Reputation: 9610
I'm a newbie to AD programming, but after a couple of weeks of research have found the following three ways to search for users in Active Directory using the account name as the search parameter:
Option 1 - FindByIdentity
Dim ctx As New PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, Environment.MachineName)
Dim u As UserPrincipal = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(ctx, IdentityType.SamAccountName, "MYDOMAIN\Administrator")
If u Is Nothing Then
Trace.Warn("No user found.")
Trace.Warn("Name=" & u.Name)
Trace.Warn("DisplayName=" & u.DisplayName)
Trace.Warn("DistinguishedName=" & u.DistinguishedName)
Trace.Warn("EmployeeId=" & u.EmployeeId)
Trace.Warn("EmailAddress=" & u.EmailAddress)
End If
Option 2 - DirectorySearcher
Dim connPath As String = "LDAP://" & Environment.MachineName
Dim de As New DirectoryEntry(connPath)
Dim ds As New DirectorySearcher(de)
ds.Filter = String.Format("(&(objectClass=user)(anr={0}))", Split(User.Identity.Name, "\")(1))
Dim src As SearchResult = ds.FindOne()
If src Is Nothing Then
Trace.Warn("No user found.")
For Each propertyKey As String In src.Properties.PropertyNames
Dim valueCollection As ResultPropertyValueCollection = src.Properties(propertyKey)
For Each propertyValue As Object In valueCollection
Trace.Warn(propertyKey & "=" & propertyValue.ToString)
End If
Option 3 - PrincipalSearcher
Dim ctx2 As New PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, Environment.MachineName)
Dim sp As New UserPrincipal(ctx2)
sp.SamAccountName = "MYDOMAIN\Administrator"
Dim s As New PrincipalSearcher
s.QueryFilter = sp
Dim p2 As UserPrincipal = s.FindOne()
If p2 Is Nothing Then
Trace.Warn("No user found.")
End If
All three of these methods return the same results, but I was wondering if any particular method is better or worse than the others?
Option 1 or 3 seem to be the best as they provide strongly-typed property names, but I might be wrong? My overall objective is to find a single user within AD based on the user principal value passed via the web browser when using Windows Authentication on a site (e.g. "MYDOMAIN\MyUserAccountName")
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Views: 1878
Reputation: 72680
For me 1 and 3 are quite the same. In Querying an LDAP in C# answer, I introduce a third way using managed code which is low level (native LDAP) protocol with System.DirectoryServices.Protocols (S.DS.P).
I don't know if your purpose is just to authenticate a user or authenticate a user and retrieve some datas (profile) from Active-Directory, but keep in mind that a LDAP query is first a query, and the old fashion (your solution 2) let's you specify the properties you retrieve. Before choosing, make some test on a performance point of view.
If you just want to authenticate you can compare native LDAP and user Principal responses from another article
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