Reputation: 329
I need to make a GUI for a certain code with the following requirements: should select a text file from the directory (Browse button).
2. we have to enter a data in the text box ( and should write beside it as a static this text: (Enter (from the above Context array) the queries GO terms seperated by comma(s): ).
3.I should press the button Find the RKC.
4. the RKC(s) should be shown as a result on the GUI ( in the normal matlab code the result is fprintf('RKC = { %s , %s }\n',pc,cc); where pc and cc are the results from the code.
I did create my own GUI code, but there are some problems: the function 'RKCCallback' , it doesnot take the selected text file from the 'GOCallback' function above it.
2. I don't know how to create the statictext box beside the Browse button which I should write on it: (Enter (from the above Context array) the queries GO terms seperated by comma(s): ).
3. I don't know how to make an input box that I should enter the data to run and to find the RKC ( in the normal matlab code it is : n=input('Enter (from the above Context array) the queries GO terms seperated by comma(s): ','s'); .
The GUI code:
function My_GUI
clear all
close all
'Position',[400 300 100 30],...
function GoCallback(source,eventdata)
[FileName,PathName]= uigetfile('*.txt','Browse')
%set push button for parameter A
'Position',[400 100 100 30],...
'String','Find the RKC',...
%Set main figure properties.
bgcolor=[0.8 0.8 0.8];
'Position',[0 0 700 480],...
'Name','Melanoma Detection',...
%set textRKC for result
textRKC=uicontrol('Parent', frac2main,...
'Position',[220 300 100 30],...
'Backgroundcolor',[1 1 1],...
'Foregroundcolor',[0 0 1]);
function RKCCallback(source,eventdata)
fid = fopen('gos.txt');
tline = fgetl(fid);
while ischar(tline)
tline = fgetl(fid);
The rest of the code....
set(textRKC,'string',pc,cc) % the results which should shown
the fowlloing is a pic of how I want my GUI to appear ( there also should be the result box but I dont know how to dreaw it at the bottom)
Upvotes: 1
Views: 10022
I would suggest that you go through this super post on MATLAB file exchange. This will help you to deeply understand the mechanism behind these GUIs.
Upvotes: 2