Reputation: 97
As requested, edited to provide more details
I have a stored procedure (lets call it spOuter
) along the following lines:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spOuter]
(@SelFromDateUTC smalldatetime
,@SelToDateUTC smalldatetime
,@SelDriverId int = null
) AS
DECLARE @SelDriverName varchar(40)
Set Nocount on
exec dbo.spInner --<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Select @SelDriverName = DriverName
From dbo.tblDrivers
Where DriverID = @SelDriverId
Set Nocount off
Select @SelToDateUTC as @SelShiftDateUTC
,@SelDriverName as SelDriverName
, *
From dbo.vwRptDriverProgress
Where ActionTimeUTC between @SelFromDateUTC and @SelToDateUTC
and DriverId = coalesce(@SelDriverId, DriverId)
Order by DriverName,ActionTimeUTC,DriverLogId
When I run spInner
from SSMS it does not return any result sets.
However, when I run it from spOuter
I get two result sets, one from spInner
and one from spOuter
(commenting out the call to spInner
removes the excess result set).
is as follows:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spInner] AS
set nocount on
Declare @CutoffDate smalldatetime
Set @CutoffDate = DateAdd(Month, -1, getUTCDate()) -- no need to keep reprocessing the whole table.
if @CutoffDate < '11/1/2008'
Set @CutoffDate = '11/1/2008'
Insert dbo.tblADIShifts (PU.DriverId, PU.PunchInTimeUTC, PU.PunchInLocationId)
Select DriverId, PunchInTimeUTC, PunchInLocationId
From vwUpdDriverLogsAddShifts PU -- Distinct Driver,PunchInTimeUTC combinations.
Where PU.PunchInTimeUTC > @CutoffDate
and not exists (Select *
from dbo.tblADIShifts SH
Where SH.DriverId=PU.DriverId
and SH.PunchInTimeUTc = PU.PunchInTimeUtC)
Order By PU.DriverId, PU.PunchInTimeUTC
Update dbo.tblADIShifts Set
PunchOutTimeUTC = PU.PunchOutTimeUTC
,PunchOutLocationId = PU.PunchOutLocationId
From vwUpdDriverLogsNewPunchOuts PU
Where dbo.tblADIShifts.ShiftId = PU.ShiftId and PU.PunchInTimeUTC > @CutoffDate
Insert dbo.tblDriverLogs (DriverId, ActionId, ActionTimeUTC, ShiftId, LocationId)
Select DriverId, ActionId, PunchInTimeUTC, ShiftId, PunchInLocationId
From dbo.vwUPDDriverLogsSP
Insert dbo.tblDriverLogs (DriverId, ActionId, ActionTimeUTC, ShiftId, LocationId)
Select DriverId, ActionId, PunchOutTimeUTC, ShiftId, PunchOutLocationId
From dbo.vwUPDDriverLogsFP
Update dbo.tblDriverLogs Set
ShiftId = SH.ShiftId
From dbo.vwUpdDriverLogsAssignShifts SH
Where SH.PunchInTimeUTC > @CutoffDate
and dbo.tblDriverLogs.DriverLogId = SH.DriverLogId
Update dbo.tblDriverLogs Set
ShiftId = PrevShiftId
From dbo.vwUpdDriverLogsShiftless3 SH
Where dbo.tblDriverLogs.DriverLogId = SH.DriverLogId
--<<<<<<<<< The bogus (and empty) result set has the columns
--<<<<<<<<< of tblMovementLocations which is only referenced here:
Update dbo.tblMovementLocations Set
Distance = CalcDistance
From vwExcessiveOrderDistances vw
Where dbo.tblMovementLocations.MovementLocationId = vw.MovementLocationId
Update dbo.tblDriverLogs Set
DriveTimeMinutes = VW.DriveTimeMinutes
,BreakTimeMinutes = VW.BreakTimeMinutes
,DelayTimeMinutes = VW.DelayTimeMinutes
,LocationId = VW.LocationId
From dbo.vwUpdDriverLogs VW
Where dbo.tblDriverLogs.DriverLogId = VW.DriverLogId
and VW.ActionTimeUTC > @CutoffDate
and (dbo.tblDriverLogs.DriveTimeMinutes <> VW.DriveTimeMinutes
or dbo.tblDriverLogs.BreakTimeMinutes <> VW.BreakTimeMinutes
or dbo.tblDriverLogs.DelayTimeMinutes <> VW.DelayTimeMinutes
or coalesce(dbo.tblDriverLogs.LocationId,-1) <> VW.LocationId)
Surely, these selects are part of the insert/update statements and should not return result sets? Is there any way around this?
SQLServer 2005 SP2 Version 9.00.4035.00
Upvotes: 5
Views: 481
Reputation: 2318
Perhaps changing the syntax of your update statement(s) in spInner
to use an alias (see Good way to use table alias in Update statement?) and a JOIN
might change the behavior - something like this, for example:
UPDATE [locations]
SET Distance = CalcDistance
FROM dbo.tblMovementLocations AS [locations]
INNER JOIN vwExcessiveOrderDistances AS [vw]
ON [locations].MovementLocationId = [vw].MovementLocationId;
The thought process being that possibly there aren't any corresponding record(s) in vwExcessiveOrderDistances
to be matched with in dbo.tblMovementLocations
, and maybe this is causing the database engine to return an empty result set by treating the statement like a SELECT
statement on dbo.tblMovementLocations
. It would certainly be strange if this is the case!
This is just my speculation though...
Upvotes: 1