Reputation: 735
I am following this video and i implement this also sucessfully. But now i am using namespace. I have lends_controller inside folder employee inside asset folder. this is my model of lend controller
class Employee::Asset::Lend
include Mongoid::Document
include Mongoid::Timestamps
field :name, type: String
field :text, type: String
field :date
field :asset_tokens
field :user_id, type: String
has_and_belongs_to_many :assets
belongs_to :tags
def asset_tokens=(tokens)
self.asset_ids = Asset.ids_from_tokens(tokens)
Now i have another model asset. There i have to define has and belongs to this lend model also I did this
class Asset
include Mongoid::Document
field :name, type: String
field :description, type: String
field :serial_number, type: String
field :status, type: Integer
field :tag_tokens
field :quantity, type: Integer
validates_presence_of :name
validates :serial_number,:uniqueness => true
has_and_belongs_to_many :employee_asset_lends
has_and_belongs_to_many :tags
def self.tokens(query)
assets = where(name: /#{Regexp.escape(query)}/i)
form for lend controller is
<%= f.label :asset_tokens, "Assets" %>
<%= f.text_field :asset_tokens, data: {load: @employee_asset_lend.assets}%><br>
<%= f.input :date,:input_html => { :class => "dp1"},:label=> "Lend Date"%>
inside coffescript file for
jQuery ->
$('#employee_asset_lend_asset_tokens').tokenInput '/assets.json'
theme: 'facebook'
prePopulate: $('#employee_asset_lend_asset_tokens').data('load')
But it gives error uninitialized constant EmployeeAssetLend from asset views.
and from lend view it gives error like undefined method
all_of' for Employee::Asset:Module`
Upvotes: 1
Views: 816
Reputation: 4780
pleaes check the right way to make HABTM-has_and_belongs_to_many Assosiation for more details
Upvotes: 2