Reputation: 8921
The server is sending a string in this format: 18:00:00
. This is a time-of-day value independent of any date. How to convert it to 6:00PM
in Javascript? I could prepend today's date as a string to the value sent by the server and then parse the combined values and then try the .toTimeString()
method of the Date object, but the format that time method emits is 24-hour time with a seconds chunk. I could write a function, but is there something built in?
Upvotes: 72
Views: 228173
Reputation: 1
function convertTo12HoursFormat(time24String){
let hours, minutes, period;
[hours,minutes] = time24String.split(':');
hours =parseInt(hours);
minutes = parseInt(minutes);
period = hours>=12 ? 'PM' : 'AM' ;
hours = hours %12 || 12;
minutes = minutes <10 ? '0' +minutes : minutes;
return `${hours}:${minutes} ${period}`;
// Example Usage:
convertTo12HoursFormat('23:45') // output: 11:45 PM
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 26662
Rather than worry about manipulating the time string I'm letting date-fns do that part.
import { format } from 'date-fns';
function convertMilitaryToStandard(time) {
return format(new Date(`1970-01-01T${time}`), 'hh:mm aa');
console.log(convertMilitaryToStandard('18:00:00')); // 06:00 PM
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 71
function convertTo12HourFormat(time24: string): string {
const [hour, minute, second] = time24.split(':').map(Number);
let period = 'AM';
let hour12 = hour;
if (hour >= 12) {
period = 'PM';
if (hour > 12) {
hour12 = hour - 12;
if (hour12 === 0) {
hour12 = 12; // 0 hour in 12-hour format is 12 AM
return `${hour12.toString().padStart(2, '0')}:${minute.toString().padStart(2, '0')}:${second.toString().padStart(2, '0')} ${period}`;
const time24 = "17:00:00";
const time12 = convertTo12HourFormat(time24);
console.log(time12); // Output: 05:00:00 PM
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 66
// Function to convert a time from AM/PM format to military (24-hour) time format
function timeConversion(time) {
// Split the input time string by colons to separate hours, minutes, and seconds
const timeArray = time.split(':');
// Parse the hour part as an integer (base 10)
let hour = parseInt(timeArray[0], 10);
// Extract the minute part as is
const minute = timeArray[1];
// Extract the first two characters of the seconds part
const seconds = timeArray[2].slice(0, 2);
// Extract the AM/PM part of the time
const meridian = timeArray[2].slice(2);
// Check if it's PM and not noon (12 PM) - add 12 hours to hour
if (meridian === 'PM' && hour !== 12) {
hour += 12;
} else if (meridian === 'AM' && hour === 12) {
// Check if it's AM and noon (12 AM) - set hour to 0
hour = 0;
// Construct the military time string in the desired format
const militaryTime = `${hour.toString().padStart(2, '0')}:${minute}:${seconds}`;
// Return the military time string as the result
return militaryTime;
// Example usage:
const amPmTime = '07:05:45PM';
const militaryTime = timeConversion(amPmTime);
console.log(militaryTime); // Output: '19:05:45'
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 508
I code-golfed it into a short and sweet arrow function
c=t=>([h,...r]=t.split(":"),(h=="12"?"12":h%12)+":"+r.join(":")+(h<12?" AM":" PM"))
Here's a version with a bit more readability as well as explicit variable definition.
const convertTime24_12=t=>{
let [h,]=t.split(":");
return (h=="12"?"12":h%12)+":"+rest.join(":")+(h<12?" AM":" PM"));
Example usage
//"3:03:05 PM"
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 7
let hour = '12:01:00:pm'.split(':');
function getTime2(hr){
hr[0] = +hr[0];//hr
hr[1] = +hr[1]; //min
hr[2] = +hr[2];//sec
//hr[3] am/pm
if(hr[1] < 10){
hr[1] = `0${hr[1]}`;
if(hr[2] < 10){
hr[2] = `0${hr[2]}`;
let time = '';
if(hr[0] === 12 && hr[3] === "am"){
time += `00:${hr[1]}:${hr[2]}`
else if(hr[0] ===12 && hr[3] === "pm"){
time += `${hr[0]}:${hr[1]}:${hr[2]}`
else if(hr[0] < 12 && hr[3] === "am"){
time += `${hr[0]}:${hr[1]}:${hr[2]}`
else if(hr[0] < 12 && hr[3] === "pm"){
time += `${12+hr[0]}:${hr[1]}:${hr[2]}`
return time;
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 91467
To get AM/PM, Check if the hour portion is less than 12, then it is AM, else PM.
