Reputation: 25552
I am working on an app that is tightly being integrated in with Mandrill (MailChimp's transactional email service) and I am trying to override the Devise Mailer but for some reason when I send off the API call to Mandrill I receive their email, but Devise also sends me an email (which is blank).
Here is my DeviseMailer
class MyDeviseMailer < Devise::Mailer
def reset_password_instructions(record)
mandrill ="#{MandrillConfig.api_key}")
mandrill.messages 'send-template',
:template_name => 'Forgot Password',
:template_content => "",
:message => {
:subject => "Forgot Password",
:from_email => "[email protected]",
:from_name => "Company Support",
:to => [
:email =>
:global_merge_vars => [
:name => "FIRST_NAME",
:content => record.first_name
:content => "<a href='#{edit_user_password_url(:reset_password_token => record.reset_password_token)}'>Change My Password</a>"
#We need to call super because Devise doesn't think we have sent any mail
The call to super
I found here:
Upvotes: 9
Views: 5283
Reputation: 1240
I was running into a similar issue.
Did you update the devise initializer file (devise.rb) to specify the following:
config.mailer = "MyDeviseMailer"
You also needed to move any and all files in views/devise/mailer to views/mydevisemailer.
I would also restart your server.
Upvotes: 12