5555
Mobile: 123-555-5556
Record of Jane Doe
Address: 123 Fake Street
Company: SomeCo
Floor: 4
Phone: 123-555-5555
Mobile: 123-555-5556
Please be aware that this program use several advanced Batch techniques. I suggest you to get help on every command you don't completely understand (ie: SET /?) and read it carefully. If after this process you have further questions about this program, just post they as an edit in your original question.
The most complex part of this program is responsible to assign empty strings to variables when the corresponding field is empty (two commas side by side); if the file have not empty fields, the program may be somewhat simpler. Also, this program (as most Batch solutions) may give erroneous results if certain special Batch characters appear in the file, like !. Most of these characters may be managed if required via certain modifications in the program.
EDIT: Modified version when no empty fields exists
@echo off
rem CSV file reader program when no empty fields exist
rem Antonio Perez Ayala
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set numFields=0
rem Read the lines of the CSV file
for /F "delims=" %%a in (CSVfile.csv) do (
set "line=%%a"
if !numFields! equ 0 (
rem It is the first line: break it into an array of field names (removing spaces)
for %%b in (!line: ^=!) do (
set /A numFields+=1
set name[!numFields!]=%%b
) else (
rem Replace spaces by Ascii-128 (to avoid split values that may have spaces)
set "line=!line: =Ç!"
rem Separate fields (using comma as standard Batch separator)
set i=0
for %%b in (!line!) do (
set "field=%%b"
rem Assign this field to corresponding variable, recovering spaces
set /A i+=1
for %%i in (!i!) do set "!name[%%i]!=!field:Ç= !"
rem At this point all variables have the values of current record.
rem They may be accessed explicitly (ie, from example CSVfile.csv):
echo Record of !FirstName! !LastName!
rem ... or implicilty via the NAME array:
for /L %%i in (3,1,!numFields!) do (
for %%b in (!name[%%i]!) do echo %%b: !%%b!
Please note that the standard separators in FOR sets are comma, semicolon and equal-sign, besides spaces:
for %a in (one two,three;four=five) do echo %a
Previous program replace spaces by another character and use commas to separate fields. However, if the line may contain semicolons or equal-signs the fields will be splitted at that point, so in this case these characters must be changed for another ones before the FOR and recovered later, in the same way of the space.
EDIT: Modifications for new request (eliminate last comma)
Eliminating the last comma is not trivial, although not too complex neither. I hope my method be easy to understand; it is based on SET /P command behaviour of show text (the input prompt) with NO new line at end; note that the format is SET /P =text>>out<NUL
. The <NUL
part is needed so the SET /P will NOT wait for input; don't leave spaces before the <
(the same as >>
). However, this behaviour do NOT work in Windows Vista an later versions, I think. If the method don't work for you, then it must be modified again...
I also moved ahead and include some remarks about the parts that still are missing in your code (I think), that is, the processing of several files.
REM Executing loop for each file in current directory
REM *This may be done with a FOR loop:*
::*for %%F in (*.csv) do (*
REM *The file name is given by %%F. In this case, the fileinitialization part*
REM *must be done here, for example:*
set numFields=0
echo %creat%>fil.sql
REM Read the lines of the CSV file
For /F "eol==" %%A in (bio.csv) Do (
set "line=%%A"
REM check if index of array is 0
if !numFields! equ 0 (
REM First line, Store in array name
for %%B in (!line: ^=!) do (
REM Note that I changed the place of the ECHO command
set /A numFields+=1
set name[!numFields!]=%%B
if !numFields! equ 1 (
REM First field: show it with NO comma and NO NEW LINE
set /P =%%B (text^)>>%sqfile%<NUL
) else (
REM Next fields: complete the comma of previous field, WITH NEW LINE
echo ,>>%sqfile%
REM ... and show this field with NO comma and NO NEW LINE (again)
set /P =%%B (text^)>>%sqfile%<NUL
REM Insert the new line of last field (that have NOT comma :-)
I strongly encourage you to keep my previous format: 4 justification columns inside each block of code enclosed in parentheses and place the closing parentheses in the same column of the opening command, FOR or IF. This format will help you to easily locate errors cause by mismatched parentheses in large programs.
Upvotes: 1