To get the hour, do (hour % 12) || 12
This should do it:
function formatTime(timeString) {
const [hourString, minute] = timeString.split(":");
const hour = +hourString % 24;
return (hour % 12 || 12) + ":" + minute + (hour < 12 ? "AM" : "PM");
const tests = [
for (const s of tests) {
Upvotes: 60
Reputation: 28992
toLocaleTimeString() makes this very simple. There is no need to do this yourself anymore. You'll be happier and live longer if you don't try to attack dates with string methods. (They will fight back.)
const timeString = '18:00:00'
// Prepend any date. Use your birthday.
const timeString12hr = new Date('1970-01-01T' + timeString + 'Z')
document.getElementById('myTime').innerText = timeString12hr
<h1 id='myTime'></h1>
Upvotes: 71
Reputation: 1094
if you need to get time without seconds at the output
const convertTime24to12 = (time24h) => {
let time = time24h
.match(/^([01]\d|2[0-3])(:)([0-5]\d)(:[0-5]\d)?$/) || [time24h];
if (time.length > 1) {
time = time.slice(1, -1);
time[5] = +time[0] < 12 ? ' am' : ' pm';
time[0] = +time[0] % 12 || 12;
return time.join('');
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 154
i'm using the Temporal Polyfill now:
this is as simple as:
import { Temporal } from '@js-temporal/polyfill';
myDate = "2022-04-09T14:23:27.357Z"
Temporal.Instant.from(myDate).toLocaleString('en-US', { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric' });
=> 5:23 PM // its also converting it to my browser's time zone
and if you change 'en-US' to 'de-DE' you'll get 24h instead
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 11
function timeConversion(s) {
if (s.trim().endsWith("PM")) {
return s
.replace(/\d{2}/, (_) => {
return Number(_) === 12 ? 12 : Number(_) + 12;
.replace("PM", "");
} else {
if (s.trim().startsWith("12")) {
return s.replace("12", "00").replace("AM", "");
} else {
return s.replace("AM", "");
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 402
By Using Moment library we can convert 24 hour time format to 12 hour format.
moment('20:00', 'hh:mm').format('hh:mm')
//// output: 08:00
if you want to convert into AM and PM
moment('20:00', 'hh:mm a').format('hh:mm a')
//// output: 08:00 pm
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 1491
It will be better to use momentjs
Just a little conversation "2 PM" to "14.00"
const number = moment("02:00 PM", ["h:mm A"]).format("HH:mm");
// "14.00" "14.00" to "2 PM"
const number = moment("14.00", [""]).format("hh:mm a");
cosole.log(number); // "02:00 pm"
Upvotes: 13
Reputation: 1
function timeConversion(s) {
let hour = parseInt(s.substring(0,2));
hour = s.indexOf('AM') > - 1 && hour === 12 ? '00' : hour;
hour = s.indexOf('PM') > - 1 && hour !== 12 ? hour + 12 : hour;
hour = hour < 10 && hour > 0 ? '0'+hour : hour;
return hour + s.substring(2,8);
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 125
function Time_Function() {
var date = new Date()
var time =""
var x= "AM"
if(date.getHours() >12){
x= "PM"
time= date.getHours()%12 + x +":"+ date.getMinutes() +":"+ date.getSeconds()
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 663
Short ES6 code
const convertFrom24To12Format = (time24) => {
const [sHours, minutes] = time24.match(/([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{2})/).slice(1);
const period = +sHours < 12 ? 'AM' : 'PM';
const hours = +sHours % 12 || 12;
return `${hours}:${minutes} ${period}`;
const convertFrom12To24Format = (time12) => {
const [sHours, minutes, period] = time12.match(/([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{2}) (AM|PM)/).slice(1);
const PM = period === 'PM';
const hours = (+sHours % 12) + (PM ? 12 : 0);
return `${('0' + hours).slice(-2)}:${minutes}`;
Upvotes: 13
Reputation: 16033
Nothing built in, my solution would be as follows :
function tConvert (time) {
// Check correct time format and split into components
time = time.toString ().match (/^([01]\d|2[0-3])(:)([0-5]\d)(:[0-5]\d)?$/) || [time];
if (time.length > 1) { // If time format correct
time = time.slice (1); // Remove full string match value
time[5] = +time[0] < 12 ? 'AM' : 'PM'; // Set AM/PM
time[0] = +time[0] % 12 || 12; // Adjust hours
return time.join (''); // return adjusted time or original string
tConvert ('18:00:00');
This function uses a regular expression to validate the time string and to split it into its component parts. Note also that the seconds in the time may optionally be omitted. If a valid time was presented, it is adjusted by adding the AM/PM indication and adjusting the hours.
