Reputation: 33
i need take paths from txt and get last folder name and then use it.
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set InputFile=somar.txt
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%x in ('Type "%InputFile%"') do (
set path=%%x
for /f "tokens=1* delims=\/" %%i in ( "!path!" ) do (
set folder=%%i
set path=%%j
if not [!path!] == [] goto :shift
echo folder: !folder!
problem is that it works only for first line in txt. where is the problem?
Upvotes: 3
Views: 1199
Reputation: 1855
InputFile content must contains filename or folder.
D:\Test1 <= folder
D:\Test2\file.txt <= file
D:\Test3\01. folder <= folder but recognize file. that contain extension.
My code is:
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion SET lastFolder= SET InputFile=somar.txt FOR /F %%F IN (%InputFile%) DO ( CALL :__GetFolderName "%%F" @ECHO lastFolder: !lastFolder! ) GOTO :EOF :: ******************** Inner Batch :__GetFolderName IF "%~x1"=="" SET lastFolder=%~n1 & GOTO :EOF SET dp=%~dp1 CALL :__GetFolderName "%dp:~0,-1%" GOTO :EOF :: ******************** ENDLOCAL
Result is:
lastFolder: Test1 lastFolder: Test2 lastFolder: Test3
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 20494
For variable filenames:
@Echo OFF
:: By Elektro H@cker
set "File=File.ext"
Call :Get_paths "%InputFile%"
Set "AbsolutePath=%~dp1"
set "AbsolutePath=%AbsolutePath:\= %"
FOR %%# in (%AbsolutePath%) do (
Set "LastFolder=%%#"
Echo Folder: %%#
Echo Last Folder: %LastFolder%
Folder: C:
Folder: Users
Folder: Administrador
Folder: Desktop
Last Folder: Desktop
For files:
@Echo OFF
:: By Elektro H@cker
set "File=test.txt"
For /F "Tokens=* usebackq" %%# in ("%FILE%") DO (
Set "AbsolutePath=%%~dp#"
Call set "AbsolutePath=%%AbsolutePath:\= %%"
CMD /Q /C "@FOR %%@ in (%%AbsolutePath%%) do (Echo Folder: %%@)"
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 130919
You have a number of problems:
1) Your FOR loop is broken the moment you issue a GOTO. You will not get any more FOR loop iterations after GOTO. You could fix this by moving your GOTO loop into a subroutine and then CALL the subroutine from within your DO loop.
2) The PATH environment variable has a reserved meaning for Windows. You should never use that variable name for your own purposes, even if it is localized as you have it. It isn't worth tempting fate. Simply use a different variable name.
3) Perhaps not an issue with your data, but !
is a valid character for a file or folder name. Your expansion of FOR variables will corrupt names containing !
if delayed expansion is enabled. This can be fixed by toggling delayed expansion on and off as needed.
You also have a minor inefficiency - There is no need to use TYPE with your FOR loop. You can simply let FOR read the file directly. (unless the file is unicode)
You could take all the recommendations above, but there is a much simpler solution :-)
EDIT - change made to handle a path that ends with \
@echo off
set "InputFile=somar.txt"
for /f "usebackq eol=: delims=" %%A in ("%inputFile%") do (
for %%F in ("%%A\.") do echo folder: %%~nxF
The ~nx
FOR variable modifiers directly give you the name and extension of the end of the path. Type HELP FOR
from the command line to read about all the modifiers that are available to FOR variables.
Upvotes: 2