vladimir montealegre
vladimir montealegre

Reputation: 2130

Construct pandas DataFrame from items in nested dictionary

Suppose I have a nested dictionary 'user_dict' with structure:

For example, an entry of this dictionary would be:

user_dict[12] = {
    "Category 1": {"att_1": 1, 
                   "att_2": "whatever"},
    "Category 2": {"att_1": 23, 
                   "att_2": "another"}}

each item in user_dict has the same structure and user_dict contains a large number of items which I want to feed to a pandas DataFrame, constructing the series from the attributes. In this case a hierarchical index would be useful for the purpose.

Specifically, my question is whether there exists a way to to help the DataFrame constructor understand that the series should be built from the values of the "level 3" in the dictionary?

If I try something like:

df = pandas.DataFrame(users_summary)

The items in "level 1" (the UserId's) are taken as columns, which is the opposite of what I want to achieve (have UserId's as index).

I know I could construct the series after iterating over the dictionary entries, but if there is a more direct way this would be very useful. A similar question would be asking whether it is possible to construct a pandas DataFrame from json objects listed in a file.

Upvotes: 166

Views: 275979

Answers (7)


Reputation: 804

This solution should work for arbitrary depth by flattening dictionary keys to a tuple chain

def flatten_dict(nested_dict):
    res = {}
    if isinstance(nested_dict, dict):
        for k in nested_dict:
            flattened_dict = flatten_dict(nested_dict[k])
            for key, val in flattened_dict.items():
                key = list(key)
                key.insert(0, k)
                res[tuple(key)] = val
        res[()] = nested_dict
    return res

def nested_dict_to_df(values_dict):
    flat_dict = flatten_dict(values_dict)
    df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(flat_dict, orient="index")
    df.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(df.index)
    df = df.unstack(level=-1)
    df.columns = df.columns.map("{0[1]}".format)
    return df

Upvotes: 35


Reputation: 643

For other ways to represent the data, you don't need to do much. For example, if you just want the "outer" key to be an index, the "inner" key to be columns and the values to be cell values, this would do the trick:

df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(user_dict, orient='index')

Upvotes: 6


Reputation: 339

Building on verified answer, for me this worked best:

ab = pd.concat({k: pd.DataFrame(v).T for k, v in data.items()}, axis=0)

Upvotes: 5


Reputation: 2207

In case someone wants to get the data frame in a "long format" (leaf values have the same type) without multiindex, you can do this:

        (level1, level2, level3, leaf)
        for level1, level2_dict in user_dict.items()
        for level2, level3_dict in level2_dict.items()
        for level3, leaf in level3_dict.items()
    columns=['UserId', 'Category', 'Attribute', 'value']

    UserId    Category Attribute     value
0       12  Category 1     att_1         1
1       12  Category 1     att_2  whatever
2       12  Category 2     att_1        23
3       12  Category 2     att_2   another
4       15  Category 1     att_1        10
5       15  Category 1     att_2       foo
6       15  Category 2     att_1        30
7       15  Category 2     att_2       bar

(I know the original question probably wants (I.) to have Levels 1 and 2 as multiindex and Level 3 as columns and (II.) asks about other ways than iteration over values in the dict. But I hope this answer is still relevant and useful (I.): to people like me who have tried to find a way to get the nested dict into this shape and google only returns this question and (II.): because other answers involve some iteration as well and I find this approach flexible and easy to read; not sure about performance, though.)

Upvotes: 23


Reputation: 402493

pd.concat accepts a dictionary. With this in mind, it is possible to improve upon the currently accepted answer in terms of simplicity and performance by use a dictionary comprehension to build a dictionary mapping keys to sub-frames.

pd.concat({k: pd.DataFrame(v).T for k, v in user_dict.items()}, axis=0)


        k: pd.DataFrame.from_dict(v, 'index') for k, v in user_dict.items()

              att_1     att_2
12 Category 1     1  whatever
   Category 2    23   another
15 Category 1    10       foo
   Category 2    30       bar

