Reputation: 5939
What I want to do is to press any keyboard key from the Python script level on Windows. I have tried SendKeys but it works only on python 2.6. Other methods that I have tried including
import win32com.client
win32com.client.Dispatch("WScript.Shell").SendKeys('String to be typed')
allow only to type strings from the script level but dont allow to press ENTER and other 'special' keys.
Therefore my question is: How can I simulate any keyboard key press event from python script level including 'special' ones like ENTER, CTRL, ESC etc.
It would be also very helpful if it is possible to hold a key pressed down for any specified time and press a combination of keys like Alt+F4.
Upvotes: 8
Views: 26287
Reputation: 5939
I wrote this code more than 1 year ago so it is not perfect but it works:
from win32api import keybd_event
import time
import random
Combs = {
'A': [
'B': [
'C': [
'D': [
'E': [
'F': [
'G': [
'H': [
'I': [
'J': [
'K': [
'L': [
'M': [
'N': [
'O': [
'P': [
'R': [
'S': [
'T': [
'U': [
'W': [
'X': [
'Y': [
'Z': [
'V': [
'Q': [
'?': [
'>': [
'<': [
'"': [
':': [
'|': [
'}': [
'{': [
'+': [
'_': [
'!': [
'@': [
'#': [
'$': [
'%': [
'^': [
'&': [
'*': [
'(': [
')': [
'0'] }
Base = {
'0': 48,
'1': 49,
'2': 50,
'3': 51,
'4': 52,
'5': 53,
'6': 54,
'7': 55,
'8': 56,
'9': 57,
'a': 65,
'b': 66,
'c': 67,
'd': 68,
'e': 69,
'f': 70,
'g': 71,
'h': 72,
'i': 73,
'j': 74,
'k': 75,
'l': 76,
'm': 77,
'n': 78,
'o': 79,
'p': 80,
'q': 81,
'r': 82,
's': 83,
't': 84,
'u': 85,
'v': 86,
'w': 87,
'x': 88,
'y': 89,
'z': 90,
'.': 190,
'-': 189,
',': 188,
'=': 187,
'/': 191,
';': 186,
'[': 219,
']': 221,
'\\': 220,
"'": 222,
'ALT': 18,
'TAB': 9,
'ENTER': 13,
'BS': 8,
'CTRL': 17,
'ESC': 27,
' ': 32,
'END': 35,
'DOWN': 40,
'LEFT': 37,
'UP': 38,
'RIGHT': 39,
'SELECT': 41,
'INS': 45,
'DEL': 46,
'LWIN': 91,
'RWIN': 92,
'LSHIFT': 160,
'SHIFT': 161,
'LCTRL': 162,
'RCTRL': 163,
'VOLUP': 175,
'DOLDOWN': 174,
'NUMLOCK': 144,
'SCROLL': 145 }
def KeyUp(Key):
keybd_event(Key, 0, 2, 0)
def KeyDown(Key):
keybd_event(Key, 0, 1, 0)
def Press(Key, speed=1):
rest_time = 0.05/speed
if Key in Base:
Key = Base[Key]
return True
if Key in Combs:
return True
return False
def Write(Str, speed = 1):
for s in Str:
Press(s, speed)
time.sleep((0.1 + random.random()/10.0) / float(speed))
>>> Write('Hello, World!', speed=3)
Hello, World!
>>> Press('ENTER')
If you want to implement some more keys then you can find their codes here. And just add these keys to the Base dictionary.
Upvotes: 12