Reputation: 41
I am trying to make a proof in Coq using Omega. I spent a lot of time on it, but nothing came to me. I have to say I am new in Coq, so I am not at ease with this kind of language, and I do not have much experience. But I am working on it.
Here's the code I have to prove:
Require Import Arith Omega.
Fixpoint div2 (n : nat) :=
match n with
S (S p) => S (div2 p)
| _ => 0
Fixpoint mod2 (n : nat) :=
match n with
S (S p) => mod2 p
| x => x
To make this proof, I thought it would help to prove by induction this lemma first:
Lemma div2_eq : forall n, 2 * div2 n + mod2 n = n.
Then this one, using omega and div2_eq :
Lemma div2_le : forall n, div2 n <= n.
But I did not manage to go further.
Does anyone know what to do?
Upvotes: 3
Views: 896
You can easily derive induction principles from the functions div2
and mod2
like so:
Functional Scheme div2_ind := Induction for div2 Sort Prop.
Functional Scheme mod2_ind := Induction for mod2 Sort Prop.
and mod2_ind
have more or less types:
forall P1,
P1 0 0 ->
P1 1 0 ->
(forall n1, P1 n1 (div2 n1) -> P1 (S (S n1)) (S (div2 n1))) ->
forall n1, P1 n1 (div2 n1)
forall P1,
P1 0 0 ->
P1 1 1 ->
(forall n1, P1 n1 (mod2 n1) -> P1 (S (S n1)) (mod2 n1)) ->
forall n1, P1 n1 (mod2 n1)
To apply these theorems you can conveniently write functional induction (div2 n)
or functional induction (mod2 n)
where you might usually write induction n
But a stronger induction principle is associated with these functions:
Lemma nat_ind_alt : forall P1 : nat -> Prop,
P1 0 ->
P1 1 ->
(forall n1, P1 n1 -> P1 (S (S n1))) ->
forall n1, P1 n1.
intros P1 H1 H2 H3. induction n1 as [[| [| n1]] H4] using lt_wf_ind.
In fact, the domain of any function is a clue to a useful induction principle. For example, the induction principle associated to the domain of the functions plus : nat -> nat -> nat
and mult : nat -> nat -> nat
is just structural induction. Which makes me wonder why Functional Scheme
doesn't just generate these more general principles instead.
In any case, the proofs of your theorems then become:
Lemma div2_eq : forall n, 2 * div2 n + mod2 n = n.
induction n as [| | n1 H1] using nat_ind_alt.
simpl in *. omega.
simpl in *. omega.
simpl in *. omega.
Lemma div2_le : forall n, div2 n <= n.
induction n as [| | n1 H1] using nat_ind_alt.
simpl. omega.
simpl. omega.
simpl. omega.
You should familiarize yourself with functional induction, but more importantly, you should really familiarize yourself with well-founded induction.
Upvotes: 4