Upvotes: 73

Wouter Overmeire
Wouter Overmeire

Reputation: 69136

A pandas MultiIndex consists of a list of tuples. So the most natural approach would be to reshape your input dict so that its keys are tuples corresponding to the multi-index values you require. Then you can just construct your dataframe using pd.DataFrame.from_dict, using the option orient='index':

user_dict = {12: {'Category 1': {'att_1': 1, 'att_2': 'whatever'},
                  'Category 2': {'att_1': 23, 'att_2': 'another'}},
             15: {'Category 1': {'att_1': 10, 'att_2': 'foo'},
                  'Category 2': {'att_1': 30, 'att_2': 'bar'}}}

pd.DataFrame.from_dict({(i,j): user_dict[i][j] 
                           for i in user_dict.keys() 
                           for j in user_dict[i].keys()},

               att_1     att_2
12 Category 1      1  whatever
   Category 2     23   another
15 Category 1     10       foo
   Category 2     30       bar

An alternative approach would be to build your dataframe up by concatenating the component dataframes:

user_ids = []
frames = []

for user_id, d in user_dict.iteritems():
    frames.append(pd.DataFrame.from_dict(d, orient='index'))

pd.concat(frames, keys=user_ids)

               att_1     att_2
12 Category 1      1  whatever
   Category 2     23   another
15 Category 1     10       foo
   Category 2     30       bar

Upvotes: 217


Reputation: 341

So I used to use a for loop for iterating through the dictionary as well, but one thing I've found that works much faster is to convert to a panel and then to a dataframe. Say you have a dictionary d

import pandas as pd
{'RAY Index': {datetime.date(2014, 11, 3): {'PX_LAST': 1199.46,
'PX_OPEN': 1200.14},
datetime.date(2014, 11, 4): {'PX_LAST': 1195.323, 'PX_OPEN': 1197.69},
datetime.date(2014, 11, 5): {'PX_LAST': 1200.936, 'PX_OPEN': 1195.32},
datetime.date(2014, 11, 6): {'PX_LAST': 1206.061, 'PX_OPEN': 1200.62}},
'SPX Index': {datetime.date(2014, 11, 3): {'PX_LAST': 2017.81,
'PX_OPEN': 2018.21},
datetime.date(2014, 11, 4): {'PX_LAST': 2012.1, 'PX_OPEN': 2015.81},
datetime.date(2014, 11, 5): {'PX_LAST': 2023.57, 'PX_OPEN': 2015.29},
datetime.date(2014, 11, 6): {'PX_LAST': 2031.21, 'PX_OPEN': 2023.33}}}

The command

<class 'pandas.core.panel.Panel'>
Dimensions: 2 (items) x 2 (major_axis) x 4 (minor_axis)
Items axis: RAY Index to SPX Index
Major_axis axis: PX_LAST to PX_OPEN
Minor_axis axis: 2014-11-03 to 2014-11-06

where pd.Panel(d)[item] yields a dataframe

pd.Panel(d)['SPX Index']
2014-11-03  2014-11-04  2014-11-05 2014-11-06
PX_LAST 2017.81 2012.10 2023.57 2031.21
PX_OPEN 2018.21 2015.81 2015.29 2023.33

You can then hit the command to_frame() to turn it into a dataframe. I use reset_index as well to turn the major and minor axis into columns rather than have them as indices.

major   minor      RAY Index    SPX Index
PX_LAST 2014-11-03  1199.460    2017.81
PX_LAST 2014-11-04  1195.323    2012.10
PX_LAST 2014-11-05  1200.936    2023.57
PX_LAST 2014-11-06  1206.061    2031.21
PX_OPEN 2014-11-03  1200.140    2018.21
PX_OPEN 2014-11-04  1197.690    2015.81
PX_OPEN 2014-11-05  1195.320    2015.29
PX_OPEN 2014-11-06  1200.620    2023.33

Finally, if you don't like the way the frame looks you can use the transpose function of panel to change the appearance before calling to_frame() see documentation here http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/dev/generated/pandas.Panel.transpose.html

Just as an example

major        minor  2014-11-03  2014-11-04  2014-11-05  2014-11-06
RAY Index   PX_LAST 1199.46    1195.323     1200.936    1206.061
RAY Index   PX_OPEN 1200.14    1197.690     1195.320    1200.620
SPX Index   PX_LAST 2017.81    2012.100     2023.570    2031.210
SPX Index   PX_OPEN 2018.21    2015.810     2015.290    2023.330

Hope this helps.

Upvotes: 12

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