Reputation: 276
So my many attempts to search for a solution have resulted in a million ways to find the folder of the bat file being executed, however what I am looking to do is find the folder for the filename being passed to the bat file.
C:\Temp\runthis.bat "C:\Blah\Ah Argh\rage.txt"
I want to get a string within that bat file that is simply "C:\Blah\Ah Argh\", alternatively I would also be able to work with getting a string of "rage.txt"
Editing to explain why: Looking to check for the filename within another txt file which is the directory listing of a ftp server to verify that a file successfully uploaded to it. Then if successful I need to move the file to a subfolder of the original folder \uploaded\ but we have many of these folders setup so I can't hard code it.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 896
Reputation: 130819
@echo off
The file path is %~dp1
The file name is %~nx1
The parameter modifiers are the same as for FOR variables.
Type 'HELP CALL' from a command prompt for a full list of parameter modifiers.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 116100
@echo off
if %1X==X echo Syntax: %0 "path"
rem The for loop doesn't actually loop. You can split strings with it, but in
rem this case we don't. So there is only one iteration in which %%X will
rem contain the full path.
rem Pass it %1, which is the first parameter. Note the quotes, which are
rem required if you don't add quotes around the parameter and optional (but
rem still valid) when you do.
for /F "delims=|" %%X in ("%1") do (
rem FOR LOOP variables can be used with certain modifiers, preceeded by a
rem tilde. In this case I'm using d and p, which stand for drive and path,
rem effectively trimming the file name from the path.
echo %%~dpX
rem The ~n modifier selects the file name only. ~x is for extension
echo %%~nxX
Upvotes: 1