Reputation: 375
I have a data type
data Time = Time {hour :: Int,
minute :: Int
for which i have defined the instance of Show as being
instance Show Time where
show (Time hour minute) = (if hour > 10
then (show hour)
else ("0" ++ show hour))
++ ":" ++
(if minute > 10
then (show minute)
else ("0" ++ show minute))
which prints out times in a format of 07:09
Now, there should be symmetry between Show
and Read
, so after reading (but not truly (i think) understanding) this and this, and reading the documentation, i have come up with the following code:
instance Read Time where
readsPrec _ input =
let hourPart = takeWhile (/= ':')
minutePart = tail . dropWhile (/= ':')
in (\str -> [(newTime
(read (hourPart str) :: Int)
(read (minutePart str) :: Int), "")]) input
This works, but the ""
part makes it seem wrong. So my question ends up being:
Can anyone explain to me the correct way to implement Read to parse "07:09"
into newTime 7 9
and/or show me?
Upvotes: 22
Views: 15149
Reputation: 32465
I'll use isDigit
and keep your definition of Time.
import Data.Char (isDigit)
data Time = Time {hour :: Int,
minute :: Int
You used but didn't define newTime
, so I wrote one myself so my code compiles!
newTime :: Int -> Int -> Time
newTime h m | between 0 23 h && between 0 59 m = Time h m
| otherwise = error "newTime: hours must be in range 0-23 and minutes 0-59"
where between low high val = low <= val && val <= high
Firstly, your show instance is a little wrong because show $ Time 10 10
gives "010:010"
instance Show Time where
show (Time hour minute) = (if hour > 9 -- oops
then (show hour)
else ("0" ++ show hour))
++ ":" ++
(if minute > 9 -- oops
then (show minute)
else ("0" ++ show minute))
Let's have a look at readsPrec
*Main> :i readsPrec
class Read a where
readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS a
-- Defined in GHC.Read
*Main> :i ReadS
type ReadS a = String -> [(a, String)]
-- Defined in Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
That's a parser - it should return the unmatched remaining string instead of just ""
, so you're right that the ""
is wrong:
*Main> read "03:22" :: Time
*Main> read "[23:34,23:12,03:22]" :: [Time]
*** Exception: no parse
It can't parse it because you threw away the ,23:12,03:22]
in the first read.
Let's refactor that a bit to eat the input as we go along:
instance Read Time where
readsPrec _ input =
let (hours,rest1) = span isDigit input
hour = read hours :: Int
(c:rest2) = rest1
(mins,rest3) = splitAt 2 rest2
minute = read mins :: Int
if c==':' && all isDigit mins && length mins == 2 then -- it looks valid
[(newTime hour minute,rest3)]
else [] -- don't give any parse if it was invalid
Gives for example
Main> read "[23:34,23:12,03:22]" :: [Time]
*Main> read "34:76" :: Time
*** Exception: no parse
It does, however, allow "3:45" and interprets it as "03:45". I'm not sure that's a good idea, so perhaps we could add another test length hours == 2
I'm going off all this split and span stuff if we're doing it this way, so maybe I'd prefer:
instance Read Time where
readsPrec _ (h1:h2:':':m1:m2:therest) =
let hour = read [h1,h2] :: Int -- lazily doesn't get evaluated unless valid
minute = read [m1,m2] :: Int
if all isDigit [h1,h2,m1,m2] then -- it looks valid
[(newTime hour minute,therest)]
else [] -- don't give any parse if it was invalid
readsPrec _ _ = [] -- don't give any parse if it was invalid
Which actually seems cleaner and simpler to me.
This time it doesn't allow "3:45"
*Main> read "3:40" :: Time
*** Exception: no parse
*Main> read "03:40" :: Time
*Main> read "[03:40,02:10]" :: [Time]
Upvotes: 24
Reputation: 370425
If the input to readsPrec
is a string that contains some other characters after a valid representation of a Time
, those other characters should be returned as the second element of the tuple.
So for the string 12:34 bla
, the result should be [(newTime 12 34, " bla")]
. Your implementation would cause an error for that input. This means that something like read "[12:34]" :: [Time]
would fail because it would call Time
's readsPrec
with "12:34]"
as the argument (because readList
would consume the [
, then call readsPrec
with the remaining string, and then check that the remaining string returned by readsPrec
is either ]
or a comma followed by more elements).
To fix your readsPrec
you should rename minutePart
to something like afterColon
and then split that into the actual minute part (with takeWhile isDigit
for example) and whatever comes after the minute part. Then the stuff that came after the minute part should be returned as the second element of the tuple.
Upvotes: 5