Reputation: 19
Im trying to do the following with FFMpeg I want to create multiple videos with one image and different audio files (music albums). These are my own albums so I have rights to do so before you ask. I have 100's of audio files to stick up on youtube.
Is there a way I can create this in batch so i can just load one image (album cover) and multiple audio files (the album tracks) and get videos to the tracks length automatically?
Appreciate any help
Upvotes: 2
Views: 2314
Reputation: 3
Im trying almost same thing, look how ive done:
@echo off
set /P format="Type the Video Format: "
for %i in (*.%format) <<<< geting not a reconiezed by CMD
do @echo file '%i' > Lista-%format%.txt
ffmpeg.exe -i %mylist% -vf scale=480:320 output-%mylist%.%format%
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 11
i use this portion of code to do the conversion for my YouTube video:
for %%a in ("*.*")
"C:\ffmpeg\bin\ffmpeg" -loop 1 -i "C:\ffmpg\bin\input.jpg" -i "%%a" -c:v libx264 -preset veryslow -tune stillimage -crf 18 -pix_fmt yuv420p -vf scale=854:480 -c:a aac -shortest -strict experimental -b:a 192k -shortest "C:\mp4\%%~na.mp4"
if there an error use libvo_aacenc instead of aac codec like that:
-c:a libvo_aacenc -shortest -strict experimental
i hope that help
Upvotes: 1