Reputation: 12679
I am trying to use Mockery in order to unit test my sf2 functions. I am strugeling with my first attempt.
First try at test a class which uses security context:
public function setSecurityContext(SecurityContext $securityContext)
$this->securityContext = $securityContext;
try {
$this->isLoggedIn = $securityContext->isGranted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY');
$this->user = $securityContext->getToken()->getUser();
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->isLoggedIn = false;
$this->user = $securityContext->getToken()->getUser();
I create a testsetSecurityContext function like this:
public function testsetSecurityContext()
/* @var $securityContext SecurityContext */
$securityContext = m::mock('Symfony\Component\Security\Core\SecurityContext');
$factory = m::mock('Knp\Menu\FactoryInterface');
$menu = new MenuBuilder($factory);
When running unit test, I receive the error:
Mockery\Exception: The method isGranted is marked final and it is not possible to generate a mock object with such a method defined. You should instead pass an instance of this object to Mockery to create a partial mock.
So I change my test function accordingly:
public function testsetSecurityContext()
/* @var $securityContext SecurityContext */
$securityContext = m::mock(new \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\SecurityContext());
/* ... skipped ... */
Now I receive that error:
ErrorException: Catchable Fatal Error: Argument 1 passed to Symfony\Component\Security\Core\SecurityContext::__construct() must implement interface Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\AuthenticationManagerInterface, none given, called in ..MenuBuilderTest.php on line 91 and defined in ..Symfony\Component\Security\Core\SecurityContext.php line 41
So I modify my code again:
public function testsetSecurityContext()
$auth = m::mock('Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\AuthenticationManagerInterface');
/* @var $securityContext SecurityContext */
$securityContext = m::mock(new \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\SecurityContext($auth));
/* ... skipped ... */
And I get another error:
ErrorException: Catchable Fatal Error: Argument 2 passed to Symfony\Component\Security\Core\SecurityContext::__construct() must implement interface Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\AccessDecisionManagerInterface, none given, called in ...\MenuBuilderTest.php on line 94 and defined in ...\Symfony\Component\Security\Core\SecurityContext.php line 41
I endup with:
public function testsetSecurityContext()
$am = m::mock('Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\AuthenticationManagerInterface');
$adm = m::mock('Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\AccessDecisionManagerInterface');
/* @var $securityContext SecurityContext */
$securityContext = m::mock(new \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\SecurityContext($am, $adm));
$factory = m::mock('Knp\Menu\FactoryInterface');
$menu = new MenuBuilder($factory);
And that is still not OK as I get that error:
ErrorException: Catchable Fatal Error: Argument 1 passed to Atos\Worldline\Fm\Integration\Ucs\EventFlowAnalyser\Menu\MenuBuilder::setSecurityContext() must be an instance of Symfony\Component\Security\Core\SecurityContext, instance of Mockery_50c5c1e0e68d2 given, called in ..\MenuBuilderTest.php on line 106 and defined in ..\MenuBuilder.php line 140
I really would appreciate some help before I end-up with 100 lines test to test a 8 lines function...
Upvotes: 1
Views: 2579
Reputation: 5431
Instead of mocking the instance, go for the interface it implements. It almost always works better and nearly everything in Symfony2 has well defined interfaces.
If MenuBuilder is a custom class, it should use the interface too rather than the actual implementation.
public function testsetSecurityContext()
/* @var $securityContext SecurityContext */
$securityContext = m::mock('Symfony\Component\Security\Core\SecurityContextInterface');
$factory = m::mock('Knp\Menu\FactoryInterface');
$menu = new MenuBuilder($factory);
Upvotes: 5