

Return exact response/header?

From the client-side of a webapp, I hit a server-side route which is just a wrapper for a third-party API. Using dispatch, I am trying to make that server-side request return the exact header and response of the third-party API to the client-side AJAX call.

When I do this:

val req = host(", 80)
val post ="user", "pass") / "route" << Map("key" -> "akey", "val" -> "aval")
Http(post > as.String)

I always see a 200 response returned to the AJAX call (kind of expectedly). I have seen an Either syntax used, but I'm really more of an Any, as it's just the exact response and header. How would this be written?

I should mention I'm using Scalatra on the server-side, so the local route is:

post("/route") {



Here is the suggested Either matching example, which I'm playing with, but the match syntax doesn't make sense - I don't care if there is an error, I just want to return it. Also, I can't seem to get the BODY returned with this method.

val asHeaders = as.Response { response =>
  println("BODY: " + response.getResponseBody())

val response: Either[Throwable, Map[String, List[String]]] =
  Http(post > asHeaders).either()

response match {
  case Left(wrong) =>
    println("Left: " + wrong.getMessage())
    // return Action with header + body
  case Right(good) =>
    println("Right: " + good)
    // return Action with header + body

Ideally, the solutions returns the Scalatra ActionResult(responseStatus(status, reason), body, headers).

Upvotes: 2

Views: 2284

Answers (2)

Michael Vashchinsky
Michael Vashchinsky

Reputation: 2137

We needed the response body of failed requests to an API, so we came up with this solution:

Define your own ApiHttpError class with code and body (for the body text):

case class ApiHttpError(code: Int, body: String)
  extends Exception("Unexpected response status: %d".format(code))

Define OkWithBodyHandler similar to what is used in the source of displatch:

class OkWithBodyHandler[T](f: Response => T) extends AsyncCompletionHandler[T] {
  def onCompleted(response: Response) = {
    if (response.getStatusCode / 100 == 2) {
    } else {
      throw ApiHttpError(response.getStatusCode, response.getResponseBody)

Now, near your call to the code that might throw and exception (calling API), add implicit override to the ToupleBuilder (again similar to the source code) and call OkWithBody on request:

class MyApiService {
  implicit class MyRequestHandlerTupleBuilder(req: Req) {
    def OKWithBody[T](f: Response => T) =
      (req.toRequest, new OkWithBodyHandler(f))

  def callApi(request: Req) = {
    Http(request OKWithBody as.String).either

From now on, fetching either will give you the [Throwable, String] (using as.String), and the Throwable is our ApiHttpError with code and body.

Hope it helped.

Upvotes: 0

Travis Brown
Travis Brown

Reputation: 139028

It's actually very easy to get response headers while using Dispatch. For example with 0.9.4:

import dispatch._
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

val headers: java.util.Map[String, java.util.List[String]] = Http(

And now, for example:

scala> headers.asScala.mapValues(_.asScala).foreach {
     |   case (k, v) => println(k + ": " + v)
     | }
X-Frame-Options: Buffer(SAMEORIGIN)
Transfer-Encoding: Buffer(chunked)
Date: Buffer(Fri, 30 Nov 2012 20:42:45 GMT)

If you do this often it's better to encapsulate it, like this, for example:

val asHeaders = as.Response { response =>

Now you can write the following:

val response: Either[Throwable, Map[String, List[String]]] =
  Http(url("") OK asHeaders).either()

And you've got error checking, nice immutable collections, etc.

Upvotes: 5

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