The return value is the adjusted time if a valid time was presented or the original string.
Working example
(function() {
function tConvert(time) {
// Check correct time format and split into components
time = time.toString().match(/^([01]\d|2[0-3])(:)([0-5]\d)(:[0-5]\d)?$/) || [time];
if (time.length > 1) { // If time format correct
time = time.slice(1); // Remove full string match value
time[5] = +time[0] < 12 ? 'AM' : 'PM'; // Set AM/PM
time[0] = +time[0] % 12 || 12; // Adjust hours
return time.join(''); // return adjusted time or original string
var tel = document.getElementById('tests');
tel.innerHTML = tel.innerHTML.split(/\r*\n|\n\r*|\r/).map(function(v) {
return v ? v + ' => "' + tConvert(v.trim()) + '"' : v;
<h3>tConvert tests : </h3>
<pre id="tests">
Upvotes: 139
Reputation: 111
A simple code for this will be
time = time.split(':');// here the time is like "16:14"
let meridiemTime = time[0] >= 12 && (time[0]-12 || 12) + ':' + time[1] + ' PM' || (Number(time[0]) || 12) + ':' + time[1] + ' AM';
You can adjust according to your time format
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 131
function timeformat(date1) {
var date=new Date(date1);
var month = date.toLocaleString('en-us', { month: 'long' });
var mdate =date.getDate();
var year =date.getFullYear();
var hours = date.getHours();
var minutes = date.getMinutes();
var ampm = hours >= 12 ? 'pm' : 'am';
hours = hours % 12;
hours = hours ? hours : 12; // the hour '0' should be '12'
minutes = minutes < 10 ? '0'+minutes : minutes;
var strTime = mdate+"-"+month+"-"+year+" "+hours + ':' + minutes + ' ' + ampm;
return strTime;
var ampm=timeformat("2019-01-11 12:26:43");
Here the Function to Convert time into am or pm with Date,it may be help Someone.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 121
Thanks to @HBP for paving the way here!
I found this to add a little flexibility to the solution.
The RegEx has been updated to accommodate times before noon.
This solution allows you to pass any string to it. As long as a valid time (in this format 18:00 || 18:00:00 || 3:00 || 3:00:00) is somewhere in that string, you're good to go.
Note: you can use just the militaryToTweleveHourConverter
or take the guts out of the parseTime
variable. However, I'm formatting a date from a database with date-fns
then passing that formatted date to the converter.
Totally works. Hope this helps.
import dateFns from 'date-fns';
//* +---------------------------+
//* Format ex. Sat 1/1/18 1:00pm
//* +---------------------------+
const formatMonthDayYearTime = date =>
dateFns.format(new Date(date), 'ddd M/DD/YY H:mm')
//* +-------------------------------+
//* Convert MILITARY TIME to 12 hour
//* +-------------------------------+
const militaryToTweleveHourConverter = time => {
const getTime = time.split(' ');
const parseTime = => {
// Check for correct time format and split into components or return non-time units unaltered
let timeUnit = res
.match(/^([\d]|[0-1]\d|2[0-3])(:)([0-5]\d)(:[0-5]\d)?$/) || [res];
console.log('timeUnit', timeUnit);
// If the time format is matched, it will break the components into an array
// ie. ["19:00", "19", ":", "00", undefined]
if (timeUnit.length > 1) {
// Remove full string match value
timeUnit = timeUnit.slice(1);
// Set am/pm and assign it to the last index in the array
timeUnit[5] = timeUnit[0] < 12 ? 'am' : 'pm';
// Adjust hours by subtracting 12 from anything greater than 12 and replace the value in the hours index
timeUnit[0] = timeUnit[0] % 12 || 12;
// return adjusted time or original string
return timeUnit.join('');
// Re-assemble the array pieces into a string
return parseTime.join(' ');
console.log(formatMonthDayYearTime('Sat 9/17/18 18:30'));
// console log returns the following
// Mon 9/17/18 6:30pm
// console log returns the following
// 6:30pm
// console log returns the following
// 6:30:09pm
// console log returns the following
// 8:30:09am
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 48
This might help to format if you are using ES6.
