Jeremy B
Jeremy B

Reputation: 911

Select2 with Rails and JSON

I am trying to use select2 with my rails application but cannot get the result displayed in my views. I see the correct json coming in chrome console but cannot get the result displayed in the dropdown ...

Could you please help me ?

Thanks :

Controllers :

def friends
  if params[:term]
    @users = User.where{ ( (first_name =~ my{"%#{params[:term]}%"}) | (last_name =~ my{"%#{params[:term]}%"}) | ( ((first_name.op('||', ' ')).op('||',last_name)) =~ my{"%#{params[:term]}%"}) | ( ((last_name.op('||', ' ')).op('||',first_name)) =~ my{"%#{params[:term]}%"}) ) & ( adult==false ) }
  respond_to do |format|  
    format.json { render :json =>{:results => @users.to_json(only: [:id, :first_name, :last_name]) }}

My Javascript :

  placeholder: "Search for a teen",
  minimumInputLength: 2,
  ajax: {
    url: "/friends.json",
    data: function (search, page) {
      return {
        term: search, // search term
        page_limit: 10,

    results: function (data, page) {
      return data;
  dropdownCssClass: "bigdrop"

I cannot figure what's wrong, thanks for your help

I just edited the controller render_to json and the results in js to fix an error in the chrome console, I know I am close but still cannot get my user first_name and last_name displayed in the field ...

Upvotes: 4

Views: 8669

Answers (2)

Jeremy B
Jeremy B

Reputation: 911

So I ended up doing that :

User_Controller :

def friends
if params[:term]
    @users = User.where{ ( (first_name =~ my{"%#{params[:term]}%"}) | (last_name =~ my{"%#{params[:term]}%"}) | ( ((first_name.op('||', ' ')).op('||',last_name)) =~ my{"%#{params[:term]}%"}) | ( ((last_name.op('||', ' ')).op('||',first_name)) =~ my{"%#{params[:term]}%"}) ) & ( adult==false ) }.select("id,first_name,last_name,avatar,uid")
    @user = @users.paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => params[:page_limit])
respond_to do |format|  
    format.json { 
      render :json => {
        :users => @user,
        :total => @users.count,
        :links => { :self => @user.current_page , :next => @user.next_page}

In the JS Script :

    $(document).ready(function() {
        placeholder: "Search for a teen",
        minimumInputLength: 1,
        ajax: {
            url: "/friends.json",
            dataType: 'json',
            quietMillis: 300,
            data: function (search, page) {
                return {
                    term: search,
                    page_limit: 10,
                    page: page,
            results: function (data, page) {
            var more = (page * 10) <;                
              return {results: data.users, more: more};
        formatResult: movieFormatResult,
        formatSelection: movieFormatSelection, 
        dropdownCssClass: "bigdrop" // apply css that makes the dropdown taller

Also formatResult and formatSelection are configured like that before you load the script :

    function movieFormatResult(user) {
    var markup = "<table class='movie-result'><tr>";
    if ( user.uid !== null) {
         markup += "<td class='movie-image'><img src='" + user.avatar + "'/></td>";
    else if (user.uid == null) {
        var gravatar = user.avatar + 40
         markup += "<td class='movie-image'><img src='" + gravatar + "'/></td>";

    markup += "<td class='movie-info'><div class='movie-title'>" + user.first_name +' '+ user.last_name + "</div>";

    markup += "</td></tr></table>"
    return markup;

function movieFormatSelection(user) {
    return (user.first_name + ' ' + user.last_name);

And the in the view :

<input type ="hidden" id="teens_select2"></input>

I really hope it can be useful.

Upvotes: 5


Reputation: 623

Just change 'jsonp' by 'json' in the dataType attribute.

Upvotes: 2

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