Reputation: 792
I'm having problem with a jQuery data table. At some point I need to unload all data from the table. The challange is that the table consists of 2 visible columns and 2 hidden columns.
<table id="resTable">
<th>Parameter name</th>
<th>Parameter default value</th>
resTable = $('#resTable').dataTable({
'bPaginate': false,
'bDestroy': true,
'bAutoWidth': false,
'bFilter': false,
'aaSorting': [[0, 'asc']],
'bInfo': false,
'bServerSide': true,
'sAjaxSource': $('#resTable').attr('data-action-url'),
'fnServerParams': function (aoData) {
aoData.push({ 'name': 'stringAppID', 'value': selectedApp['DT_RowId'] });
'aoColumns': [ { 'mData': 'ParName', 'bSortable': false },
{ 'mData': 'ParDefVal', 'bSortable': false },
{ 'mData': 'ResId', 'bSortable': false, 'bVisible': false },
{ 'mData': 'ResName', 'bSortable': false, 'bVisible': false }
'fnDrawCallback': function (oSettings) {
if (oSettings.aiDisplay.length == 0) {
var nTrs = $('tbody tr', oSettings.nTable);
var iColspan = nTrs[0].getElementsByTagName('td').length;
var sLastGroup = "";
for (var i = 0; i < nTrs.length; i++) {
var iDisplayIndex = oSettings._iDisplayStart + i;
var sGroup = oSettings.aoData[oSettings.aiDisplay[iDisplayIndex]]._aData['ResName'];
var sGroupId = oSettings.aoData[oSettings.aiDisplay[iDisplayIndex]]._aData['ResId'];
if (sGroup != sLastGroup) {
var nGroup = document.createElement('tr');
nGroup.className = "Resource"; = sGroupId;
var nCell = document.createElement('td');
nCell.colSpan = iColspan;
nCell.innerHTML = sGroup;
nTrs[i].parentNode.insertBefore(nGroup, nTrs[i]);
sLastGroup = sGroup;
'aaSortingFixed': [[0, 'asc']],
'aaSorting': [[1, 'asc']],
'sDom': 'lfr<"giveHeight"t>ip'
This is working like a charm. But when I try to load a empty new table in I get into all kinds of problems.
Reload code:
resTable = $('#resTable').dataTable({
'bPaginate': false,
'bAutoWidth': false,
'bFilter': false,
'bInfo': false,
'bDestroy': true
For some reason the data is kept and jQuery reports an error when it tries to read data in column 2. I haven't been able to find a way to wipe the data.
I have similar tables where this approch works. But they don't have row grouping.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1079
Reputation: 792
Turns out the solution was, so very simple. Can't belive i didnt see this at first...
just added a empty data source to the reload code:
'aaData': []
So the reload code looks like this:
resTable = $('#resTable').dataTable({
'bPaginate': false,
'bAutoWidth': false,
'bFilter': false,
'bInfo': false,
'bDestroy': true,
'aaData': []
The previous data is now wiped.
Upvotes: 4