Below code snippet will ignore the seconds. If you want to consider seconds you can add that as the first parameter.
const formatFrom24Hrsto12Hrs = (time, ignoreZero = true) => {
let [hours, minutes] = time.split(':')
let modifier = +hours < 12 ? 'am' : 'pm'
hours = +hours % 12 || 12
minutes = ignoreZero && +minutes === 0 ? '' : `:${minutes}`
return hours + minutes + modifier
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 33
Here's my way using if statements.
const converTime = (time) => {
let hour = (time.split(':'))[0]
let min = (time.split(':'))[1]
let part = hour > 12 ? 'pm' : 'am';
min = (min+'').length == 1 ? `0${min}` : min;
hour = hour > 12 ? hour - 12 : hour;
hour = (hour+'').length == 1 ? `0${hour}` : hour;
return (`${hour}:${min} ${part}`)
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 11
Here's a few variations that will work.
const oneLiner = (hour = "00", min = "00", sec = "00") => `${(hour % 12) || 12}:${("0" + min).slice(-2)}:${sec} ${(hour < 12) ? 'am' : 'pm'}`
console.log('oneliner', oneLiner(..."13:05:12".split(":")))
const oneLinerWithObjectInput = ({hour = "00", min = "00", sec = "00"} = {}) => `${(hour % 12) || 12}:${("0" + min).slice(-2)}:${sec} ${(hour < 12) ? 'am' : 'pm'}`
console.log('onelinerWithObjectInput', oneLinerWithObjectInput({
hour: "13:05:12".split(":")[0],
min: "13:05:12".split(":")[1],
sec: "13:05:12".split(":")[2]
const multiLineWithObjectInput = ({hour = "00", min = "00", sec = "00"} = {}) => {
const newHour = (hour % 12) || 12
, newMin = ("0" + min).slice(-2)
, ampm = (hour < 12) ? 'am' : 'pm'
return `${newHour}:${newMin}:${sec} ${ampm}`
console.log('multiLineWithObjectInput', multiLineWithObjectInput({
hour: "13:05:12".split(":")[0],
min: "13:05:12".split(":")[1],
sec: "13:05:12".split(":")[2]
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 834
Make sure that your time is in this format HH:MM:SS(PM/AM)
function timeConversion(s) {
s = s.split(':');
var time = s[2];
if(time.charAt(2) === 'A' && parseInt(s[0]) == 12) s[0] = '00';
if(time.charAt(2) === 'P' && parseInt(s[0]) <12) s[0] = parseInt(s[0])+12;
if(s[0] >=24) s[0]-=24;
var x = time.split('').slice(0,2);
s[2] = x.join('');
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 2129
Based on gilly3's answer.
If you want to convert:
08:00 to 08:00 AM
16:00 to 04:00 PM
Then this will work:
function tConv24(time24) {
var ts = time24;
var H = +ts.substr(0, 2);
var h = (H % 12) || 12;
h = (h < 10)?("0"+h):h; // leading 0 at the left for 1 digit hours
var ampm = H < 12 ? " AM" : " PM";
ts = h + ts.substr(2, 3) + ampm;
return ts;
Upvotes: 15
Reputation: 937
Assuming you will get the date string in a proper format, I have a solution.
function parseDateTime(dt) {
var date = false;
if (dt) {
var c_date = new Date(dt);
var hrs = c_date.getHours();
var min = c_date.getMinutes();
if (isNaN(hrs) || isNaN(min) || c_date === "Invalid Date") {
return null;
var type = (hrs <= 12) ? " AM" : " PM";
date = ((+hrs % 12) || hrs) + ":" + min + type;
return date;
parseDateTime("2016-11-21 12:39:08");//"12:39 AM"
parseDateTime("2017-11-21 23:39:08");//"11:39 PM"
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 89
Researching this same question I have come across several complicated, hard to understand solutions, and then it dawned on me: There is a very simple solution that doesn't rely on hard-to-read regular expressions or other complicated code. Unless I am missing something obvious, this is an extremely simple, easy to understand solution:
function timeTo12HrFormat(time)
{ // Take a time in 24 hour format and format it in 12 hour format
var time_part_array = time.split(":");
var ampm = 'AM';
if (time_part_array[0] >= 12) {
ampm = 'PM';
if (time_part_array[0] > 12) {
time_part_array[0] = time_part_array[0] - 12;
formatted_time = time_part_array[0] + ':' + time_part_array[1] + ':' + time_part_array[2] + ' ' + ampm;
return formatted_time;
var time = timeTo12HrFormat(18:00:00);
console.log(time); // 6:00:00 PM
Upvotes: 5