Reputation: 3322
I couldn't find or come up with a generic and elegant algorithm that would let me populate the tree-like structure. The simplest example is a blog archive: I have a bunch of records which can be selected and sorted by date. I want to have a tree where years may be top level, months are next level and actual post titles are next again.
So far I've came up with a naive straight forward implementation that works, but I'm sure that could be improved using LINQ, etc. Here I just sort records by date and iterate checking if the year or month has changed, and add tree nodes accordingly. "BlogEntry" is a class that has a reference to both a parent and children and is later used to generate HTML.
I welcome suggestions on improving the algorithm!
IEnumerable<Post> posts = db.Posts.OrderBy(p => p.DateCreated);
var topPost = posts.First();
int curYear = topPost.DateCreated.Year;
int curMonth = topPost.DateCreated.Month;
//create first "year-level" item
var topYear = new BlogEntry { Name = topPost.DateCreated.Year.ToString().ToLink(string.Empty) };
var currentYear = topYear;
var topMonth = new BlogEntry { Name = topPost.DateCreated.ToString("MMMM").ToLink(string.Empty), Parent = currentYear };
var currentMonth = topMonth;
foreach (var post in posts)
if(post.DateCreated.Year == curYear)
if (post.DateCreated.Month != curMonth)
//create "month-level" item
var month = new BlogEntry { Name = post.DateCreated.ToString("MMMM").ToLink(string.Empty), Parent = currentYear };
currentMonth = month;
curMonth = post.DateCreated.Month;
//create "blog entry level" item
var blogEntry = new BlogEntry { Name = post.Title.ToLink("/Post/" + post.PostID + "/" + post.Title.ToSeoUrl() ), Parent = currentMonth };
//create "year-level" item
var year = new BlogEntry { Name = post.DateCreated.Year.ToString().ToLink(string.Empty) };
currentYear = year;
curMonth = post.DateCreated.Month;
curYear = post.DateCreated.Year;
Upvotes: 2
Views: 427
Reputation: 3322
using the link Playing with Linq grouping: GroupByMany ? suggested in How can I hierarchically group data using LINQ?
I first refactored my code into
Solution 1
var results = from allPosts in db.Posts.OrderBy(p => p.DateCreated)
group allPosts by allPosts.DateCreated.Year into postsByYear
select new
SubGroups = from yearLevelPosts in postsByYear
group yearLevelPosts by yearLevelPosts.DateCreated.Month into postsByMonth
select new
SubGroups = from monthLevelPosts in postsByMonth
group monthLevelPosts by monthLevelPosts.Title into post
select post
foreach (var yearPosts in results)
//create "year-level" item
var year = new BlogEntry { Name = yearPosts.Key.ToString().ToLink(string.Empty) };
foreach (var monthPosts in yearPosts.SubGroups)
//create "month-level" item
var month = new BlogEntry { Name = new DateTime(2000, (int)monthPosts.Key, 1).ToString("MMMM").ToLink(string.Empty), Parent = year };
foreach (var postEntry in monthPosts.SubGroups)
//create "blog entry level" item
var post = postEntry.First() as Post;
var blogEntry = new BlogEntry { Name = post.Title.ToLink("/Post/" + post.PostID + "/" + post.Title.ToSeoUrl()), Parent = month };
And then into a more generic
Solution 2
var results = db.Posts.OrderBy(p => p.DateCreated).GroupByMany(p => p.DateCreated.Year, p => p.DateCreated.Month);
foreach (var yearPosts in results)
//create "year-level" item
var year = new BlogEntry { Name = yearPosts.Key.ToString().ToLink(string.Empty) };
foreach (var monthPosts in yearPosts.SubGroups)
//create "month-level" item
var month = new BlogEntry { Name = new DateTime(2000, (int)monthPosts.Key, 1).ToString("MMMM").ToLink(string.Empty), Parent = year };
foreach (var postEntry in monthPosts.Items)
//create "blog entry level" item
var post = postEntry as Post;
var blogEntry = new BlogEntry { Name = post.Title.ToLink("/Post/" + post.PostID + "/" + post.Title.ToSeoUrl()), Parent = month };
public static class MyEnumerableExtensions
public static IEnumerable<GroupResult> GroupByMany<TElement>(
this IEnumerable<TElement> elements,
params Func<TElement, object>[] groupSelectors)
if (groupSelectors.Length > 0)
var selector = groupSelectors.First();
//reduce the list recursively until zero
var nextSelectors = groupSelectors.Skip(1).ToArray();
g => new GroupResult
Key = g.Key,
Items = g,
SubGroups = g.GroupByMany(nextSelectors)
return null;
public class GroupResult
public object Key { get; set; }
public IEnumerable Items { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<GroupResult> SubGroups { get; set; }
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1330
I've created a test example, to check the correctness of the logic. I think this is what you need.
public class BlogEntyTreeItem
public string Text { set; get; }
public string URL { set; get; }
public List<BlogEntyTreeItem> Children { set; get; }
public List<BlogEntyTreeItem> GetTree()
NWDataContext db = new NWDataContext();
var p = db.Posts.ToList();
var list = p.GroupBy(g => g.DateCreated.Year).Select(g => new BlogEntyTreeItem
Text = g.Key.ToString(),
Children = g.GroupBy(g1 => g1.DateCreated.ToString("MMMM")).Select(g1 => new BlogEntyTreeItem
Text = g1.Key,
Children = g1.Select(i => new BlogEntyTreeItem { Text = i.Name }).ToList()
return list;
Upvotes: 4