Reputation: 11270
I am having trouble including external sniffs in my standard. Using the newest version of PHP_CodeSniffer 1.4.3, I can not include a group of sniffs. I can include them individually, but I would like to cut down on my maintenance, and simply only list the ones I do not want.
Working ruleset.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ruleset name="ICAP Standards">
<description>ICAP Coding Standards for PHP_CodeSniffer</description>
<rule ref="Generic.PHP.UpperCaseConstant" />
This works and includes the simple test. However, I want to include everything in this group, and exclude a single sniff.
Also working ruleset.xml ICAP Coding Standards for PHP_CodeSniffer
<rule ref="Generic">
<exclude name="Generic.PHP.LowerCaseConstant"/>
Non working ruleset.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ruleset name="ICAP Standards">
<description>ICAP Coding Standards for PHP_CodeSniffer</description>
<rule ref="Generic.PHP">
<exclude name="Generic.PHP.LowerCaseConstant"/>
This ruleset does not work, and returns an exception when running PHPCS.
PHP_CodeSniffer_Exception: Referenced sniff Generic.PHP does not exist in C:\Program Files (x86)\PHP\pear\PHP\CodeSniffer.php on line 845
This is with version 1.4.3, which was just released, with PHP 5.4.8.
My PHPCS -i does show Generic as an installed standard:
The installed coding standards are ICAP, MySource, PEAR, PHPCS, PSR1, PSR2, Squiz and Zend.
I am working in a mixed environment, and am trying to avoid using paths as much as possible, since they are considerably different between Windows and Ubuntu 12.10.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1339
Reputation: 7232
This method of exclusion is not supported by PHP_CodeSniffer. The documentation for the ruleset.xml file is here:
In summary, you can only exclude specific sniffs or specific error messages.
I noticed you suggested this as a feature request as well:
I'm about to have go on an extended break while my wife and I have another baby, but I'll hopefully be able to look into this new type of exclusion when I get back in the new year.
Thanks for posting the feature request.
Upvotes: 4