Reputation: 3822
I am using version
When I insert a row like so:
"INSERT INTO [testtable] (col1,col2) values ('','')"
I always get a result of 1 from SQLiteCommand.ExecuteNonQuery();
where it should be returning 0 (OK) or 101 (DONE). I know the row is getting inserted just fine because the auto increment value increases each time I run the method.
The class
readonly object _threadlock = new object();
readonly string _file;
public CSQLite(string file)
_file = file;
private SQLiteConnection _sqlCon;
private SQLiteCommand _sqlCmd;
private SQLiteDataAdapter _db;
private void SetConnection()
lock (_threadlock)
_sqlCon = new SQLiteConnection(String.Format("Data Source={0};Version=3;New=False;Compress=True;", _file));
public int SimpleInsertAndGetlastID(out int id)
lock (_threadlock)
_sqlCmd = _sqlCon.CreateCommand();
_sqlCmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO [testtable] (col1,col2) values ('','')";
var res = _sqlCmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
//Get id
_db = new SQLiteDataAdapter("select last_insert_rowid();", _sqlCon);
var ds = new DataSet();
DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
var val = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString();
Int32.TryParse(val, out id);
return res;
The Test:
/// <summary>
///A test for SimpleInsertAndGetlastID
public void SimpleInsertAndGetlastIDTest()
var file = "dbs\\test.db";
var target = new CSQLite(file);
var id = -1;
var res = -1;
res = target.SimpleInsertAndGetlastID(out id);
catch (Exception ex){/*Breakpoint*/}
Assert.IsTrue(id > 0); //id gets +1 every time the test is run so the row *is* getting inserted
Assert.IsTrue(res==0||res==101); //Res is always 1 for some reason
Table creation (in case that's the problem):
public List<string> Columns { get; set; }
if (!File.Exists(_dbFile))
var fieldqry = "";
var count = 0;
Columns.ForEach((field) =>
fieldqry += String.Format("[{0}] TEXT NULL", field);
if (count < Columns.Count)
fieldqry += ",";
var qry = String.Format("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS [{0}](" +
"{1}" +
");", TableName, fieldqry);
var sql = new CSQLite(_dbFile);
var res = sql.Execute(qry);
throw new SqLiteImplementationException("Query failed.");
Where columns is new List<string> { "col1", "col2" } };
Can anyone tell me what I did wrong?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 466
Reputation: 1405
The result from ExecuteNonQuery is concidered as "number of rows affected" and not an error code :-)
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 169403
does not return a SQLite error code, it returns the number of rows affected by the query. If you are inserting a row, 1 sounds like the expected result if the operation was successful.
Upvotes: 3