Reputation: 11
I tried to find the answer for this questions but it is very difficult because I don't really know what to write I guess. I already tried "sequential referencing to columns", "indexing columns", and of course "equivalent of HLookup
, but nothing seems to work.
Anyway, here comes my question:
I have a table in Excel that has one entry (the identification unique key) in column 1 with 1700 different values (rows). Each of these rows has about 100 columns (that correspond to that key).
I need a procedure to scan this table sequentially and mach the ID entry (in the first column) to the entry in each column and return the value in the corresponding cell.
It would be something like:
For row=1 to N do
For column = 1 to N do
Result <- cell[i,j]
End for
End for
My problem is how to scan the column, because I don't know how to reference the column with some index?
If this is really impossible, do you have any idea about how else I could solve this? For instance copying all the values that are spread across the columns and "transposing" them so they become a single column somehow repeating several copies of the ID_Key on another column?
Thanks for the help!
Excel data:
ID Date0 DateF Jun-26 Jun-27 Jun-28 Jun-29 Jun-30
10006 1926 1953 67.743 71.245 70.139 70.139 70.139
10014 1926 1961 13.005 12.787 12.63 13.871 14.896
10022 1926 1960 13.567 13.996 14.326 14.552 14.025
10030 1926 1966 15.924 17.487 18.771 20.508 20.488
10049 1926 1932 11.984 12.848 13.34 59.145 61.094
10057 1926 1968 8.234 8.376 8.448 7.577 8.966
10065 1926 1929 16.609 15.727 13.849 18.062 -99.99
10073 1926 1938 14.789 14.912 14.571 15.321 14.926
10081 1926 1930 1.769 1.83 1.881 1.731 1.703
10102 1926 1953 14.474 16.604 19.184 21.49 27.895
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Views: 1929
Reputation: 239824
The first thing you need to do is transform this data into something resembling a database table. I'd suggest you use UNPIVOT
to do this.
So, part of your query would be like:
SELECT ID,Date0,DateF,PDate,Value
FROM Table t
UNPIVOT (Value FOR PDate IN ([Jun-26],[Jun-27],[Jun-28],[Jun-29],[Jun-30])) AS up
Which would give you some rows that look like this:
ID Date0 DateF PDate Value
10006 1926 1953 Jun-26 67.743
10006 1926 1953 Jun-27 71.245
10006 1926 1953 Jun-28 70.139
10006 1926 1953 Jun-29 70.139
10006 1926 1953 Jun-30 70.139
10014 1926 1961 Jun-26 13.005
You could place this in a subquery or CTE. Now, you can build a sensible piece of SQL since you no longer have repeating columns containing the same types of data.
If you need to, you could PIVOT
again at the end to turn it back into this Excel style sheet, but I wouldn't recommend it.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 4622
The simple answer is: No, you cannot iterate through the columns of a table.
But you can get column information (name, type, size etc.) for each column using a simple query and then construct a string which represents a query
SELECT * FROM sys.columns WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('dbo.yourTableName')
Here's a function to create a query over all columns of a certain type. It accepts 3 parameters: table name, some constant value and a datatype ('float' or 'int') Usage:
select dbo.BuildNumericQuery('MyTable','123','float')
It will create a string which looks something like
'select * from MyTable where Field1=123 or Field2=123 or .... '
And here the code (tadaaa):
create function BuildNumericQuery
@table varchar(80),
@value varchar(10),
@datatype varchar(10)
returns varchar(1000)
declare @column varchar(80), @query varchar(1000)
declare x cursor for
SELECT name FROM sys.columns
WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(@table) and (1=
case when @datatype = 'int'
and system_type_id in (48,52,56,127) then 1
when @datatype = 'float'
and system_type_id in (60,62,106,108,122) then 1
else 0 end)
open x
fetch next from x into @column
while @@FETCH_STATUS=0 begin
set @query= case
when @query is null then ''
else @query+' or '
end + @column+' = '+ @value
fetch next from x into @column
close x
deallocate x
set @query='select * from ' + @table +
case when @query is null then '' else 'where '+@query
return @query
However, this is not the good solution. Refactoring the table schema is the real deal.
Upvotes: 0