Reputation: 2104
Given a matrix of size mxn
containing 0's and 1's only. I need to find the largest sub-matrix which has equal number of 1's and 0's in it. Brute force approach would be O(m^2*n^2)
Can we do any better than this?
I tried applying dynamic programming, but couldn't find any optimal substructure to it.
I believe a similar one-dimensional version of this problem was discussed here:
Space-efficient algorithm for finding the largest balanced subarray?
which has an O(n)
solution using some extra space.
Upvotes: 6
Views: 2477
Reputation: 32561
I created a small application that demonstrates an search algorithm optimization. Please let me know if this is what you are looking for.
Here it is:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
class Program
class Matrix
public int[][] JaggedInteger2DMatrix { get; set; }
public List<MatrixCell> Cells { get; set; }
public List<MatrixLine> Lines { get; set; }
public int Width { get; set; }
public int Height { get; set; }
public Matrix(int size, int seed)
var r = new Random(seed);
int[][] jaggedInteger2DMatrix = new int[size][];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
jaggedInteger2DMatrix[i] = new int[size];
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
jaggedInteger2DMatrix[i][j] = r.Next(2);
//Console.Write(jaggedInteger2DMatrix[i][j]+" ");
public Matrix(int[][] jaggedInteger2DMatrix)
private void InitializeMatrix(int[][] jaggedInteger2DMatrix)
JaggedInteger2DMatrix = jaggedInteger2DMatrix;
Height = jaggedInteger2DMatrix.GetLength(0);
Width = jaggedInteger2DMatrix[0].GetLength(0);
Cells = new List<MatrixCell>();
Lines = new List<MatrixLine>();
int horizontalLineCounter = 0;
MatrixCell matrixCell = null;
foreach (var horizontalLine in jaggedInteger2DMatrix)
int verticalLineCounter = 0;
foreach (var cell in horizontalLine)
matrixCell = new MatrixCell()
HorizontalLineIndex = horizontalLineCounter,
Value = cell,
VerticalLineIndex = verticalLineCounter
if (Lines.Where(line => line.LineType == Line.Vertical && line.LineIndex == verticalLineCounter).Count() == 0)
var line = new MatrixLine()
LineType = Line.Vertical,
LineIndex = verticalLineCounter
Lines.Where(line => line.LineType == Line.Vertical && line.LineIndex == verticalLineCounter).FirstOrDefault().Cells.Add(matrixCell);
if (Lines.Where(line => line.LineType == Line.Horizontal && line.LineIndex == horizontalLineCounter).Count() == 0)
var line = new MatrixLine()
LineType = Line.Horizontal,
LineIndex = horizontalLineCounter
Lines.Where(line => line.LineType == Line.Horizontal && line.LineIndex == horizontalLineCounter).FirstOrDefault().Cells.Add(matrixCell);
class MatrixCell
public int Value { get; set; }
public int VerticalLineIndex { get; set; }
public int HorizontalLineIndex { get; set; }
class MatrixLine
public Line LineType { get; set; }
public int LineIndex { get; set; }
public List<MatrixCell> Cells { get; set; }
public MatrixLine()
Cells = new List<MatrixCell>();
enum Line
private static void Search(Matrix matrix, bool optimizeCellCount, out IEnumerable<MatrixCell> optimizedSelection, out int iterations)
optimizedSelection = null;
var count = 0;
iterations = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < matrix.Width; i++)
for (int j = 1; j <= matrix.Width; j++)
var selectedVerticalLines = matrix.Lines.Where(line => line.LineType == Line.Vertical).Skip(i).Take(j);
for (int k = 0; k < matrix.Height; k++)
for (int l = 1; l <= matrix.Height; l++)
* Here's where the search is optimized
if (optimizeCellCount)
//if the submatrix cell count is smaller than the current count, break the iteration
if (count > Math.Min(Math.Abs(matrix.Height - k), l) * Math.Min(Math.Abs(matrix.Height - i), j))
