Reputation: 521
Okay so I am new to SQL and was just wondering if there where a way to limit who would have access to what type of data in terms of when retriving information from the tables. Like for example I had a table with information about a client which would have his name, phone, address, SSN, salary, and etc. I want to figure out if there is a way to limit what is being shown based on who is viewing that data. As in a Person A can see everything while Person B can see everything except for SSN and Salary
Could the use of a trigger to limit the view of a certain group work?
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Views: 1397
Reputation: 21973
To make columns not appear for certain users, you'd either need distinct views for each user group (ie view A that didnt have SSN, salary for users in the restricted group etc). or use fine grained access control FGAC:
fine grained access control applies straight to the table, so you wouldn't need views to implement that.
e.g. a very simple test to show you. lets say anyone with the Oracle role "SSN_AUTH" can view SSN/Salary for all rows. those without it,cannot.
SQL> create table person(id number, name varchar2(200), ssn varchar2(20), salary number(*,2));
Table created.
now we create a function (by all means, put this in a package for real code). the function will apply a silent predicate exists (select null from session_roles where role = 'SSN_AUTH')
for every query fired on the person
table. i.e. that predicate will mean that if you don't have an enabled role called SSN_AUTH, you won't see the data.
SQL> create or replace function person_rls (p_owner in varchar2, p_name in varchar2)
2 return varchar2 as
3 v_sql varchar2(2000);
4 begin
5 v_sql := 'exists (select null from session_roles where role = ''SSN_AUTH'')';
6 return v_sql;
7 end person_rls;
8 /
Function created.
now, i dont want to supress rows (though we could do). we just want to supress column data. so we add this function as a policy to the table and tell it the columns to secure:
2 DBMS_RLS.ADD_POLICY(object_schema=>user, object_name=>'PERSON',
3 policy_name=>'SEC_PERSON', function_schema=>user,
4 policy_function=>'PERSON_RLS',--our function
5 sec_relevant_cols=>'ssn,salary', -- secure these cols.
6 sec_relevant_cols_opt=>dbms_rls.ALL_ROWS);
7 END;
8 /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> insert into person values (1, 'DazzaL', 'asdklakjd', 10000.12);
1 row created.
SQL> commit;
Commit complete.
now if we don't have the role set:
SQL> set role none;
Role set.
SQL> select * from person;
---------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------
1 DazzaL
the salary + SSN is blank..but if we enable the role.
SQL> set role all;
Role set.
SQL> select * From session_roles;
SSN_AUTH <--- we have it now.
SQL> select * from person;
---------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------
1 DazzaL asdklakjd 10000.12
the data magically appears.
Upvotes: 1