Reputation: 331
I am really new to programming...
But here is my question :
I cannot post images but the plot I wish to have is a "crown" (two concentric circle with radius a I mean, mathematically speaking is really easy to define but how can I do it with a python program ?
I thought of something like this :
def Fm1(X, Y):
r =r = sqrt(1.*X**2+1.*Y**2)
cos = 1.*X/r
sin = 1.*Y/r
teta = where( sin >= 0. , arccos(cos) , -arccos(cos) )
teta = where(r == 0. , 0., teta)
return r, teta
def F(r,teta):
X = r*cos(teta)
Y = r*sin(teta)
return X,Y
Those are simply the function that let you pass from the cartesian to the polar coordinates, and then :
r=sy.linspace(a,b,N+1) # radius division
t=sy.linspace(0,2.*pi,2**NN) #angle (theta) division
R,T=meshgrid(r,t) #creating a mesh
X,Y = F(R,T)#transform from polar to cartesian
#Plotting :
ax.plot(X, Y)
But the result is : concentric polygons. I wish I had N+1 circles at equidistance from radius a to radius b and 2**NN lines (origin center and a given angle).
Sorry I know it's really a trivial question,
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Views: 12575
Reputation: 8135
In my answers, I'll use two libraries:
import numpy as np
import pylab
I believe these are the constants in your setup:
r_a = 0.50
r_b = 0.75
circles = 6
lines = 50
origin = (0, 0)
First, draw the circles:
for r in np.linspace(r_a, r_b, circles):
pylab.gca().add_patch(pylab.Circle(origin, radius=r,
fill=False, color='black'))
Then draw the lines:
r_ab = np.array([r_a, r_b])
for theta in np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, lines):
pylab.plot(np.cos(theta) * r_ab,
np.sin(theta) * r_ab, color='red')
Finally, display:
The result:
(After importing the libraries, and setting the constants, as above.) First, compute the point locations:
r,t = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(r_a, r_b, circles),
np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, lines))
x = r * np.cos(t)
y = r * np.sin(t)
Then plot the circles (as you do) and plot the lines
# Plot circles
pylab.plot(x, y)
# Plot lines (first and last x and y of each theta)
pylab.plot(np.vstack((x[:,0], x[:, -1])),
np.vstack((y[:,0], y[:, -1])))
Finally, display:
The result:
Note: After all this, I think all you really needed was the last bit in Option 2 about plotting the lines. I'll keep all this other answer stuff here for any future readers.
Upvotes: 4