Reputation: 31
I work with erlang and I use modem which is related to my pc
and I want to send message from the modem to my phone number
I developed this function and it works perfectly
send(To) ->
Message =http_urii:encode("Vous n'avez pas d'écheance à payer."),
Url = io_lib:format("", [To, Message]),
http:request(lists:flatten(Url), sms).
my problem is related to the symbols with diacritic, e.g. é , à
because in my phone I receive the sms but the spécial characters are not displayed in the correct format the é became another character , the à became another character
and I want to receive in my phone this message :Vous n'avez pas d'écheance à payer.
I modify the source code of send
send(To) ->
Message =http_urii:encode("Vous n'avez pas d'%E9cheance %EA payer."),
Url = io_lib:format("", [To, Message]),
http:request(lists:flatten(Url), sms).
but in my phone I receive this message Vous n'avez pas d'%E9cheance %EA payer. without encoding of special characters
the source code of http_urii.erl is :
-export([parse/1, encode/1, decode/1]).
%%% API
parse(AbsURI) ->
case parse_scheme(AbsURI) of
{error, Reason} ->
{error, Reason};
{Scheme, Rest} ->
case (catch parse_uri_rest(Scheme, Rest)) of
{UserInfo, Host, Port, Path, Query} ->
{Scheme, UserInfo, Host, Port, Path, Query};
_ ->
{error, {malformed_url, AbsURI}}
encode(URI) ->
Reserved = sets:from_list([$;, $:, $@, $&, $=, $+, $,, $/, $?,
$#, $[, $], $<, $>, $\", ${, $}, $|,
$\\, $', $^, $%, $ ]),
lists:append(lists:map(fun(Char) ->
uri_encode(Char, Reserved)
end, URI)).
decode([$%,Hex1,Hex2|Rest]) ->
decode([First|Rest]) ->
decode([]) ->
%%% Internal functions
parse_scheme(AbsURI) ->
case split_uri(AbsURI, ":", {error, no_scheme}, 1, 1) of
{error, no_scheme} ->
{error, no_scheme};
{StrScheme, Rest} ->
case list_to_atom(http_util:to_lower(StrScheme)) of
Scheme when Scheme == http; Scheme == https ->
{Scheme, Rest};
Scheme ->
{error, {not_supported_scheme, Scheme}}
parse_uri_rest(Scheme, "//" ++ URIPart) ->
{Authority, PathQuery} =
case split_uri(URIPart, "/", URIPart, 1, 0) of
Split = {_, _} ->
URIPart ->
case split_uri(URIPart, "\\?", URIPart, 1, 0) of
Split = {_, _} ->
URIPart ->
{UserInfo, HostPort} = split_uri(Authority, "@", {"", Authority}, 1, 1),
{Host, Port} = parse_host_port(Scheme, HostPort),
{Path, Query} = parse_path_query(PathQuery),
{UserInfo, Host, Port, Path, Query}.
parse_path_query(PathQuery) ->
{Path, Query} = split_uri(PathQuery, "\\?", {PathQuery, ""}, 1, 0),
{path(Path), Query}.
parse_host_port(Scheme,"[" ++ HostPort) -> %ipv6
DefaultPort = default_port(Scheme),
{Host, ColonPort} = split_uri(HostPort, "\\]", {HostPort, ""}, 1, 1),
{_, Port} = split_uri(ColonPort, ":", {"", DefaultPort}, 0, 1),
{Host, int_port(Port)};
parse_host_port(Scheme, HostPort) ->
DefaultPort = default_port(Scheme),
{Host, Port} = split_uri(HostPort, ":", {HostPort, DefaultPort}, 1, 1),
{Host, int_port(Port)}.
split_uri(UriPart, SplitChar, NoMatchResult, SkipLeft, SkipRight) ->
case inets_regexp:first_match(UriPart, SplitChar) of
{match, Match, _} ->
{string:substr(UriPart, 1, Match - SkipLeft),
string:substr(UriPart, Match + SkipRight, length(UriPart))};
nomatch ->
default_port(http) ->
default_port(https) ->
int_port(Port) when is_integer(Port) ->
int_port(Port) when is_list(Port) ->
path("") ->
path(Path) ->
uri_encode(Char, Reserved) ->
case sets:is_element(Char, Reserved) of
true ->
[ $% | http_util:integer_to_hexlist(Char)];
false ->
hex2dec(X) when (X>=$0) andalso (X=<$9) -> X-$0;
hex2dec(X) when (X>=$A) andalso (X=<$F) -> X-$A+10;
hex2dec(X) when (X>=$a) andalso (X=<$f) -> X-$a+10.
now I change http_urii by the standart http_uri
but when I execute my project erlang
I have this error : Erlang R13B03 (erts-5.7.4) [source] [rq:1] [async-threads:0] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]
Eshell V5.7.4 (abort with ^G)
1> exception: [{http_uri,encode,
["Vous n'avez pas d'écheance à payer."]},
I know that I work with erlang version 13, but I make the module http_uri.erl in the src of my project , so normaly it should be worked
Upvotes: 1
Views: 752
Reputation: 20916
If you look at what http_urii:encode/1
returns you will find it is not what you explicitly used. On my machine I get:
4> http_urii:encode("Vous n'avez, pas d'énheance à payer.").
There is a module http_uri
in the standard Erlang release which returns the same thing in this case as your http_urii
Upvotes: 0