Reputation: 227
I am using google maps and the infowindow that opens on the click of the marker calls a JavaScript function.
There is another function with multiple parameters that has to be called from this function.
The following is my code:
function createMarker(point,custid,streetadd,city,state,zip,address,phone,website,co) {
var infowindowHover,infowindowClick;
var hoverText = "<CENTER><B>" + co + "</B></CENTER>";
var markerMarkup = "<TABLE><TR><TD colspan='2'><B>";
markerMarkup = markerMarkup + co + "</B></TD></TR><TR><TD colspan='2'>";
markerMarkup = markerMarkup + streetadd + "</TD></TR><TR><TD colspan='2'>";
markerMarkup = markerMarkup + city + "," + state + " " + zip + "</TD></TR><TR><TD colspan='2'>";
markerMarkup = markerMarkup + phone + "</TD></TR><TR><TD colspan='2'>";
if(website.indexOf("http://")>0) {
markerMarkup = markerMarkup +"<a href=";
} else {
markerMarkup = markerMarkup +"<a href=http://";
markerMarkup = markerMarkup + website + " target=_blank>" + website + "</a></TD></TR><TR><TD>";
var funCall = custid + "," + streetadd + "," + city + "," + state + "," + zip + "," + address + "," + phone + "," + website + "," + co;
markerMarkup = markerMarkup + "<input type='button' class='button' value='see available styles' id='styles' onclick='setstyles("+ funCall +");'></input>";
//markerMarkup = markerMarkup + "<input type='button' class='button' value='see available styles' id='styles' onclick='setstyles("+ custid +");'></input>";
markerMarkup = markerMarkup + "</TD></TR></TABLE>";
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: point,
map: map,
icon: image
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, "mouseover", function () {
if (infowindowHover) infowindowHover.close();
infowindowHover = new google.maps.InfoWindow({content: hoverText});, marker);
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, "mouseout", function () {
if (infowindowHover) infowindowHover.close();
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, "click", function () {
if (infowindowClick) infowindowClick.close();
infowindowClick = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: markerMarkup });, marker);
//google.maps.event.addListener(marker, "mouseout", function () {
// if (infowindowClick) infowindowClick.close();
return marker;
The second function that I want to call from this function is:
function setstyles(idcust,streetadd,city,state,zip,address,phone,website,co){
var msg= "This feature is available only to logged-in ";
<%if Session("ctype")="1" then %>
alert(msg + " non wholesalers.");
<%else %>
<%if Session("ctype")="0" then %>
var storestyles = 'storestyles.asp?id=' + idcust;
document.getElementById('storeaddresses').style.display = 'block';
<%else %>
alert(msg + "users.");
<% end if %>
<%end if %>
I want to pass the parameters from the createMarker()
to the setstyles()
which currently I am unable to do.
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Views: 2491
Reputation: 1153
In this line
var funCall = custid + "," + streetadd + "," + city + "," + state + "," + zip + "," + address + "," + phone + "," + website + "," + co;
If any of the parameters it's a string, you should be wrapping them into quotes.
For example, if city it's expected to be a string:
var funCall = custid + "," + streetadd + ",\"" + city + "\"," + state + "," + zip + "," + address + "," + phone + "," + website + "," + co;
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 9669
In this line:
var funCall = custid + "," + streetadd + "," + city + "," + state + "," + zip + "," + address + "," + phone + "," + website + "," + co;
you simply build one huge string
containing the variables separated by commas. So in this case you also commit only one parameter (the string
). Try wrapping all the params into a parameter-object like that:
var params = {
custID: custid,
streetAdd: streetadd,
and commit that to the function at onClick="setStyles(params)"
The signature of setStyles
should look like this:
function setStyles(params){...}
Within setStyles
you can access each parameter using sth. like params.custID
or whatever you called the members
of you parameter-object like....
Also consider the hints given in the comments below you question like using +=
which is considered good coding-style...
Upvotes: 1