var selectedHorizontalLines = matrix.Lines.Where(line => line.LineType == Line.Horizontal).Skip(k).Take(l);
var horizontalCells = selectedHorizontalLines.Aggregate<MatrixLine, List<MatrixCell>>(new List<MatrixCell>(), (a, b) =>
return a;
var verticalCells = selectedVerticalLines.Aggregate<MatrixLine, List<MatrixCell>>(new List<MatrixCell>(), (a, b) =>
return a;
var cells = horizontalCells.Intersect(verticalCells);
if (cells.Count() > count)
var sum = cells.Sum(t => t.Value);
var cellsCount = cells.Count();
if (sum != 0)
if (cellsCount / (double)sum == 2)
optimizedSelection = cells;
count = cellsCount;
private static float GetLineCost(int width, int startPosition, int length)
float cost = 0;
for (int i = startPosition; i < length; i++)
cost += Math.Min(Math.Abs(width - i), i + 1);
return cost;
static void Main(string[] args)
Matrix matrix = new Matrix(20, 1);
bool optimizeCellCount = true;
IEnumerable<MatrixCell> optimizedSelection;
int iterations;
var watch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
//optimized search
Search(matrix, optimizeCellCount, out optimizedSelection, out iterations);
Console.WriteLine("Full Optimized Search");
Console.WriteLine("position: [{0},{1}],[{2},{3}] size : {4} search time : {5} iterations: {6}",
optimizedSelection.Min(cell => cell.VerticalLineIndex),
optimizedSelection.Min(cell => cell.HorizontalLineIndex),
optimizedSelection.Max(cell => cell.VerticalLineIndex),
optimizedSelection.Max(cell => cell.HorizontalLineIndex),
//no optimization
Search(matrix, !optimizeCellCount, out optimizedSelection, out iterations);
Console.WriteLine("Non-Optimized Search");
Console.WriteLine("position: [{0},{1}],[{2},{3}] size : {4} search time : {5} iterations: {6}",
optimizedSelection.Min(cell => cell.VerticalLineIndex),
optimizedSelection.Min(cell => cell.HorizontalLineIndex),
optimizedSelection.Max(cell => cell.VerticalLineIndex),
optimizedSelection.Max(cell => cell.HorizontalLineIndex),
//Console Output:
* Full Optimized Search
* position: [9,1],[18,19] size : 190 search time : 00:00:02.3963657 iterations: 19108
* Non-Optimized Search
* position: [9,1],[18,19] size : 190 search time : 00:00:05.8385388 iterations: 160000
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 22890
I assume a submatrice is formed using only contiguous rows\columns of the original matrix (ie by removing first\last row or columns).
This way, a matrix can be represented as
Mat = {origin(row,col), rowCount, columnCount}
If the original matrix is of dimension M x N, then
rowCount = M - row
columnCount = N - col
Mat = {origin(row,col), M - row, N - col}.
The variable row
and col
has respectively M
and N
possible values, which means
there are O(MxN)
of such matrices.
Idea of Algorithm
(m, n)
from queue(m, n-1)
and (m-1, n)
and put on queueNow there are two points:
or O(m)
time. this is the dynamic programming step.Which mean the complexity is O(max(M,N)MN)
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 24647
This algorithm assumes that we search a sub-matrix with contiguous rows and columns and with the largest possible product of height and width.
Start with the following pre-processing:
A = substitute_zero_with_minus_one(InputMatrix)
B = prefix_sum_for_each_column(A)
C = prefix_sum_for_each_row(B)
Now for each pair of rows (i, j) do the folowing:
for each column k:
d = C[k, j] - C[k, i]
if h[d] not empty:
if (k - h[d]) * (j - i) is greater than best result:
update best result
h[d] = k
Time complexity is O(N2 * M), extra space is O(N * M).
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 3314
We assume m < n, and we can have an O(M * M * N) algorithm. And if we replace all 0 by -1, we just find the largest submaxtrix whose sum is 0.
Upvotes: 1