once again I contact you because I am once again having problems with a Powershell script assignment. My current assignement is to make a script that lets a user put in 1-10 values. The values have to be positive numbers. After that I have to calculate an average of an array.
My idea in this was the following:
$averageArray = @()
Write-Host "How many numbers do you want to put in?" -for yellow
Write-Warning "Maximum is 10!"
Write-Host "Press the Enter key to continue."
$amountValues = Read-host
while($amountVAlues -notmatch "^([1-9]|[1][0])$") {
$amountValues = Read-Host "Please enter a number between 1 and 10"
if($amountVAlues -notmatch "^([1-9]|[1][0])$") {Write-host "Error! Please enter a number between 1 and 10!"}
$value1 = read-host "Enter number one"
while($value1 -notmatch '^\d+$') {
$value1 = Read-Host
if($value1 -notmatch '^\d+$') {Write-host "Error! Please enter a positive number!"}
$value2 = read-host "Enter number two"
while($value2 -notmatch '^\d+$') {
$value2 = Read-Host
if($value2 -notmatch '^\d+$') {Write-host "Error! Please enter a positive number!"}
$averageArray = $averageArray + $value1
write-host "$averageArray"
I created an array, and made the user input a number between 1-10 for the amount of total $values they want in the array. After that I wanted to loop the input of a $value, and input it in the array. I wanted to loop it as many times as the $amountValues variable.
Problem with doing this is that if I would loop it, $variable1 would get overwritten an 'x' amount of times.
Is there any way to input the values via a loop into the array?
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Views: 4719
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I'ld do it like this:
while ( (1..10) -notcontains $g)
$g = read-host "How many numbers do you want to put in? (value from 1 to 10) "
for ($i=0; $i -lt $g; $i++)
$ar += read-host "Enter value $($i+1)"
$averageArray = ($ar | Measure-Object -Average).average
write-host "Average is : $averageArray"
Upvotes: 5