Reputation: 131
My goal is to create a hollow diamond using python.
Sample input:
Input an odd Integer:
Sample output:
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
But so far, I have the following code that is not working right. Please help me to modify the code to achieve the goal above:
a=int(input("Input an odd integer: "))
while k<=r:
while c<=r:
print "*"
while c<=2*k-1:
print "*"
print "\n"
while k<=a-1:
while c<=r:
print " "
while c<= 2*(a-k)-1:
print ("*")
print "\n"
The code above return a result that is very far from my goal.
Input an odd integer: 7
I am actually converting the code from this post: written in C language and will modify later for the hollow one but I can't get it... There is something wrong with my conversion..
Upvotes: 4
Views: 11919
Reputation: 1
Hallow Diamond in Python using only print function
for i in range(1,6):
print(' '*(5-i) + '*'*1 + ' '*(i-1) + ' '*max((i-2),0) + '*'*(1%i) )
for j in range(4,0,-1):
print(' '*(5-j) + '*'*1 + ' '*(j-1) + ' '*max((j-2),0) + '*'*(1%j) )
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 43
this code works perfectly to print a hollow diamond where you can set diagonal length upto user requirement
n=int(input('Enter Odd Diagonal length :'))-1
print(' '*(n)+'*')
for i in range(1, 2*n):
if i>n:
print(' '*(i-n)+'*'+' '*(2*j-1)+'*')
print(' '*(n-i)+'*'+' '*(2*i-1)+'*')
if n>1:
print(' '*n+'*')
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1
sizeChoice = 13
N = sizeChoice//2
for column in range (-N, N + 1):
for row in range (-N, N + 1):
if abs(column) + abs(row) == N:
print ("*", end = " ")
print(" ", end = " ")
print ( )
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 51
The previous answer has got two corrections, which've been done here :
import math
x = int(input("enter no of odd lines : ")) #e.g. x=5
i = int(math.fabs(x/2)) # i=2 (loop for spaces before first star)
j = int(x-2) #j=3 # y & j carry loops for spaces in between
y = int(x-3) #y=2
print ( " " * i + "*" )
i = i-1 #i=1
while math.fabs(i) <= math.fabs((x/2)-1): # i <= 1
b = int(j- math.fabs(y)) # b = (1, 3, 1) no of spaces in between stars
a = int(math.fabs(i)) # a = (1, 0, 1) no of spaces before first star
print (" "* a + "*" + " "*b + "*")
y = y-2 # 2,0,-2
i = i-1 # 1,0,-1, -2 (loop wont run for -2)
i = int(math.fabs(i)) # i = -2
print ( " " * i + "*")
Note : Now this works for both python 2.5x and python 3.x If you wish to know the difference in the two answers, then google it!
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1
Made it in one single loop ;)
x = input("enter no of odd lines : ") #e.g. x=5
i = int(math.fabs(x/2)) # i=2 (loop for spaces before first star)
j = int(x-2) #j=3 # y & j carry loops for spaces in between
y = int(x-3) #y=2
print ( " " * i + "*" )
i = i-1 #i=1
while math.fabs(i) <= math.fabs((x/2)-1): # i <= 1
b = int(j- math.fabs(y)) # b = (1, 3, 1) no of spaces in between stars
a = int(math.fabs(i)) # a = (1, 0, 1) no of spaces before first star
print (" "* a + "*" + " "*b + "*")
y = y-2 # 2,0,-2
i = i-1 # 1,0,-1, -2 (loop wont run for -2)
i = int(math.fabs(i)) # i = -2
print ( " " * i + "*")
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 879939
A Hollow diamond is the solution to the equation
|x|+|y| = N
on an integer grid. So Hollow diamond as a 1-liner:
In [22]: N = 9//2; print('\n'.join([''.join([('*' if abs(x)+abs(y) == N else ' ') for x in range(-N, N+1)]) for y in range(-N, N+1)]))
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
Upvotes: 10
Reputation: 387845
Your problem is that you keep using print
. The print statement (and the function in Python 3) will add a line-break after what you printed, unless you explicitely tell it not to. You can do that in Python 2 like this:
print '*', # note the trailing comma
Or in Python 3 (with the print function) like this:
print('*', end='')
I took my own take at the problem and came up with this solution:
# The diamond size
l = 9
# Initialize first row; this will create a list with a
# single element, the first row containing a single star
rows = ['*']
# Add half of the rows; we loop over the odd numbers from
# 1 to l, and then append a star followed by `i` spaces and
# again a star. Note that range will not include `l` itself.
for i in range(1, l, 2):
rows.append('*' + ' ' * i + '*')
# Mirror the rows and append; we get all but the last row
# (the middle row) from the list, and inverse it (using
# `[::-1]`) and add that to the original list. Now we have
# all the rows we need. Print it to see what's inside.
rows += rows[:-1][::-1]
# center-align each row, and join them
# We first define a function that does nothing else than
# centering whatever it gets to `l` characters. This will
# add the spaces we need around the stars
align = lambda x: ('{:^%s}' % l).format(x)
# And then we apply that function to all rows using `map`
# and then join the rows by a line break.
diamond = '\n'.join(map(align, rows))
# and print
Upvotes: 8
Reputation: 43457
this is not pretty, but its a function that does what you want:
def make_diamond(size):
if not size%2:
raise ValueError('odd number required')
r = [' ' * space + '*' + ' ' * (size-2-(space*2)) + '*' + ' ' * space for space in xrange((size-1)/2)]
r.append(' ' * ((size-1)/2) + '*' + ' ' * ((size-1)/2))
return '\n'.join(r[-1:0:-1] + r)
>>> print make_diamond(5)
* *
* *
* *
>>> print make_diamond(9)
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 77301
def diamond(n, c='*'):
for i in range(n):
spc = i * 2 - 1
if spc >= n - 1:
spc = n - spc % n - 4
if spc < 1:
print((c + spc * ' ' + c).center(n))
if __name__ == '__main__':
diamond(int(input("Input an odd integer: ")))
Upvotes: 1