Reputation: 32202
I have an interesting pattern I'm trying out, using RX extensions for exception retrying. I have the following code.
Public Async Function InitializeCommunications() As Task
Await Observable.Create(Of Unit)(Async Function(observer)
MessageBox.Show("Please press reset")
Await Me.Cockpit.LoadDriverToPLC()
MessageBox.Show("Please press start")
End Function).Retry()
End Function
The code works almost perfectly. If there is an exception thrown in LoadDriverToPLC then the sequence is resubscribed to and the body rerun and the user is asked to press reset again.
There is only one problem with this code. The first time through the MessageBox calls are correctly modal. This means they ride above the main window and you can't hide them by accidently clicking on the main window. However if an exception is thrown and the body is retried then the MessageBox calls are no longer modal.
I'm sure this is to do with the RX schedular. What is the trick to make sure the body always runs in the same context?
I intend to wrap this pattern later on when I can get it reliable into something like
Public Async Function InitializeCommunications() As Task
Await RetryOn(of Exception)(Async Sub()
MessageBox.Show("Please press reset")
Await Me.Cockpit.LoadDriverToPLC()
MessageBox.Show("Please press start")
End Sub)
End Function
Upvotes: 1
Views: 232
Reputation: 32202
The solution seems to be to capture the synchronization context and force the observer to be notified on the correct context so it then retries using the same context
Public Async Function InitializeCommunications(msgFeedback As Func(Of String, Task)) As Task
Dim context = SynchronizationContext.Current
Await Observable.Create(Of Unit)(
Async Function(observer)
MessageBox.Show("Please press reset")
Await Me.Cockpit.LoadMessageLoopToPLC(111)
MessageBox.Show("Please press start")
End Function).ObserveOn(context).Retry()
End Function
Another, maybe better, way to do this is to create some extensions methods on Object like so
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace FunctionalExtensions
public static class ObjectMixins
public static T Retry<Ex, T>(this Object This, int count, Func<T> action)
where Ex : Exception
while (true)
return action();
if (count==0)
public static async Task<T> Retry<Ex, T>(this Object This, int count, Func<Task<T>> action)
where Ex : Exception
while (true)
return await action();
if (count==0)
public static void Retry<Ex>(this Object This, int count, Action action)
where Ex : Exception
This.Retry<Ex, bool>(count, () => { action(); return true; });
public static async Task Retry<Ex>(this Object This, int count, Func<Task> action)
where Ex : Exception
await This.Retry<Ex, bool>(count, async () => { await action(); return true; });
public static void Retry<Ex>(this Object This, Action action)
where Ex : Exception
This.Retry<Ex, bool>(() => { action(); return true; });
public static T Retry<Ex, T>(this Object This, Func<T> action)
where Ex : Exception
while (true)
return action();
which supports synchronous and asynchrous operation. You can use it like below to retry 10 times before throwing the exception
Public Async Function InitializeCommunications(msgFeedback As Func(Of String, Task)) As Task
Await Retry(Of Exception)(10,
Async Function()
MessageBox.Show("Please press reset on the NUM control unit then press ok here.")
Await Me.Cockpit.LoadMessageLoopToPLC(111)
MessageBox.Show("Please press start on control unit.")
End Function)
End Function
Upvotes: 1