Reputation: 1490
I try to make a simple score system for my game and I'm using dictionary and save it using NSUserDefaults to store player's scores. However when I try to set new score to existing key/value the app crash, there isn't any console log message and xcode switches to the unreadable for me assembler code. I know where it crashes because I set exception and it shows on which line it has been called. I also use cocos2d if that change anything.
here's the code:
//creates key for the right level
NSString *currentLevelString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Level%i",numberOfCurentLevel];
//checking if dictionary is empty, if empty then it means the game is played for the first time
NSMutableDictionary *dictionary = [[[NSMutableDictionary alloc]init]autorelease];
//ud is the UserDefaults
dictionary = [ud objectForKey:@"dictionaryWithScores"];
if ([dictionary objectForKey:@"Level5"] == nil) {
//assigning first values for empty dictionary
dictionary = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle]pathForResource:@"ScoreList" ofType:@"plist"]];
NSLog(@"dictionary was empty");
//NSLog(@"now dictionary shoud not be empty %@",dictionary);
//calculating current score for this level
double currentScore = (numberOfCurentLevel * elementsFound)/9.0;///timeInSeconds;
double previousScore = [[dictionary objectForKey:currentLevelString]doubleValue];//taking previous score for thi level
NSLog(@"currentScore: %f \n previousScore: %f",currentScore,previousScore);
//checking whether current score is greater than the previous one
if (currentScore > previousScore)
NSLog(@"dictionary just before the crash: %@",dictionary);
//if new score is greater then update the dictionary
NSString *currentScoreString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%f",currentScore];
//it crashes on this line seObject
[dictionary setObject:currentScoreString forKey:currentLevelString];
[ud setObject:dictionary forKey:@"dictionaryWithScores"];
[ud synchronize];
//calculating total score (score for each level + next one)
double overallScore = 0;
for (int i=1; i <= 101; i++) {
//adding scores for each level to each other
overallScore = overallScore + [[dictionary objectForKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Level%i",i]]doubleValue];
// NSLog(@"overal score: %f",overallScore);
when I comment the setObject line then everything works fine. Can anyone if there is something that cause the crash? Thank you in advance.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1948
Reputation: 33369
Your problem is this line:
dictionary = [ud objectForKey:@"dictionaryWithScores"];
That is returning an immutable dictionary, so there is no setObject:
method. You loaded the plist file into a mutable dictionary, but all dictionaries inside that dictionary will still be immutable.
To convert an immutable dictionary to a mutable one, do this:
dictionary = [[ud objectForKey:@"dictionaryWithScores"] mutableCopy];
You probably also want to save the mutable copy you just made back into the ud
[ud setObject:dictionary forKey:@"dictionaryWithScores"];
PS: I'm not sure why you don't see a log message; You should see one.
Upvotes: 7