Reputation: 41
I am a noob to programming especially in Visual Basic. I am only using VB6 because I have to use it for college and I am totally stuck.
I have a listbox in which I want to display a name of a radio and then when I click the name I want it to put data into some textboxes, it is simple I know but I don't even fully know the VB6 syntax so I am totally stuck I have asked my teacher but he is not really any help.
This is the line that is highlited when I click debug:
x = radCatList.ItemData(radCatList.ListIndex)
This is code for the enitre form, again it is very simple and I barely know what I am doing most of this project is a copy and paste job:
Option Explicit
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim r As radioRec
Dim radioChan As Integer
Dim x As Integer
x = 1
radioChan = FreeFile
Open radioFile For Random As radioChan Len = radioLen
Get radioChan, x, r
Do While Not EOF(radioChan)
radCatList.AddItem r.rModel
radCatList.ItemData(radCatList.NewIndex) = x
x = x + 1
Get radioChan, x, r
Close radioChan
End Sub
Private Sub radCatList_Click()
Dim r As radioRec
Dim radioChan As Integer
Dim x As Integer
x = radCatList.ItemData(radCatList.ListIndex)
radioChan = FreeFile
Open radioFile For Random As radioChan Len = radioLen
Get radioChan, x, r
channelTxt = r.rLicense
licenseTxt = r.rLicense
rangeTxt = r.rRange
stockTxt.Text = r.rStock
Close radioChan
End Sub
Upvotes: 4
Views: 11680
Reputation: 2951
your listindex is probably -1 as no listitem is selected yet ?
have look at the following code
'1 form with
' 1 listbox : name=List1
Option Explicit
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim intIndex As Integer
For intIndex = 0 To 10
List1.AddItem CStr(intIndex)
List1.ItemData(intIndex) = intIndex * intIndex
Next intIndex
ShowData List1.ListIndex
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Resize()
List1.Move 0, 0, ScaleWidth, ScaleHeight
End Sub
Private Sub List1_Click()
ShowData List1.ListIndex
End Sub
Private Sub ShowData(intIndex As Integer)
Dim strShow As String
strShow = "Index:" & CStr(intIndex)
If intIndex > -1 Then
strShow = strShow & " Data:" & CStr(List1.ItemData(intIndex))
End If
Caption = strShow
End Sub
so all you have to add is a check if the listindex isn't -1
Upvotes: 4