I had tried to make a batch script that copies all *.mpg files located in G:(random named subfolders here)\000.mpg to E:\PVR.
for /R g:\ %%f in (*.mpg) do copy %%f E:\PVR\
the problem is that source file names are the same, while they are different files with same name in all subfolders. the script overwrites the previous file and so I only have the last file after batch copy. please help me rename copied files with a counter or something.
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This should do the trick.
@echo off
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
set "src=."
set "dest=\temp"
set mask=*.mpg
for /r "%src%" %%F in (%mask%) do (
if exist "%dest%\%%~nxF" (call :copyDup "%%F") else copy "%%F" "%dest%" >nul
exit /b
set /a cnt=1
set /a cnt+=1
if exist "%dest%\%~n1(%cnt%)%~x1" goto :loop
copy %1 "%dest%\%~n1(%cnt%)%~x1" >nul
exit /b
Upvotes: 6