Reputation: 597
I have an XML file with some data. This file has a description of columns and the data itself. I can read column names, but I can't read data because I do not understand how to give this row names to a function which will return the data.
XML file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Project code="SOME PROJECT" label="PROJECT LABEL"></Project>
<Datatable name="LOG" label="Visits"></Datatable>
<column name="study" label="Study" ordinal="1" type="TEXT"></column>
<column name="site" label="Site" ordinal="2" type="INTEGER"></column>
<column name="number" label="Subject" ordinal="3" type="INTEGER"></column>
<column name="visit" label="Visit number" ordinal="4" type="CHARACTER VARYING(20)">
<column name="vdate" label="Visit date (dd/mm/yyyy)." ordinal="5" type="CHARACTER VARYING(10)"></column>
<table xmlns:xsi="">
<study>Some study</study>
<study>Some study</study>
<study>Some study</study>
Sample code:
{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
import Text.XML.HXT.Core
import Data.Tree.NTree.TypeDefs
parseXML :: String -> IOStateArrow s b XmlTree
parseXML file = readDocument [ withValidate yes
, withRemoveWS yes
] file
atTag :: ArrowXml a => String -> a (NTree XNode) XmlTree
atTag tag = deep (isElem >>> hasName tag)
text :: ArrowXml cat => cat (NTree XNode) String
text = getChildren >>> getText
getRowsData :: ArrowXml cat => cat (NTree XNode) [String]
getRowsData = atTag "table" >>>
proc l -> do
row <- atTag "row" -< l
study <- text <<< atTag "study" -< row
site <- text <<< atTag "site" -< row
returnA -< [study,site]
readTable :: ArrowXml t => t (NTree XNode) [[String]]
readTable =
proc l -> do
rows <- listA getRowsData -< l
returnA -< rows
main :: IO ()
main = do
res <- runX ( parseXML "log.xml" >>> readTable )
print res
The problem for me is in getRowsData
. In the sample code I gave column names implicitly, but I want it read from a list, apply in arrow function and return rows.
Upvotes: 3
Views: 208
Reputation: 32465
import Control.Arrow
I believe what you're looking for is a way of combining multiple arrows on the same input to list their output:
list :: Arrow a => [a b c] -> a b [c]
list [] = returnA >>^ const []
list (a:as) = (a &&& list as) >>^ uncurry (:)
(a &&& list as)
returns a pair of the head and the tail, then we post-apply >>^
the pure function uncurry (:) :: (x,[x]) -> [x]
to recombine them.
Let's test it. Here are some things to play with IO arrows. A monad is an arrow, but you have to wrap it into its Kleisli category. runKleisli
unwraps it again so you can run it, but takes me too long to type, so I've used an infix version >$>
to feed it the input:
ask :: Kleisli IO String String
ask = Kleisli $ \xs -> putStrLn xs >> getLine
(>$>) = runKleisli
So now it's easier to interact:
*Main> ask >$> "Hello?"
and list
works fine:
*Main> list [ask,ask] >$> "say something!"
say something!
say something!
What do you want me to say?
["OK","What do you want me to say?"]
But you want to turn a list of Strings into an arrow that produces lists of Strings.
appList :: Arrow a => (s -> a b c) -> [s] -> a b [c]
appList f xs = list (map f xs)
We can test that with a variant on the ask test:
askRespond xs = Kleisli $ \thx -> do
putStrLn xs
ans <- getLine
putStrLn thx
return ans
So we can see appList
is working the way you want, by making an arrow out of each String, and running each, combining the answers into a string again:
*Main> appList askRespond ["What's your name?","What's your favourite colour?","Would you like some cheese?"] >$> "Thanks."
What's your name?
What's your favourite colour?
Would you like some cheese?
Yes - could I have gruyere?
["Andrew","Green","Yes - could I have gruyere?"]
Now let's apply that to your problem.
First let's make a shorthand to make an arrow out of a string:
textAtTag xs = text <<< atTag xs
Then let's use appList
getRowsData = atTag "table"
>>> atTag "row"
>>> appList textAtTag ["study","site"]
I haven't tested that last one - please check!
Upvotes: 2